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Everything posted by Barefootpilot

  1. Have a look at the toe in/toe out on the wheels that can have a huge effect on the controlablity and might be worth checking the tracking aswell. (I'm not expert but that would be my first things to start looking at)
  2. Do you have some pics that you could put up and maybe some performance data such as cruise speed basic and max takeoff weights and what engine you've got in it. Cheers Adam.
  3. Oh come on guys whats wrong with you all.... Ok even I'm not working today because of the wind!
  4. I'm not buying in on this as I was not there but if it was a charter flight he shouldn't have been going IFR anyway in a piston single. So did people actually have a good time apart from the rain???
  5. Nope not ross he still has his 337 in Mackay I believe but it hasn't flown for many years. You may not know Pat the guy who has the drifter.
  6. Well if you are going all that way I'd go to Airlie Beach instead of Mackay (or Hamilton Island) much nicer than Mackay. I can give you contact details for one of the controler as Hamilton island who would be more than happy to help you out.
  7. Sorry have a bit more time on my hands here today. Yes a Class D tower ( I think Mackay is class D??? its been over a year since I've been up there) Can permit you to operate in the airspace with prior approval. The easist way is to give them a call (phone number is in the ersa) and have a chat. If your around the airfield go up and say hello they get pretty bored! and it will give them a face to remeber and make them more likely to let you in the airspace. Pat is the bloke who has the Drifter (fisher actually) really nice guy. I think one of the operaters complained about him flying his "ultralight" into the "operators" airport so he was giving it a break for awhile.
  8. It can be done with the approval from the local ATC. One of the air trafficers flies his drifter into work some days! Do a search on the whitsundays on this forum that should give you a few leads
  9. Good point Adrian it does really make you wonder why doesn't it!
  10. There are a couple of strips north of Mackay that have RAA but no school. I'm sure Maj Millard will drop in here soon at fill you in (he's up in the townsville area but used to work out of Hamilton Island) It would be good to see an RAA school start up its the perfect spot for a Thruster/Drifter cruising the beachs!
  11. Its funny most people who tell you they are death traps have never flown in one and know nothing about them! I had a Pax the other day who was getting a suprise flight as a present telling me that "these things always crash I mean how many times have you crashed?" Only twice this week I replied! ;)
  12. Whats that Tony? A closing down sale everything must go? Put me down for three more Thrusters! :)
  13. With a PPL you can take as many people as you like as long as your endorsed on the aircraft! Adrian makes a good point but I think it may be more for the people who are unable to hold a PPL due to the medical restrictions.
  14. The easiest way to find this out is to call up Casa 131 757 and ask! Just ask for a Flying Operations Inspector and tell him the story. When you do this though make sure you take note of him or her name and the outcome because not everyone (even in Casa) agree's on the interpratations. So if they give you the green light go ahead! Casa are not (always) out to get you so make use of them! even if we are RAA! Adam.
  15. Love it and its all to true!
  16. I think the people who buy into the WAVE airpark are going to be in with a shock. Its not really an airpark at all its a working airport with houses either side. A beaver taking off sounds really good... but when it takes off at 6am every morning and then followed by a dozen hilo's the better half who isn't that into aviation will not be pleased!
  17. Well my job kind of involves power boating.... at the start and end anyway! I do love being around the water but I don't get much time to get out on the boats anymore.
  18. Sorry RKW I knew what you meant but I couldn't help myself! If its not pratt send it back!
  19. Major - Captain same difference!
  20. err they are P&W's!
  21. The laguna quays resort strip is usuably (with permission) its about 3km long with about 1km kept up to standard for use by Air Whitsunday (also owned by Laguna) There is another stip near laguna (towards the the township on the same road) which is still usuable but not overly huge (plenty big for a Thruster I've taken a Beaver in there) The other one that runs up hill with powerlines at one end is Lakeside Airpark. Its a nice strip I haven't flown in but Capt Ross has in his lightwing and another of my friends keeps his Drifter there. They are meant to be a nice bunch of people but they do have a noise problem but have a talk to them and they may be able to fit you in. Or you could probably offer David Mariner $50 and buy the Laguna strip he would probably take it at this stage!
  22. Water? What water??? No John sold up long ago now owned by a guy in Melbourne who may not own it for much longer....
  23. But Ozzie Jeff looks great in all the promo photo's!
  24. Yeah the owner of the airpark is not a fan of "ultralights" and operating into and out of that strip in anything under 2 Tones is "interesting" on days with wind over 10kts! I haven't seen it complete but I was there just before the runway was finished and it was looking good.... pitty about the price!
  25. Or maybe smoke flairs? I wasn't around then so I'll have to take your word Maj!
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