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Everything posted by thommo

  1. Yep know that brumby. It's down at jaspers brush?
  2. What brumby do you have ?
  3. S1C S1S or even a S2A. Looking for any projects at all. Even parts.
  4. I would like another Pitts.
  5. I have a Pitts S2C it needs a brother.
  6. Do you want to sell the Pitts?
  7. What model pitts is it?
  8. Where is it now? Do you need a ferry pilot?
  9. Do you have a Pitts?
  10. Hi mate Can you call me about the piper. 0428337028 Daniel
  11. If you find any information I would like to know As well for a aircraft we are building that would suit electric power. Daniel
  12. What you do up that way?
  13. Hi. Do you live in kunnanra
    1. ave8rr


      Hi, Yes but only until Sep 13 then back to Bundaberg. Cheers
  14. Hi My brother in orange NSW can do it for you. He has a thruster. You can do low performance, 2 stroke, and tail wheel all the same time Let me know if interested. Daniel
    1. lukemolloy1


      Hi Daniel. Just curious on the hourly rate? Sounds good though. Smash everything at once is a lot easier. Cheers Luke
  15. What did it have to do with Paul Bennet fibreglass? What was the end result for the aircraft crashing into the wheel?
  16. Hi mate Where do you work?
  17. thommo

    Drifter owner

    So you got 70 hrs before engine overhaul?
  18. Hi Riley I'll take the floats if there the ones I'm thinking of. Can you please send pictures to [email protected]
  19. DAZZA A C172 from a aeroclub in mid north NSW which is on the coast with a good amount of time remaning on the engine and fresh paint, sold for about $23 K. That is cheap.But it may turn into a expensive exercise once the SIDS inspection has been carried out. Just sayin, its not personal . Buyers beware. That aircraft you talk about had no engine time left and on condition. I looked at it. That's all they are worth.
  20. Looks like I was correct.
  21. I'll put $1000 on it that it is a Cessna 182RG
  22. Cessna182RG
  23. Yes its still for sale
  24. Well i think it is ok. Will have to do a Min amount of hours as well a month.
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