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Everything posted by bull

  1. .......and the Gender Queer Journal...... [GQJ].........all this abbreviation was baffling OT who was now trying to...................
  2. .promote democrats,why his latest campaign even got an imbecile elected to president of a country with more nuclear bombs then Australia has roos!!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yeah turdy [shouted OT] but your indictment to appear before congress to explain the disappearing domestic cat population in.........
  3. .his bachelor in faeces art from the distinguished establishment of .............
  4. ..a warm rotax,,,but this could lead to problems for some cats like this one , Now Cappy was soon to be seen...........................
  5. ..............lotza shit,,,, and the hotza could outdo the fonza in the zotza game ah turbo? Now all this confused the shit out of Cappy who.......................
  6. .......win favour with EEEaaannnnn, always has been a bit of a boot licker old Turbo said Mavis,why i remember the time he............
  7. [Yep ,definitely no "smoke" here Cappy [but it is getting "hotter" for some reason................] ...........experience the wonderous Cappy and his .......even more wonderous flying machine [avref] and soar [glref] like the.............
  8. Cappy ,who somehow had got caught in the crossfire. Now cappy was not the best looking at the best of times ,so you can imagine what greeted Rachel and Gene! My god screamed......
  9. ..............what the hell was i thinking with that catnip!,,,,,,,this is getting too real !!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,as another round sliced through.....................[plenty of commas here Cappy if ya wanna borrow a couple? by the way thanks for your obvious concern for my welfare "deathbed" lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]................
  10. .Turbo had been at the catnip too ,,,,god knows what little jimmy c had been doing with the matrons of Mer,[if you had ever been there you would know how much of a "challenge" this would be for little Jimmy. Now as Turbo has totally confused the NES with his posting ,he can clear this up himself....................
  11. .plan his next......
  12. ..............ar
  13. sad it was to see the captain battling to look like a real "pilot: in his...........................
  14. ..business would expand,,but suddenly he was called up to face congress about the grapefruit scam he had been running and calling the juice "pineapple juice",,,,,the leftist media went crazy using this story to cover up the biden laptop story [which had also just broken out] Apon his hearing ,Turbo was questioned by AOC who...................
  15. Was then inserted into Turbo,s re.......................
  16. ..very large round solid..............
  17. .....the long term damage is inaccessible to determine and the usefulness is seriously compromised by the..............
  18. .........covered in sand and grit and become rather use.....................
  19. .shared around amongst the boys ,these are the memories that have tormented Turbo ,since his early days as the .............
  20. ..........shaggin area ,and the local .................
  21. Fat arse like Bull to sit up the front of the GT f&^%$g500 with his full 115 kgs and balance this out by..............................
  22. Just for your notice , Bull has upgraded to a GT500 AND RETIRED THE JACKOFF so you,ll have to come up with another XXXname for it now ,,lol
  23. Thanks ,it scared the shit out of me, 3am asleep i was and suddenly had a mack truck on my chest [that what it felt like] Not something i want to do again i,ll tell ya. Cheers for the kind words all.....
  24. Breaking news " Notice to all NESers, the famous and handsome aviator named Bull will be retiring from the NES for a short period to recover from a little bother with his ticker [moderate heart attack] and wishes all and sundry the best until further notice ! not satire ,it did happen saturday morning at 3 am bloody blood clot.cheers all.........
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