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Everything posted by jordy

  1. I have a freind with one if you PM me ill get a number you can talk to him on
  2. Rick. Im planning a trip from WA to the east coast and would like some advice on fuel and accom stops. Is there any chance i can talk to you Kind Regards Jordan 0488351171 [email protected]
  3. Try and PM me if you need to know more..
  4. Sad day...... Tragic loss of a great aviator and a god among Drifter pilots and owners ......
  5. Hey Bacon, Yes to all. I start off using my hand on top of my screen whilst flying and checking how much buffeting it eliminated. Made up a rough template and shaped the material as per its performance. If the spoiler is too big it induces tail flutter (shake) and too small there is not enough protection. the same also applies to the angle. Good luck
  6. D Does this mean the Easter Holidays are cancelled??
  7. jordy

    Drifter Pics

    Thank you Tex Will keep you posted.
  8. jordy

    Drifter Pics

    Hey Tex, Got myself the Hero 2 Go pro for Xmas Absolutley love it !!! no chance in the air yet but have taken some awesome underwater shots. What program do you use to edit and add the music ??
  9. The last 3 photo's would be interesting in a Drifter................
  10. Good news, here's hoping for a full recovery.
  11. jordy

    Drifter Pics

    Thanks Frank, Isn't it good to see so much conversation and interest in these lovely little birds. I have another one (25 748) (One of the later WBs) at my place we are rebuilding and for sale eventually so at the momentwe are surrounded by drifters and their bits.
  12. jordy

    Drifter Pics

    Hey Tex, we are about 40 kms up the coast from Yeppoon and just tucked away underneath Shoalwater military zone (dodging Singaporean Blawk Hawks as we speak !! ) Amazing flying and loads of interesting strips. Any idea how to contact Tim ??
  13. Interesting that the US government determines how many we keep!!! http://www.couriermail.com.au/questnews/ipswich/raaf-base-amberley-f-111-fighter-jets-end-up-on-swanbank-landfill-site-near-ipswich/story-fn8m0yo2-1226204896564
  14. jordy

    Drifter Pics

    Sorry guys forgot the words, This is a couple of shots of my 2 girls and a friends Drifter 25 454 (Tim Osbourne )(anyone know where he is?) who flew it from Vic to central Qld where it now resides. Maj Said.........." I am currently sharing my hangar with CB Drifter 25-352 which is ex-Rodds Bay. Strangely my Drifter was 25-452 ! " And mine is 25 353, so we are getting pretty close to lining them all up Maj. Tex, love the shots and the video's especially when you are land and we can see the legs pumping, and so many great strips. most of all loved the adventure. If you ever decide to do a coastal run, give me a call, we can offer tons of amazing beach flying and fishing. (Flyfishing ) Loads of accommodation and Maj and Ian are not that far up the coast. Pud, i went to school at Keaney college , Bindoon and flogged old bonbs up and down that strip many a time, often wondered what it would be like to fly out of it. Then moved to Narrogin Ag opposite the other strip you mention............... This worlds getting smaller.
  15. jordy

    Drifter Pics

  16. jordy

    Hey Ian, Just wondering if you know of any L2 s in the Rodds Bay area.
  17. The version without options.................
  18. what about down here ???
  19. Low and Slow [ATTACH]13432.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]13431.vB[/ATTACH] You mean like this Burbs....? Well maybe the 60kts is a bit ambitious but you get my Drift....
  20. Not to mention the stewardess arriving with coffee in the middle of it all...............
  21. Thanks Maj.....
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