Hi all. I'm building an all-carbon-fiber low-wing prototype in Daytona Beach, FL, USA. It's in the "Vision" two-place aircraft family (same designer, Steve Rahm), but biggie-sized to 4-place. The airframe is pretty much complete (well 90%, with 90% to go), and I'm just starting into the FWF work.
I purchased a Jabiru 5100 (5.1L flat-8) in 2003 (!!!) and will be rebuilding and improving it before installing into the aircraft. The improvements will include the Rotec Liquid Cooled Heads, Rotec TBI, Electoair ignition, dual alternator, and a fair number of internal tweaks -- mostly driven from information gleaned in the JabiruEngines forum on Yahoo Groups.
I just found about this forum through JabiruEngines -- specifically, the thread dealing with the stronger rolled through-bolts, so decided to register and follow along.
Greg Reid