Jcamp and Decca,
The CAAPs are purely and advisory publication (Cival Aviation advisory publication CAAPs) so no enforcment action can be taken against you for not following them BUT you would then have to explain why you did not follow standard industry advise if you do run out of fuel, which may be very difficult.
Jcamp car 234 says that you must be able to undertake the flight in safety - for one person that may mean they need an hours fuel left in the tank but for someone else going for a 10 min flight 20 minutes fuel left in the tank may be considered safe - I'm not here to argue what is safe I am just pointing out the wording.
Decca in you quote it says “This publication is only advisory but it gives a CASA preferred method for complying with the CAR’s 1988. It is not the only method, but experience has shown that if you follow this method you will comply with the CAR’s.”
Again only an advisory - not enforceable. Your reference to the VFR guide again is only a guide of what they would recommend you carry but not a requirement.
If its not a CAR than it is not a requirment and is not enforceable.
I do need to point out that I am not saying we shouldn't carry fuel reserves! That would be just plain stupid! It makes perfect sense to follow Casa's advise and it will probably save your a**e one day!