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Everything posted by flytrikes

  1. I have been using Caltex Vortex 98 in my 582. What are other people using in their 582's? I guess I am probably going a little bit overboard with the 98.
  2. Thanks for the information Alf - Fuel consumption seems like it is a fair bit more (I reckon I'm using roughly around 9-11 litres per hour 1-up in the Wizard 3) but as you say you will be reaching your destination faster. Another thing you touched on which is probably just as important is how the wing handles turbulence - the Wizard 3 does get knocked about a fair bit especially 1-up and well below MTOW - not bagging out the wing though I like the way it handles but would also like to extend my XC capability. How would you rate how heavy the wing feels to fly? I have flown both Wizard 3 and SST for a few hours also. Cheers.
  3. I actually would like to ask a similar question too - what speed (ground speed) are people getting out of a Streak 2B wing with a Rotax 582 and at what consumption? Asking because I would be interested to know what speed (and fuel) gain I would get over a Wizard 3 wing with a Rotax 582. Could you also advise whether the figures are in a 1-up or 2-up person configuration and what position the hang bolt is in (front/middle/rear). Thanks!
  4. Hi - just thought I would say hello to everyone on the forum. Currently flying an Airborne Edge X 582 Trike and having an absolute ball with it. Flying in the North-east Victoria area, Australia and looking forward to some colder weather, less thermals, and some more flying time. Cheers!
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