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Everything posted by blueshed

  1. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained!
  2. Hi Ross Which cell phone interface are You using or do you have a headset with the compatable plug. I have been using my Nokia CDMA with a cell phone amplified interface and also an intercom that I can plug in both my MP3 player and phone. One chap I have sold one of these to has a LG TU500, with which he has had good results. Hence I have purchased a LG TU500 and waiting for my new SIM to arrive. Some other friends here also have LG TU500's with which they are very happy, we are in some very marginal area's. These cell phones have the "industry standard" 2.5mm plug. Which is what these interfaces come with. Have also another friend with a Nokia 6120 I thinks, as yet he has not got back to me with how it has worked with these items. If you need a linkto these PM and I shall send link. Cheers Guy
  3. Can anyone offer a cost effective solution? I have a laptop with wireless capabilities and a wireless router at home hooked to broadband. The Challenge; I would like to be able to use my laptop with internet at the local airport, so as to get weather etc. Is there an aerial or something that will make my laptop work at the airport. Guess the airport is 2000m in direct line, possibly with a couple silo's in the way. Do I need more electronic boxes or just an aerial to connect to my wireless router? (Netgear WGR614) Thanks Guy;)
  4. Great Report, made me feel a little home sick when you talked about Tumut, spent my junior years there. Learnt to fly, gliders & pwr. Miss the hills, what a great spot! Cheers Guy
  5. Good One, gave me a laugh! Thanks Cheers Guy
  6. Hi John Welcome, Echuca would be nice this weekend, plenty to look at thier, National Holden museum etc, and I am a Ford fan! however still worth the look, very interesting. Iam in SA a bit far away. What side of ML is Coldstream on? Cheers Guy
  7. Hi from Jamestown SA, we are having TS and heavy showers, 12mm in the last 2 hours from showers. Looking at the cloud and the way it is moving it looks like it is headed for Echuca from here, was planning on coming to the flyin. Does anyone have any ideas on what the weather will do for the weekend! May have to stay at home and watch the Red Bull on the big screen in the shed! Cheers Guy
  8. I have a Lama V3 it's a challenge but great fun, need some new blades though as I got a little close to a plastic chair, did some major damage. Next set I am going to put some sticky tape on the leading edge to give it some protection from my learning/ training. Most Amazing Much Much Much flying fun inside when it is to windy to fly the real birds! Safe Skies Cheers Guy
  9. Bushpilot has the idea! I would just add that to control any unwanted livestock, at a safe distance from the strip you could build an electric fence, very minimal damage if you did ever happen to run into it! This is also very good for mowing the strip as well. As all you have to do is borrow 1000 sheep from the neighbour for a day or two every now and then and you have a mown and compacted strip. The only catch is you may get Poo Poo on your aircraft if you use it to soon after. Tip on cleaning "Do it Soon" The other thing is up or down a hill is great, however preferably no side slope! Safe Skies and Strips Cheers Guy
  10. Hi Matt Welcome, is it the rain which is holding you up? If so hasn't rained in SA for a long time, could you send a bit over? please! Have fun. Safe Skies Cheers Guy
  11. Thank You Ian Cheers Guy
  12. Hi Ian Challenging to say the least! Can I save this to my computer, so as to be able to use it of line? If so how? Safe Skies Cheers Guy
  13. Hi Rick Welcome to a fantastic site, are you able to put the Bushbaby in the hold of the 747 so you can have some fun on your days off? Silly , I know, just couldn't help myself. Which is the most challenging to fly, Big or little? Both different disciplines. Did a Threat & Error Management course just a week ago, could only manage to get there on the day they were doing multi crew stuff ( I fly GA), most interesting, especially the senario's and how things happen or maybe don't! Have A Great Day Safe Skies Cheers Guy
  14. BFR browng I believe that if you do your BFR, with a Dual rated instructor, both are covered. i.e. GA & RAA rating! Safe Skies Cheers Guy
