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Everything posted by bull

  1. ...and then the language barrier was broken and the bushmaster subject came up and the Ukrainians said......
  2. .it,s destination,which due to Cappy,s navigation skills ended up being Ukraine. Now the piper was surrounded by machine guns and it looked very dangerous until Turbo showed them his............
  3. Apparently a layer of early morning fog around.............
  4. Seems more like CFIT then an engine issue maybe?
  5. ....before his renown flatulence came into play ,,and as the tired old tripacer gained height[albeit very slowly]the interior of the cabin became unbearable and toxic and Cappy,s eye,s started to water and his hands ..............
  6. Condolences to the family , .........[i think it was a jabiru not sure?]
  7. .his flatulance be enough to bring this old girl to life? So there we where standing covered in dust and other matter that was NOT dust,ok said Cappy lets see and proceded to rip his strides down and start farting into a big plastic bag and they hobbled over to the old piper,she was a bit sad with faded fabric ,and a small pool of oil under the engine . Hmmm said Turbo we will have to.............
  8. eat a drumstick they could not pick up !! at the same time complementing the chef on his big "chickens" Cappy sat over in the corner eating his chicken salad and wondered what the world was coming too when you can not........................
  9. ..but alas,,,it would not be another warrior that would kill the king ,but his love for the big "Captain Cook" burgers of the time had done him in,and by the age of 65 his heart had shut down one night. ............... pulled his hair up straight; his eyes became bloodshot, and his craving for burger grew. Now The local Cooktown grease joint takeaway burgers where not that hot. [some say they could be used for weapons of mass destruction]but the craving was too strong for Cappy and he found himself ordering.............
  10. .still dribbled a little bit when he spoke . Now all this aside Cappy was really in the s.....
  11. .his indoctrination into the labor party. Now this has made him into a..............
  12. .was exposed in the KHYBER ADVOCATE [local rag] as several reporters where lingering around the fire. Slowly he extracted the burnt remains of his wallet from the morry and slid out behind the shed and.................
  13. ............then ,remembered his wallet was in the morry.............
  14. .................they all realized that they where not moving as the morry had done a diff ,,,,,Well that's just dandy ,said Bull almost killed by a British bitch and now morry quits too.. WTF is is about British shit and it's tendency of breaking all the time?,,,,[the little nissan was purring away just the british diff left the party]. Ok ,said Cappy now lets.................
  15. .as the gear slowly locked into place just before the SB and all aboard................
  16. Must be the altitude ah,??? my old 50 buck camera is still rolling along brought in 2017
  17. Just get two cheap dash cams mate
  18. .....if Cappy does not get that gear down so we can go to the PX and get some more before Loxie goes into toxic shock!!! Now quietly sitting down the back of the SB Bull had been sitting and observing all the theatrics and had slid under the pilots seat [the SB was a big bitch] and flipped the gear lever[yes one of those bloody big ones ] to extend and a slow grinding noise started coming from under Cappy and Turbo in the front as the.................
  19. ..........in all the excitement he forgot to lower the landing gear,now the warning busser [being of early british design sounded somewhat like an asthmatic woopi cushion] was doing it,s best to let Cappy know of his mistake when........................
  20. .....his trim wheel[avref]and by mistake grabbed loxie,s............
  21. A flyer from Mackay ,landed gear down and the plane sat on it's nose and dived like a submarine , smashed the windscreen in ,but stayed afloat half submerged .
  22. Has happened before in a sea ray at Bowen .
  23. And they continuously record from when the key is turned on in the aircraft and all conversations and noises would be recorded and should survive a crash.
  24. Or even a simple 50 dollar car camera from supercheap auto ,,put it on the dash and the sd card should survive most crashes .
  25. Or even just a simple car dash camera that records audio and video and cheap to buy.
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