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Everything posted by blueshed

  1. Both look great, are the wing tips different or am I not seeing things. Jamestown is just past Mildura and we have a fly in and hangar dinner next April 19th 2008. What will the be the expected cruise speed? Cheera Guy
  2. Hi Guy's has anyone managed to connect a Nokia 6120 to any flight cell, it has a 2.5mm 4 connection plug on it. as it has stereo music as well as talky's on the phone! Cheers Guy
  3. Hi Planning is the go! if for some reason if it does close in, in a big hurry, then the closest farm house and a cup of tea. Or the nearest pub and a cool drink! How current is everybody at out landing. How do we accomadate this in training, it is all very different having to land some where you have never landed before, and no doubt it will have to be in a hell of a hurry. Meaning you need to select a landing spot, manage some sort of a circuit then be on he ground within a very short space of time. Before it turns IMC. Planning, Planning, Planning! And when it hit's the fan! you need a plan for this as well! Safe Skies for All Cheers Guy
  4. HPD Do I find this in Incidents and Accidents or is there somewhere else I should look? Cheers Bluey
  5. Hey Matt what engine is in your CT4A? Do you do aero's? Cheers Bluey
  6. HPD not RAA perfectly legal Ngt Ag ops, not sure of the event you are looking towards! Cheers Bluey
  7. Hi Guy's Had a long chat to Rodney Stiff today about this challenge, seems it is to do with the fuel mixture, as they had adjusted how this being controlled by using a different needle. This was to create the different mixtures required for full power climb, cruise etc. However the equipment being used to monitor the effects was taking an average of what was happening in the different cylinders. Until individual monitoring for all cylinders was used the challenge did not show it's self. Cylinders were running at different temperatures, thus creating combustion challenges, different within different pot's. Setting up a resonance which was ultimately responsible for the challenges encounted. Not really very much to do with the hydraulic lifters at all! Thanks Dieslten and where does this call sign come from? J430 I like the sound of a turbine myself! Cheers Bluey
  8. Absolutely Dark black night's low level, can be just as exciting! Guy
  9. Great Effort Thanks Hoped you waved at Tumut for me, as this is where I spent my junior years! Lovin' it Cheers Guy
  10. Sick Leave I urgently needed a few days off work but I knew the boss would not allow me to take leave. I thought that maybe if I acted "Crazy", then he would tell me to take a few days off. So, I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny noises. My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb, so the Boss might think I was "Crazy" and give me a few days off. A few minutes later, the Boss came into the office and asked , "What in the name of good GOD are you doing?" I told him I was a light bulb. He said, "You are clearly stressed out. Go home and recuperate for a couple of days." I jumped down and walked out of the office... When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her, "....and where do you think you're going?!" (You're gonna love this) She said, "I'm going home too. I can't work in the dark."
  11. Hi Guy's there is a less expensive option to the flighcell 2go if you are interested! Do have it as part of our Blue Shed Aviation training organisation as we sell Pilot Communications, so you can get them from whoever or look here!http://www.blueshed.com.au/adapters.htm PA 86A is the basic cell phone interface or the PA400T intercom which is what I use as I can plug in my phone and MP3 at the same time, also has volume adjust and can run from aircraft power or batteries. A fellow in QLD brings these into the country, they are made in Korea! Hope this is OK Moderator's and Site Admin! Not trying to promote my business as much as to promote things one has found which are good and at a reasonable cost! Just Love The Music Cheers Guy
  12. blueshed


    Hi Lois Welcome to this most amazing site, I now know two "Lois's" that fly how amazing is that? You mentioned you are learning to fly, how far along are you, and are you learning in a Thruster? Have A Wonderful Day Cheers Guy
  13. Thats amazing! Cheers Guy
  14. Absolutely correct, however the mass of the wire would not be the same as that of a brick wall. What I am trying to say is if you hit a wire it will probably have some give in it and move with the aircraft for some time before bringing it to a slowing halt, instead of an instant halt. Aircraft that ancounter a wire which does not break usually impact tera firma where one would feel that the majority of the damage is inflicted. Then this would also be affected by the size of the wire and the mass of the aircraft, distance between posts, how close to the post it was hit etc Safe skies Cheers Guy
