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Everything posted by Barefootpilot

  1. It was tried in Tassie in the early 90's (I think) It was reasonably popular but those lovely people at CASA deemed it to unsafe and stoped it happening again. They had CT-4's, Beech and a few others. (I think it was called air race tasmania) I have often wondered about it myself and though that the RAA side may have a shot at getting it going as our Regs state that we can do not have to 500' restriction if we have the property owners approval. So we could have our Drifters/Jabs/Technams down in the grass doing laps but then I think it would struggle to get public interest unfortunatly but count me in if you do! Adam.
  2. Some one must have forgot to tell them that we don't fly ultralights anymore... they are Recreational Aircraft.... :thumb_up:
  3. Ok I'll buy in now! The difference between a 30 yr old Cessna 150 and a 10 year old Jab/Tec/shiny plastic thing is that the Cessna has been bashing around a Circuit being thrown into the ground 8 times an hour for probably 10 to 15,000 hours. Training aircraft are the most abussed aircraft in the world - Thats what they are designed for - to teach students what not to to do! So every bit of that aircraft has that wear and tear placed apon it. Yes I know alot of the aircraft has been replaced over the years but the bulk of the airframe is still the same that came out of the factory many years ago. These aircraft (and aircraft in general) are not designed to be flying in 30 years time. This is a fact look at what cessna did with the SIDS program (google Cessna SIDS it basicaly says.. whoops these things shouldn't be flying with the limited maintinace we requrie) I currently fly aircraft that are pushing 50 years old and they are stupidly expensive to maintain and require alot of knowledge about the aircraft and its history something that most RAA pilots do not have. I am not against change and I haven't read a post from anyone that is! BUT we must make sure we are ready to be able to handle what this change will bring to the RAA and I am sorry but I just don't think we are ready to deal with these older aircraft YET!
  4. If it was extremly loud it was probably the drom in the photo. God Bless Pratt and Whitney!
  5. What aircraft are you putting it in?
  6. Looks like it was starting to ground loop and the pilot stood on the brakes to try and stop it going around (normal to use brake if the rudder isn't effective enough) and over she goes. Might have been better to let it run off the runway onto the grass or even let it ground loop. Easy to say when your sitting back watching it from home.
  7. Well its not easy to do but that thing makes a Thruster look attractive! And possibly even the Lightwing....
  8. Thats right sorry its Matt I have his card floating around somewhere. Nice bloke wish I had that sort of cash! Sorry for the thread drift Motz
  9. Yeah Rod (I think from bettabuild) flys his Cheyanne 2 around a fair bit. I got to have a fly of it in airlie beach (500' over whitehaven beach at 200 kts with about 60% tourque set) He had the Cresco on order as "the work truck" and I believe also have a VLJ on the way. (Not bad for a bloke with about 500 hours!)
  10. Now thats an aeroplane! Now what was the new RAA weight limit..... :big_grin:
  11. Thanks for the invite Ozzie I will see what I can do. There is every chance the Van would be at Cessnock on the 14th so I might be able to hitch across to the DZ for a few hours.
  12. If that is true (about casa stopping the medical for CTA endo) could anyone tell me the difference between a PPL and a RAA flying through CTA? (apart from the initial cost) I think this is enough to motivate a few of us grass roots flyers to get together and start making some more noise! Any of the minimul flyers in the Sydney region feel like getting together and having a few cold beers and a talk about what we could do to protect what we already have/had? Adam
  13. Your ear are going to hurt no way around it. Even if you think you don't feel to bad your performance will be impaired to some extent. Yes Commercial pilots do fly when they are sick - some times but if there is a way around it you don't. Unless you really need to go flying I'd leave it until next week.
  14. Do the J-120 have take off and landing charts? And if so what is the max temp that they go to? Thats the way we are limited in most GA aircraft I have flown. If you don't have performance figures you are in no mans land and I would suggest as others have that the insurance company would treat you as a test pilot and wish you the best of luck. But hey if its your aircraft and your life go for it just don't complain to anyone when you come back and the wings have a new sweeping look.
  15. When I fly my thruster (yeah yeah Tony I know it doesn't happen much!) I fly an ultralight. When I fly something like a Jab I fly Recreational aircraft. When I knock ozzie off and take his Lazair I will be flying a minimum aircraft The general public are dumb (at least about aviation) and everything is an ultraligh or light aircraft up to a 737 and everything that crashes is a Cessna ultralight.
  16. Two points clearly stand out in your post. From you post it sounds like you are saying the Cessna was decending through clouds and not under the IFR rules (or atc would have given him to you as traffic and or arranged seperation) so if that is true he is certainly in the wrong! The other is you said you got within 1000' horizontally of the aircraft if your not visual with him but have him on tcas your skipper should really have taken action alot sooner. I know breaking off a run for traffic is annoying but having another aircraft take off your wing could really ruin your day. Sounds like your have fun (and yes landings get easier the bigger the aircraft gets!)
  17. In a tower situation its a little different as they know the traffic and won't turn you into someone else (or shouldn't anyway!) but they would never ask you to do an orbit on anything but downwind never on base or final.
  18. YouTube - Birdman down a mountain This ones not bad either.
  19. Remeber if flaps only increased lift we would have them down all the time becaues they would be making the wing more efficiant. There will always be an increase in drag with any flap setting (excluding reflex flap of course!) but at small flap settings the increase in lift outweighs the increase in drag. Adam
  20. They are currently working out a system and a wing suit that will allow them to land them albeit a little fast but I wouldn't be surprised if you see this in a couple of years.
  21. Yeah its an awesome video. They peg about 4000 fpm rate of decent (thats on wings suits 3 years ago so maybe down to 3000 fpm now) and used to get over 3 minutes free fall from 14,000'. They also do "flocking" which is formation wingsuit flights best I saw was 34 people all trailing smoke flairs very nice! And yes you can have them formate on an aircraft on decent not very easy and eventaully the aircraft accelerates away from them but they can keep up for about 30 secounds. Adam.
  22. Just a quick note the MTOW weight is not always the same for loading system Alpha or the same for Bravo and or Charlie. A,B and C are just loading systems that different aircraft will use. So all cessna's use the same system (Alpha) and a Cessna 150 doesn't have the same MTOW as Citation X! Or you can have your own system created by a certified aircraft weigher just to add a few more in there! Adam.
  23. Pretty typical of weekend GA pilot. Numbers have to give way to letters don't they?
  24. Ozzie :thumb_up: Do I make it 4?
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