  15. Airmanship WHTA IS IT?????????????? Saw something similar the other week, was after a Hangar Wings Presentation, and it was the guest of honour who took of in his Cub. However he didn't perform his antic's as high as the ones you have explained. The other thing was that he is EX from a major international airline!!!!!!!!!!! So What is AIRMANSHIP.???????????? Not Ability! Possibly the thought that goes into the flight and the possible ramifications of it!!!!!!!!! Will those who are not as skillfull as ones self see what is happening and copy it, because it has been demonstrated to them that this is the norm!? SAFE SKIES Cheers Guy
  16. Hi Bill good to see you along, is there much aviation activity around where you live? Dropped into a flyin at Moonta SA (Yorke Peninsular) on the way home yesterday, got a hamburger and a cup of tea, and kept on coming. Safe Skies Cheers Guy
  17. I'd say Slati is Correct Density alt, and not just airframe performance, the engine would also be way down on power. So if it was a density alt problem, the engine may have been producing maybe 70% or less of it's rated horse power! Have only flown a Bonanza once, however believe, when overloaded they do tend to porpose(nose pitch up/down) i.e. become unstable, maybe if the driver had got rid of the drag and put the nose down it may have been a different story. Keep Flying Guy
  18. Thanks Guy's Tar for all the info, checked out the 3m ec776, found somewhere it is the same as 3m 776, just that 3m ec776 is certified for aircraft! wanabigaplane (Jack), did you remove your tank and put it on the inside? Spray, brush or fill the tank and tumble the tank? Thanx everybody Cheers Guy
  19. would some kind persons be able to assist with information on RE Sloshing of aircraft fuel tanks. Like, does it have to be the same compound as original, or are they compatable? Where does one purchase these products? How much does one need? Can the tanks be resloshed as is? or does the fibre glass need to have external repairs done first? They leak a little! The wing has a tubular spar which the wing sections are attached to, each being glued to the next, thus creating tanks. Thanks Guy
  20. How Interesting Hi Guy's would you feel it is a really good idea to look out the front window, as, after all we are flying VFR (Visual Flight Rules). In the book I learnt from we were taught to look out all windows of the aircraft, for the majority of information required to fly the machine. Hence the radio is secondary to all! AVIATE, NAVIGATE and then COMMUNICATE. What was everyone else taught? Don't get me wrong Radio is a great asset, however we must never assume they will or always are working. Would it be possible to have an legend attached to these posts for those of us not up to speed with the latest or for those people who are just learning, so we can all understand what the different bunches of leter's stuck together actually represent! Cheers Guy
  21. Hi Rocket Driver what sort of rocket do you drvie? Welcome! Do you get or have you seen the "James Halliday 2008 Wine Companion" Check Out The Southern Flinders region, it is the one we are in. A relatively new Wine Region with some distinctly different Flavours! PM us if you would like more info. My wife is from the mornington peninsular, her dad has a winery and vineyard over there somewhere! Happy Flying Cheers Guy
  22. So What Did Everyone Get? From here, my wife,son & mother in law departed for Melbourne at 6.42am, I slept till 8.30am, arose, changed daughters nappy, kak, had breakfast for both, flew to Murray Bridge in the Jab, had a BBQ lunch courtesy of MBLAFS, changed airplanes and flew back to Jamestown, what a great dads day spent with my 3 1/2 year old Daughter. It's hard to get her out of the machine when you get home! Hope everyone had a Day Just As Great! Cheers Guy
  23. blueshed

    Echo v Sierra

    Just as easy, just point it in the general direction and it will do the rest, a little slippryer (is that a word?) than the echo, hope you don't have a Solar panel like mine or you will need a large hat as you will now be sitting on it! Sure you will have a great time and much fun! Cheers Guy
  24. Hi Jim Hello from SA, good to see, do you have a pic of a Karatoo ? no idea what one looks like! Welcome and have fun. Cheers Guy
  25. Hi Jeremy I Believe he has to pay for it, whether it is as a reduced salary or a loan from the company I am not sure! Cheers Guy
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