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Everything posted by Barefootpilot

  1. Most aeroclubs can get a CASA dispo to do flour bombing for things like this. So I would assume they have one... or will be getting one very soon :)
  2. Good stuff most probably out there a Air tractor or an Ayres Thrush great flying but to intesnse for me!
  3. What happened to Teenie 1..... Sorry I'll get my coat
  4. Not an Ag plane was it? Most Ag planes are yellow and generally found down in and around the trees.
  5. Great news Ian and couldn't have been more hard earned. I recieved an e-mail from Kay his wife today. Tony currently isn't up for writting e-mails but I will be dropping in to see him next week and will pass on the well wishes from this forum. Adam.
  6. Does anyone have contact details for the owner of stewarts field. I'd like to use it next week but can't find any details on it. Thanks Adam.
  7. Thanks guys for the positive thoughts. Its a bloody long way in a 50kt aircraft! I'll see if I drop through maitland or not I have permission to land at Aeropelican so I might use that as a place for a leg streach instead of heading inland but I will wait and see how I feel on the day. Does anyone know any contact details for Stewarts airfield 9 nm north of Coffs Harbour? Adam
  8. And they let me fly planes.... Thanks Glen problem solved! Adam.
  9. Hello, Just recieved my VXA-220 and when I plug the splitter for the head set in the transmit light goes on and won't turn off.... Anything I'm doing or did I get a dud? Adam.
  10. Hello All, Just thought see who'd done this trip before in a similar aircraft and if they have any advise. My plan is to leave Watts Bridge on Thursday next week and head to Sydney Via, Day 1 (Thursday) Watts Bridge, Boonah, Byron Bay and overnight in eigher ballina or Evans Head. Day 2 (Friday) Evans head, Coffs Harbour, Port Mac and either overnight in Old Bar or Taree Day 3 (Saturday) Taree, Maitland, Sommersby I'll be trying to aviod as much tiger country as possible so any suggestions are appreciated most of the time I plan on staying over the beach and enjoying the view. I've flown Brissy to Sydney a fair few times just not normaly at 50kts! If any of the forum members are going to be around any of those strips on those days come on over and say hello if you see a funny red winged rag a tube flying machine! Adam.
  11. You can try Sydney seaplanes for a GA float endo. PM for info if you like.
  12. That would work well with the thruster as its a constant speed aircraft.... slow!
  13. Brolga prop is what usually goes on it... but after that I'm of no help as I have a 582 on mine. Maybe someone else with a Thruster can help you as I know Tony isn't getting to close to a computer at the moment.
  14. Ross your not corrupting the young flyers these days are you? And you haven't sold the lightwing have you?
  15. Does anyone have a phone number for coffs tower? I need to get in contact with them and I don't have a direct number Cheers
  16. I admit I'm biased towards the Caravan but the kodiaks numbers just don't add up against the good old cessna. Its smaller and won't carry the same load burns more fuel and cruises slower. The only thing it has going for it is the stol and if you look around at most place these days (even png) there are not many strips that are under 600 meters which means you can get the van in and out anyway. I'm sure it would be fun to fly but unfortunatly I can't see it doing as well as they would like.
  17. I just bought a zulu and I'm very happy with it. I got it from the gold coast shop and ordered it at 3pm on a thursday and had it by lunch time on Friday. I fly in a very high noise aircraft (see radial engine with very little sound proofing) and I've tried boss, DC's X111 and a few others and I thought the zulu came out best. But you didn't ask that question did you? Try the pilots shop at Parafield they had a good selection of headsets last time I was there or ask around on here for all the local pilots and see if you can borrow one for an hours flight and really give it a test!
  18. I'd recommend Wally Rudin in Nerranderra (sp?) A good guy who won't waste your time or money! He converted me to ultralights several years ago and I haven't crashed yet so he must be good!
  19. You'll find that almost all flight manuals with have "demostrated cross wind limit" its basically because they have to put something in there. All it means is during testing that is what was demostated maybe for several reasons such as that was all the wind they had when they tested the aircraft. As its been pointed out if you bend the aircraft above the demo limit you will getting a few questions from your insurance company but usually these limits are on the cautiouse side.
  20. Good work mate now enjoy the flying
  21. They are only dangerous when your in them Maj Millard!
  22. BLA, Sorry once again it was an interest thing as to why I ask about how long everyone had been a member for and what experiance they had purely as Crezzie has put it to guage the type of person voting either way. It was stated that radio's only cost $500 to $1500 which isn't much in a $25,000 aircraft.... Well hang on lets look at something like a single seat Thruster. Cost is about $5000 for a good one. So add $500 for a hand held plus anttena hmm better put a battery and electical system in so the radio doesn't go flat thats another couple of thousand $$ whoops my $5000 machine now costs $10,000 and I now need a radio endorsment to fly it out of my back yard. Bugga hey? Myself I've been a member for 5 years and when I fly RAA which isn't much anymore I fly my Thruster. BTW Crezzie we have met a couple of times at Watts and Cab but that was a few years ago!
  23. Sorry I'm not looking at an us and them fight what I'm looking for is "who" actually wants this. Is it the guys who fly once a month in plastic fantastics, is it the guys who fly almost every day in trikes? Is it the students who are just starting to fly? I guess I am a little protective of what I have in the RAA and want to keep it as simple as possible that doesn't mean I don't want you to have your fun I just don't want your fun to cost ME more!
  24. I asked this in another thread but I will ask again. If you are a "must have" vote for radios could you please state what aircraft you fly and how long you have been a member of the RAA? It would just be interesting to get a scope of who things what. Adam.
  25. Just out of interest could those of you who say radios are a must please state what type of aircraft you fly and how long you have been a member of the RAA.
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