Did apprenticeship as Fitter & Turner (maintenance @ particle board mill) , caught the flying bug, learnt in a Glider (sailplane) got carried away did my PPL, studied CPL subjects (worked as part time garbo, to help pay) Got the CPL and started another apprenticeship (flying) IFR Twin, then AG. Somewhere in the middle managed an Auto Engine Reco Shop and gained a piece of paper which says I am an Automotive Engine Reconditioner. Also maintained an a Chook Egg grading facility, and have worked on gas turbine power generation plant. Driven trucks/tractors for harvest/seeding etc. Also bought farm in SA planted Grapevines at the begining of the drought, made some great wine and then managed to sell before we went broke! Moved to Temora this year! Now for the next part of the career!
Fly mainly AG these days as well as some RAA training, am in the process of my IFR renewal! (brain strain, not done for a long time!) Just Love to Fly !:thumb_up: