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Everything posted by bull

  1. .....protuberance he was always generous in the tip after the girls did this one thing ,and Mavis [on loan from the Bone rissole] got the most of all for .....
  2. Being taken south to an undisclosed location to..........
  3. ....the non discloser clause in the contract wondering why such trivial inclusion's such as.................
  4. .................."SUCKERS" and had the BRB [the real one as the fake killery had was a promotional model for demo,s etc ]safely stashed in his bum bag he dashed for his trusty aircraft and ventured forth into another dimension....Bull was seen flying into the sunset in his jackaroo with rotax screaming with his middle finger held high as he did a fly bye and.........
  5. .........big red button,,,,,,,Leave that button alone ,yelled Patton [OT in disguise],,the fate of the whole world rest upon that button Turbo! Now give it here like a good boy and we can...................
  6. ..........so overcome by the ability to hide wearing a garbage bag with a hole in it that she robbed 3 banks four bookies and the bus driver on the way home ,,made a killing!,,great styling efforts said OT sitting over in the corner over there with that young Shirley,s sister Amelia who was well known for...........
  7. .....of out of date...................
  8. .like this?https://www.facebook.com/scott.d.evans.7/videos/1966088716841
  9. ...biggusdicus a throw back to the monty python days..lol . Now this caused a copyright claim from.............
  10. .............never upset him before 10am as this has caused many a broken........
  11. ........and he was rolling around in stiches with the new plot twist amongst the NES [of which he was a secret member] and slowly gathered himself and stated ,,,You know those blow flies look a lot like............
  12. .would blow your mind! Blow ? who said blow ? said Turbinia waking up from a nap and grabbing a straw before thinking where she was...Now this caused some..
  13. ...........Bulls lawyer started to speak,,,,All use of the thumbs down emoji will from this moment on cease until a royalty agreement with the copywrite owner {Bull} is arranged. Also all carriers and browsers and phones and computers etc will be henceforth charged a use fee each time it is used. From up the back a squeaky voice said ,,Bull me old mate ,could i get an exclusive use contract?.............
  14. after believing that the AUF still existed posted about the extinct and defunked AUF rip... now this was a major oversight as it was the RAA [avref] that ordered the earbones! The shockwave this news caused the flying community was felt as far away as.......
  15. .Your talking to Bull,,,,I could be their father too from the early days at the Bowen Lockup! my we have fun in those days....sorry lost track ,,so yeah maybe who knows?? But now getting to the icky bit ,,so when she/he transitioned did they swap her hole for a pole? Just asking for a confused friend,😎
  16. Can any NES readers tell me the chapter that Mrs Doutfire the sexiest copper in the west had transitioned ????
  17. ......hitstirrers had applied a flawed logic! The appearance of this logic caused...................
  18. ..taught to fly in turdine industries new top dressing aircraft ,,the "pakeha" An Australian design that looks like............
  19. ...........Dear NES readers , Bull would like to take a moment to defend the fine state of Taswegians and refute the said claims of dan the man reedumacation camps down here!!! WTF why do you think we have a MOAT ,to limit people from Prictoria from access. And being a former Queenslander with strong ties to the WAliens as well i can evoquvically state that Dan is and never has been [well within the last 5 years as Bull has only been a devil since then ] welcome in Tasmania ,,although the stupid fight to build a bloody 70 million plus sports ground for 5 arseslapping rounds of afl ,not even real footy.......astounds me,,,,,the roads here are fucked fix them first! Any wayback to the story................................. .find that the camps where not really in Tasmania at all as whilst they blissfully thought they where coming into Strachan they where really coming into the north island of New Zealand on the famous 70 mile beach. As they looked again at the railway thingy they realised it was a ................
  20. ......the PNG government [really just a few mates from the highlands who conned the local lowlanders that they where really high landers,,,,,,it's complicated ok] would probably pay towards the team what visibly needs to be seen . The rest will be seen on the gold coast and brisbane casinos as well as Cairns casino,,this i also had an inside view once when Turdine industries was involved with the Holmes a Court scandal we all remember the time that the CEO old Turdy himself had been..................
  21. ......they want by air from Daru,said ,Bigchief poilceman you fix me with 50000 Kina cash my friend you can import or export anything you wan my man................ [Bull agrees here as that is how he got his full unlimited Png drivers licence back in 2004 after having a beer with the said police man in the expats bar on Daru, when he was trawling for prawns between Daru and Port Moresby but the licence only cost me 150 kina{75 Aus] 🤣
  22. .as he was speaking from Daru Island on the southern coast sw of Moresby.............they can send as much as .....
  23. ,..banned "jiggy jiggy" whatever that is?Now the local rascals from Port Moresby had heard about the flying car thing and has come up with a scam of their own. They sent out people to secretly cut the power cords halfway way along and steal the power for the grow tents as the.....
  24. ....DEI hire who miss read the report and sales had actually fallen and was now almost to the break even line and investors where starting to...................
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