Congradulations Joshua,
What you have achieved is no less than an amazing feat , build your own machine, fly it and all within only a few months. Good on you well done! Most people only dream of what you have achieved. I witnessed a maiden flight of a Pitts Special here in SA yesterday, it’s original owner had commenced building it 16 years before you were born. 36 years from build commencment to its maiden flight. That’s a marathon.
You have done a sprint!
Just a few thought’s for others reading who have made comments as to what you have achieved.
How many incidents have involved young owner builders? Does someone have the stats?
I would feel that a young pilot with some ability and agility, is in far better stead than an older pilot who has some hours and a attitude which is not as it ought to be.
e.g. a pilot who say’s this is how he does things , yet can’t seem to demonstrate them successfully or consistently. Then commences to shift the focus of their ability to some other outside factors. Meaning they are not able to learn from what they are being taught, because they already feel they know it all!
Iam sure Joshua has learnt lots in his years of flying and am also sure he would not deliberately do something beyond his ability, which may either harm self, machine or anyone else to that matter.
Joshua I wish you many years of flying enjoyment, and look forward to hearing about your adventures in your machine, no doubt this is the first of many. And do enjoy laying on your back cleaning of the COW POOP, it happens to the best of us!
Cheers Guy, PS fly in and hangar dinner @ Jamestown SA April 19 2008