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Everything posted by bull

  1. .........weird coloured.......
  2. ..when he realised that he had dropped his..................
  3. .a fit,,, and one grabbed OT and tackled him to the ground at the same time screaming ,,,,,got a smoke mate???? Now as OT stood up again and rubbed the dust off, he said: Bugger me stupid ,,this galah thinks smokes are free!!! [Tie me Kangaroo down mate said Cappy in the background] Mate you can go and ...........
  4. ...rather queer northern Highlands Tribe in PNG he once crossed paths with who had................
  5. ..making them wave their arms around ,causing the westernised people to call them itchy bums ,you would see them riding the horses waving their arms around because of the itch. Now Turdo had.................
  6. ..........Cappy cappy had started another 2 word cult now and this was this was causing an international farour because of what ...............
  7. .........and Turdo,s future was not looking to flash out on the cat farm ..[turdo contemplating his latest batch]
  8. No more then usual Ratty. But xmas looks busy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
  9. ..had started to encroach upon the Blue Oyster Bar [BoB] and the foundations had started to...........
  10. ........then the real bullshit starts! Cat amongst the Pidgeon's sort of shit!!!!!,,,Now the average Aussie bloke and his family is just working his arse off and providing for the family who might have property is in big shit ,,,,,so yeah air your "voice" shouted bull, get up and....................
  11. .....the gender dysphoria that's going around like the cv virus,and did not want to take home any..................
  12. ......rubbing up against peoples legs! now this caused...........
  13. ..ran through his forced landing checklist and settled down in his seat and tightened his straps so he.......................
  14. ...........donate to the...............
  15. ................ promptly forgot why he was there [old farts disease][avref].........now the leader of the group approached Cappy and asked...............
  16. ........position and called,clear.......
  17. ..and now turdo has broken the NES rules as well with his single dot on this post! moderati please discipline this wayward member.................
  18. ............Nope,the request is unable to be filled or addressed at this time as nearly all NES members reading this post have now got brain fade and are unable to post replies as of this time ...........
  19. ........little lunch bottle of milk and afternoon wedgey, Miss .................
  20. ...........wayyyyy toooo busy chasing Bull for being overweight? something that should never be discussed had been,,,,,,now....................
  21. .............words spoken by old Aunty and mom down at the back bar of the pub got raunchier and raunchier, later that night they could be seen outside the night club singing ,,,,,,,,gigity gig.............gigity gig.......Ah whats that said said CT slurring his words after a session in the front bar of the same pub . Now Aunty was on to him and..................
  22. .....recovering an a380 with flannel was not the ideal solution ,So Bull decided to.................
  23. ....recover the fuselage of the..................
  24. ..............set of..............
  25. .for once just edged to the side and watched the show,,,as the ...............
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