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Everything posted by bull

  1. .............amongst a tribe of sex starved female natives in the massive jungles of.........
  2. ..amongst the Indian {bottom photo ] community and the Indian [top photo] about cultural misappropriation and deceit of [decent]avref .Now as this war was starting to brew Turdine industries could see an opportunity to make a few bucks and............
  3. ..........the appalling accident rate of these inflight instructor transfers, This practice has been........................
  4. .....:dervish !Now Cappy had just about returned to "normal" [if there is such a thing with Cappy] When out on the field OT had just pulled the stick back to "rotate [avref] ps: [could never really understand why pulling back to climb is called rotate? I,m not about to turn around at lift off!!!] Well after everyone had their fill of icecream the war began anew. Suddenly the sound of a rotax with a fouled plug could be heard approaching at full throttle from the south . The crowd of ice-cream lovers all scattered in all directions and Turdo began to...................
  5. ..Now for months afterwards he has shown a tendency towards leather and tight pants muzzles and leads and such , and whenever he hears a siren he would do these weird..................
  6. .the bloody greenies got involved,now all on the NES would know of Bull,s distain for greenies and he.........
  7. ...ffaarrk that me Marky mate ! NOW GRAB THAT CRAY POT AND BAIT IT UP ya lazy slow piece of sh#t and swab that back deck and get the next pot ready and never ever QUESTION NOR DEMAND ANYTHING FROM THE SKIPPER ,,,,,,,Rules of my boat are this....Rule number 1 :The Skipper is always right! number 2 : If Skipper is wrong ,refer to rule number 1 ok....!!! The skipper is King and any thing i say is LAW ok? got a problem with that? Hmm How long can you tread water mate,,,,,hmmm???,,,,C,mon grab a handful of that 5 day old bait and lets get fishing.....,Now Marky stood up and said.......
  8. ...the rising market and contacted the well known mariner Bull to manage his fleet of cray boats he just brought. The sun was just above the horizon as bull inspected the fleet,"These pieces of %^$@ are...............
  9. ...submarine and then................
  10. ..has to live with the constant jibes about her "beam" [if ya get what i mean 👌] And now she has the fact that amongst the NES there seems to be a payoff to achieve the "first class member " title! Re: Bull Turbo and the Captain are much more prominent members of the NES then the now famous "OT" who somehow gained superior rating above other members and i think this should be addressed by the "New censoring bureau"} just a thought!.............Now back to the story,,,Turbinia now flew into a uncontrollable fit of rage and lunged at Turbo who just managed to.............
  11. .subject you to all kinds of ...............
  12. Could be messy,,,just saying......
  13. ....And there you have it !! The deep state has infiltrated our NES and are now censoring members,,next they will take our...........................................
  14. .............and caught a whiff of Wun Bung Wing,s BO and nearly suffocated as they dragged him past.........
  15. .said in almost fluent French ,,,, Merci pour votre soutien mes amis,,,Maintenant, où est le bar...the crowd roared and surged towards the bar slapping Bull on his back saying ,, Cet homme qui a fait preuve d'une telle habileté et d'une telle audace était étonnant alors que vous commandiez cet avion, monsieur...Bull tried very hard to hide the fact that he could not really.............
  16. .....layed on her/him/it/whatever..... , one of his best Bone rissole perfected [Mavis} kisses and proceeded to................
  17. .pushing the envelope [avref] into an unknown realm that...............
  18. .of these beltings soon had a que of degenerates all dressed in tight black leather outfits, [even Turdy could be seen down the back wearing an old outfit from the blue oyster days] all waiting for a "nice " belting [some even sticking their arses up in the air instead of a limp wrist.This caused a ............
  19. .about the benefits of "catjuice" Emanuels sisters cousin explained that since she had been using "catjuice" her cancers had retreated but,her are getting bigger and................. my....................
  20. .....with the task, now after 150000 cats he had enough "catjuice" to power a......
  21. .......much more thought when deciding what to wear! Now it being so long since Ahlocks graced the pages again the NES was somewhat ................
  22. .............and he smashed into them with abandon ! ...This soon had a small crowd of protestors protesting for the preservation of the yellow cones society {POTYCS] ....they where aghast at turdo,s treatment of the poor inanimate yellow cones! ........[he had murdered a few earlier in the day trying to demonstrate his handbrake turns] an egg splatterred on Turdo,s windscreen and suddenly a...........
  23. many countries but,,,,was ironically made into a cartoon about Ratty,s adventures up the Khyber Pass [under an alias of course....] Now this........
  24. .................from one miss truth to another throughout the entire 4 and a half hours of diatribe he unloaded apon them!! So that is why the " Ratty and Turbo up the Kyber " Written by this fine young lady was soon banned in...................
  25. NB....And as the rat knows well old Bull never ever had a short period without the female attention! So the Homophobic insinuations will have to cease! Beware because there is much much more interesting NES history that certainly poses question on which side of the fence old Turdy and the Captain may have "allegedly" engaged in some lewd immoral conduct that might require further examination and publication!!! ................ ......these lovely greeters that Bull had organised ,and the night soon turned into...........
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