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Kiwi Greg

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Everything posted by Kiwi Greg

  1. The NZ Herald is reporting (As all informed journalists do) the story about a "glider" (I suppose it was as it was making a forced landing) striking an unlucky fisherman in the head. I hope he is OK. 'Crazy unlucky' fisherman knocked unconscious by plane crash-landing at Matata Beach
  2. Kia Ora Bro. Go the Chiefs...
  3. Two escape serious injury after reported engine failure soon after take off. No Cookies | The Courier Mail
  4. A very sad end to an adventure for all involved. Thought I would check out the 1770 Castaway website - there is a very interesting video which shows the aircraft having a very close encounter with a wayward cardboard box while taxiing out of the hangar.
  5. Spotted this in the NZ Herald! http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11412926
  6. A further update. 13 on board, engine failure after takeoff all on board exited the aircraft. A great result! http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11383082
  7. NZ Herald is reporting a plane used in skydiving operations has crased into Lake Taupo today. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11383082
  8. Found this on Live Leak [media=liveleak]172_1391973627[/media]
  9. http://news.msn.co.nz/nationalnews/8794757/pilot-seriously-injured-in-crash
  10. http://www.scribd.com/doc/193423407/Pilot-s-and-Engineer-s-Notes-Sleigh-I-II
  11. Nice video, some interesting angles!
  12. This video is well worth watching. The effort these guys went to to recover this aircraft and make her airworthy is amazing. Don't miss the ending! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u4YBwjQTds
  13. That's funny, I was also born over there but I was a hood who used to hang around airfields!
  14. Excellent video Scott, thanks for sharing it.
  15. I fly a Sportstar at Gympie. $185 dual, $140 solo.
  16. Nice video. Did your passenger find wearing his helmet backward comfortable?
  17. Nice!
  18. Such sad news. Condolences to all involved. A great effort by SAR.
  19. "Nope, the wright bros weren't the first to fly a heavier than air machine, try pearce in NZ"
  20. Well done Tomo! Looking forward to hearing about your first flight in her.
  21. Thanks guys. I'm flying a Sportstar with Suncoast Cooloola Flying at Gympie.
  22. Hi, I've just got back into flying after a break of some 20 years due to raising a family. Great to be part of the Recreational Flying family. Greg
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