  15. Looking at Darens pictures how do you think this aircraft has hit impacted? The pics don't show any damage to the wing tips! Left hand wing looks to be fairly straight, while the RH wing is wrapped around the fuse and the tailplane and fin look to be severed. How would an aircraft imact to create this sort of damage? Lots of GGGGG's, but in what direction? How do you do this without severe LE damage to the wings? RH wheel broken of, LH intact! Thought's Cheers Guy
  16. Hi Daren in reading your report, it mentioned about being a charter, however also they were three German nationals? Not sure if they were flying themselves or if they had a charter pilot! Do you know? Cheers Guy
  17. Hi Mick Great report, glad I decided to stay here in SA, although I had been planning to come for sometime, was tp pick up my son @ Wentworth! Don't suppose anyone has decided when the next is to happen? V sad about the gyro and occupants, is there any info on the possible cause as yet? Great Report and Great Photo's Thanks Very Much, did Tony give you any insecticide for your fly problem? He should of had some if anyone was to! Cheers Guy
  18. Hi allowera Where is Tanja? Somewhere in NSW at a guess! I don't think there is a problem with using a UHF while flying, even have my telepnone and MP3 hooked in as well! I believe you are not meant to interfer with aircraft comms, as you have it spliced in and you can still hear VHF, should be of no problem. Cheers Guy
  19. Hi Luke the link you posted, is that all that is required? are there two radios and all that is needed for instalation or do you have to buy two of these etc? As you can tell I am not to much up to speed on this! Cheers Guy
  20. Well Done Mathew, Congradulations. as everyone has said you only do it once and most will remember this so vividly. Just like when you do your first parachute jump! That was different, not so much in control as my first solo! Soon to be able to share your love of flying with your loved one, is she looking forward to this? I know of a couple down this way, he started to learn, she went for a ride with the instructor and she started to learn to. Great Stuff Love it! Cheers Guy
  21. Very good depiction of the situation, so how will it go no the 24th ? Like honest Johnny me self! or will we all get sucked in? it shouldn't have to be the elevator ride, and surely there is a fantastic future for all, speaking for myself one some occasions we are taken to the water, however never manage a drink. Why is it when we know something is good and we realise it can benifit us all we don't always share it? or believe it is possible for us! Something to Ponder! So many who need to fly, want to fly, would just motivate them beyond thier wildest Dreams. However never manage to take the leep. Maybe they just haven't been asked yet! On that note why and how do most people get started? For myself, I lived a few miles from the local aerodrome and drove past it most days on the way to school, then on the way to work, was once taken for a ride in a Glider at the age of 14, then not again till 22. All just because someone actually pesterd me in to going for another ride in a Glider. Just so glad I was pestered. Now aviation has taken me many places in OZ with lots more to go! Have A Great Day, pester someone today, it may just revitalsie thier Zest for Life! Love It Cheers Guy
  22. Hi Steven the local chicken shop have just the bags, preferably without the chicken in them, sure they would give you a few! Are there many RAA aircraft at Wagga, learnt to fly @ Tumut and did my CPL at Western NSW Airlines, when Dick Henry owned it! Does this still exist? Is there only one training organisation there? Daren, they are never to young to take for a fly! I mean it's just another excuse to get airbourne! Have a little girl 3.5 and boy 10 months, they love it, and usually go to sleep! Cheers Guy
  23. Good One, maybe an IO 470!
  24. Hi Guy's the local flying group has oreded a J230, due to arrive in Dec, have noted a few J160's with the hydraulic engine have been breaking through bolts. What is causing this? Some have said that Jab put in hydraulic lifters, however didn't put in a modified hydraulic cam. The J160 seem to be failing at about 300 hours, does anyone know of any J230's with hydraulic motors that have achieved this number of hours. What should we be asking of Jabiru, before we pay and accept delivery of our new aircraft? Looking forward to any thought's ;) Thanks Guy Safe Skies for All
  25. Hi Guy's Thanks for all the info, baffled not sure which way to go!!!!!!!!!!!! Will be over on the east coast around xmas, probably only in a car though! Might catch up, will mainly be in the southern highlands. Cheers Guy
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