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About Flygirltam

  • Birthday 03/09/1971


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  1. I LOVE Johnathan Livingstone Seagull!!!
  2. I travel every week for work, spend alot of time taking off my shoes, removing my laptop out of my bag and hoping I haven't forgotten to take my tweezers out of my carry on bag. What makes me laugh is when they bomb check the pilots .... seriously if they want to bring the plane down, they just push the stick forward!! LOL
  3. OOPSS sorry guys - not good at the event date thing :) Thanks to Alan its all sorted :)
  4. I posted an event on here yesterday, which showed up when i submitted it, but now its gone.? Any ideas what I did wrong?
  5. Hi All, We have our bi annual Dine with the Aviator Dinner coming up in Adelaide, I have secured John Borghetti, CEO of Virgin Australia Group as our guest speaker. If anyone is interested in attending please email me at [email protected] I can forward all information. All money raised on the night goes towards our AWPA SA/NT Memorial Incentive Fund (Scholarship) Love to see you there!
  6. This will be the largest event Parafield has seen in many years. We have the full support of the ADF, with the Roulettes landing at YPPF for the very first time! 13 times World Aerobatic Champion, Chris Sperou will perform his inverted ribbon cut for the very first time at Parafield! Local and interstate war birds and antique aircraft will attend with displays from the P51, Yak 9, Trojan and many more! FREE parking on the day, purchase your tickets online at a discounted price to avoid the cues on the day! www.proticket.com.au Gates open at 9am - come prepared with your cameras ready!!!!
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  7. HOWDY Charlie! Welcome to the site........ I love QLD.......
  8. It distresses me immensely to see a pilot such as Rob discussed in such a way, it really is so disrespectful to a man who was clearly a passionate aviator, supporter/mentor to those who wished to embark on an aerobatics endeavor. Paul Bennet's comments have either been taken out of context by the media, or he clearly has no idea of the training that Rob had embarked on over the last 2 years. I sincerely hope that the ATSB findings will bring peace and closure to the family and friends of Rob Morgan. RIP Rob
  9. Correct, pilot is well know to community and was practicing in his pitts for the up coming nationals at Murray Bridge. Very sad time for his family. It is believed that there was some type of issue with either the CSU unit or the prop. Not confirmed.
  10. Very Sad, I just heard that this happened. :(
  11. Well i'm a bit disappointed but guess I should be happy. We secured the Roulettes for the event,however I was lead to believe we would have more support from the RAAF with aircraft for the event. I went to the trouble of submitting alot of paperwork 18 months ago and was told that the defense minister had signed it off in Canberra as an event of 'public significance' and that the RAAF will support your activity. Clearly they have no assets available. The main purpose of the airshow is to raise awareness of aviation in Parafield, an area that has co existed with a RAAF base for many years. I think there are too many people sitting in offices in Canberra that have no idea how much aviation enthusiasts and people of the wider community would love to interact with their airforce assets and see where our tax money goes! Its called Public relations............. Beyond all of that.... we are going to have an amazing event. Such a shame they could not support us more. not even the RAAF balloon! Rant Over.............
  12. Best of luck Shags, I have a mate currently in Melb doing the training, he is also a pilot with over 300 hrs. He said its full on and very challenging, but is really doing well at it. I think his aviation background is a big +++++
  13. HI TBAR Welcome to the site!
  14. Sad to hear that any aviator has passed doing the thing he loved. My deepest sympathy's go out to his family & friends. "We shall find peace. We shall hear angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds." -Chekov
  15. WELL DONE! its so much more fun on your own!
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