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Everything posted by blueshed

  1. Thanks for That GL, enjoyed very much!
  2. Dynon looks nice! $$$$$$$?????????? HH was a Metro Liner!!!!!!!
  3. Great To Have A Look, fantastic photo's with good info, loved the strip on the island, have to take the lawn mower next time!! Thank You So Much! JG Just done a quick trip with the family out to Charlieville,Longreach and home via Moonie in the wife's 182!
  4. HH, Looking out the window is a great idea! Wish more IFR pilot's would do it! Was more interested in the possibility of replacing an existing instrument (which Adam had as a Boy)! for that just in case, possibility! And it seemed a relatively inexpensive way to have a GPS with a few extra's added on. Like the idea that you can shove it in an existing hole! Thanks for the info! A couple of Aspen's would be nice! Can reiterate an incident of an IFR twin coming from behind me at more than twice my speed at the same level, in VMC, and me looking behind and seeing it and asking the captain of the said aircraft if they had seen me yet! The answer "NO"! by this time they were level with me and passing!!!!!!!!!!! At least someone was looking out the window! This was earlier this year!
  5. Have been looking at the Xtreme Mini EFIS, from MGL avionics. Was wondering if anyone was using one of these! and are there things in particular we should be looking at? Or are there better systems at the same $ ? start at $1225, includes gps aerial and OAT sensor! Hope it is OK to ask this on here!
  6. Thanks for putting up the link Dex, one day I shall learn how to do that!!!!!!!!
  7. Bandit12, Has hit the nail on the head! Zero G = No Stall! So zero the G roll wings level! Has anyone watched the "Turn Smart" video put together by Wayne Handley? This is a great information! I review it regularly. If we can understand what he is sharing with us, we will all be better off!
  8. Absolutely Don, and you are probably going to have to touch down at some stage in the not to distant future! Was the recent accident caused from engine failure in the turn?
  9. Do You Know Ol Mate at Kununarra? Could probably find it somewhere, he came through Jamestown on his way from Murray Bridge to Kununarra or maybe it was Catherine, somewhere up there ! Was a bit cold down south for him and he couldn't write proply hope he thawed out as he got furture north! Have a couple of mates SW of The Hill @ Jamestown who may be interested in joining in! Will you need Mogas at Temora ? May be able to assist!
  10. Hi Matt my hangar has a V nice Tecnam Sierra in it which a belive is for Sale, has only about 200 hours and is in as new condition, and no, I don't own it. Great little machine if you are also wishing to cross hire it! or have it used for training!
  11. I Here in Alaska you are able to land on roads and the auto's have to give way to aircraft ! How sensible is that? Great idea, accept for the pot holes, not that we have any of them in our shire!
  12. Great Info! Thank You Which aircraft is it which becomes uncontrolable once the canopy is open? Is it one of the Zenith's ?????
  13. Awesome Jake, have a jolly good time Ol' Chap, glad you are lovin' it! Beats working for a livin'
  14. Hey All Muso's my hangar will be up, block #75 Temora Airpark, will have awning down one side if this would be a good spot for a jam! Think you will all fit!
  15. Did apprenticeship as Fitter & Turner (maintenance @ particle board mill) , caught the flying bug, learnt in a Glider (sailplane) got carried away did my PPL, studied CPL subjects (worked as part time garbo, to help pay) Got the CPL and started another apprenticeship (flying) IFR Twin, then AG. Somewhere in the middle managed an Auto Engine Reco Shop and gained a piece of paper which says I am an Automotive Engine Reconditioner. Also maintained an a Chook Egg grading facility, and have worked on gas turbine power generation plant. Driven trucks/tractors for harvest/seeding etc. Also bought farm in SA planted Grapevines at the begining of the drought, made some great wine and then managed to sell before we went broke! Moved to Temora this year! Now for the next part of the career! Fly mainly AG these days as well as some RAA training, am in the process of my IFR renewal! (brain strain, not done for a long time!) Just Love to Fly !:thumb_up:
  16. Go Scotty, thats great that you are infecting your family with aviation at a young age! Our's are 4 & 7, wife also has her PPL, we are working on infecting our kids whilst not shoving it to far down that they may spit it out! We tend to leave it for a bit until they have asked a few times, before they can come for a fly, seems to be working ! Would love to know other's thought's on the subject!
  17. Sounds Great! even talking to people about aviation is a start. Amazing with such a positive community at Temora, that more locals are not involved with the aviation side of things! Hoping we can change this in the future!
  18. Ian how about a link for Ol Mate so he can find what you are talking about!
  19. Oop's sorry RD, didn't realise the happening's:crying:, glad your here to tell all!:thumb_up: ps and YES everyone you walk away from is a Great One, even though it may not seem so!
  20. Good Stuff! Great to hear RD:thumb up:
  21. You mean I need a shovel now!
  22. Got it wrong again! thought we were referring to Aeroplanes!
  23. Motz, would this possibly depend on the quality of the conversation?
  24. Hi There Jay
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