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Everything posted by blueshed

  1. Very Nice Looking strip for a private one, just lovinit! What's is taxying behind you? Cheers Guy
  2. Great Photography Not that I know much! the first pic is so well framed and the light is just perfect, just a fantastic shot. Maaaate just love it, hot and dry here! Jamestown Flyin & Hangar Dinner 19th Apirl http://www.jamestownairshow.com/ Could you bring some nice gentle percipitation with you? Please Cheers Guy
  3. Thanks Ian Do you ever actually get enough time to fly? All you do here is amazing! Cheers Guy
  4. Cheers Ian' God Bless George, as He Blessed Us! Be With The Eagles, soar forever George, cheers Guy
  5. CFI's/ Brobenah GTH,Where have they gone? to airlines? or farming rice? Used to be a very busy place! Did my NVFR test with Ron Gibbons many years ago! Had done all my training at Wagga Brobenah,Flew in the club Kooka many years ago after doing a form 2 maintenance course at Brobenah, Leeton. That was in the mid 80's, have not been in a glider for years, must do it again one day! Great Fun! Cheers Guy Jamestown Flyin & Hangar Dinner 19th April, only 376 nm from GTH! Mildura, Wentworth, Renmark or Waikerie in the middle if you need a stop!
  6. Hi Carl Welcome, we have arriving next week our new J230, reckon we made the right decision! Sure you will have fun! Cheers Guy, Flyin and hangar dinner Here at Jamestown 19th April!
  7. What an Amazing piece of machinery! Are you bidding Darren? Look good up on a pole out the front! even better if you were cruising down the street in it! Cheers Guy
  8. Questions Welcome and absolutely, keep asking questions, as us instructors do need to know you are thinking about what is happening. Welcome Tomo, some of our members here at Jamestown have aircraft at Gawler, one of them makes the explosive things happen at our airshows. We have a flyin and Hangar dinner on the 19th April, what part of the country is your newsagency in? Have an awesome time, good on you! Cheers Guy
  9. Our J230C arrives next week, all excitment here at Jamestown, come and have a go at our flyin 19th April 2008 http://www.jamestownairshow.com Major excitment Cheers Guy
  10. What are you starting with? just a paddock or is thier already a strip? We are looking at putting a black top on our already gravel runway here. It seems there is much variation in the costs, however I have heard 100+G's as a starting point. Remember the Jamestown Flyin 19th April 2008 http://www.jamestownairshow.com/flyin.html Cheers Guy
  11. Texan TopClass Goes slow, lands short, takes of short, cruises at 110kts or there abouts, only problem is when in the hot Australian Sun I like my hat on my head, I don't usually sit on it. It's low wing you may have figured! The other ? is how big or small are you? and do you want to take big or small people with you? Ian Had a really good write up about the what a CT is capable of! Just some more info to keep the brain ticking! Hope you find it or them one day, maybe one for each day of the week! Cheers Guy Remember Jamestown Flyin and Hangar Dinner April 19th 2008;)
  12. Welcome Bill good to see you have come back to the udda end, and made a great decision to fly again, are you going to learn in a trike or three axis aircraft? Gippsland Lakes sound great. Is there plenty of feed at the moment, the cows over hear are doing it a bit tough to say the least! Anyway great to see you along, We have a Flyin and Hangar Dinner on the 19th April 2008 if yu are over this way! Jamestown SA Cheers Guy
  13. Is this part of the Griffith Aero Club? or a seperate organisation? Cheers Guy
  14. "Easy Peasey" I think it is called, by the same author's, is also very good! Cheers Guy
  15. Hi Squid Welcome, If you are looking to exercise your Certificate, we are having a flyin and Hangar Dinner at Jamestown, just a little North of You! on 19th April 2008, will be a fantastic weekend! Cheers Guy
  16. Hi Christine Great to see the Harvard movie, Was on TI for a short holiday in 85' stayed a couple of weeks. Welcome to the site, 2008 the year to accelerate! Have all the fun you can Cheers Guy
  17. Carbon Fibre Does Carbon fibre conduct electricity? Do you have to bond it? Jet fuel I believe is very much more susceptable to the possibility of creating static electricity whist filling the tanks, although having a higher ignition temperature! Safe Skies, and filling em up! Cheers Guy
  18. Propeller Very interesting report, If it was an engine out! why has the prop left the engine and ended up somewhere else? Why has the engine left the Airframe? Is it possible that the engine was operating at normal or high power! Thus upon impact the engine is torn from the airframe and in doing so the propeller is torn from the crank, or posiblly broken the crank shaft? If the passenger in the rear of the car only saw the aircraft for a few seconds, would it be possible the 172 was doing a low pass (beat up) over the vehicle! 3 Wires, usually a very heafty size with not to much give! Still can't figure out why there is little or no damage to the leading edge wing tips! What ever they paid the ultimate price, what about the poor passenger in the back! Safe Skies and Roads Cheers Guy
  19. On Ya
  20. Very Very Very sad, as Ag Pilot myself we do it low all day, and you really don't expect a man with Col Pay's experience to depart our earth in this way. Very close to one's heart, have had the odd coldy with Col and a few stories. What an Amazing Man! Obviously we need to be very carefull when flight testing, anything. Just Shocking News Cheers Guy, Safe Skies For All
  21. If it were my BD4 I would take the fence straight option, as I have high wings, if it is an average fence they will be above the fence, as I have a conventional undercarriage (tailwheel) my nose will be high, so it probably won't flip, I will be stopped like in an arrester net at the end of the runnway. However if there seemed to be enough time to make a more gentle turn, meaning before you had slowed to 25 kts you may be able to avoid the fence all together by creating a large arc as you land. Doing this may also use some of the energy in the form of speed reduction as you turn. If you were in a nose wheel aircraft it may all be different! Fly in and Hangar Dinner @ Jamestown SA 19 April 2008, would love to discuss this in person! Cheers Guy
  22. Congradulations Joshua, What you have achieved is no less than an amazing feat , build your own machine, fly it and all within only a few months. Good on you well done! Most people only dream of what you have achieved. I witnessed a maiden flight of a Pitts Special here in SA yesterday, it’s original owner had commenced building it 16 years before you were born. 36 years from build commencment to its maiden flight. That’s a marathon. You have done a sprint! Just a few thought’s for others reading who have made comments as to what you have achieved. How many incidents have involved young owner builders? Does someone have the stats? I would feel that a young pilot with some ability and agility, is in far better stead than an older pilot who has some hours and a attitude which is not as it ought to be. e.g. a pilot who say’s this is how he does things , yet can’t seem to demonstrate them successfully or consistently. Then commences to shift the focus of their ability to some other outside factors. Meaning they are not able to learn from what they are being taught, because they already feel they know it all! Iam sure Joshua has learnt lots in his years of flying and am also sure he would not deliberately do something beyond his ability, which may either harm self, machine or anyone else to that matter. Joshua I wish you many years of flying enjoyment, and look forward to hearing about your adventures in your machine, no doubt this is the first of many. And do enjoy laying on your back cleaning of the COW POOP, it happens to the best of us! Cheers Guy, PS fly in and hangar dinner @ Jamestown SA April 19 2008
  23. Welcome Wayne Great to see someone who loves aircraft with conventional undercarriage. Have Fun Cheers Guy
  24. It's not Rawnsley Park! No Hills. Doesn't look like Malley. Maybe a bit of briglow country Though! ???????????????????????????????? Cheers Guy
  25. Aldinga has good coffee, and a great feed, just a little south of Adelaide, The other is Rawnsley Park in the Flinders Ranges ( not far from Arkaroola), approx 1.5 km walk to the woolshed restaraunt, took the wife there for our last Aniversery. Pitty had two children with us! Cheers Guy
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