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Everything posted by blueshed

  1. Welcome Snoopy, how much do you have to spend on you 2 seat stol machine? Conventiional or trainer wheel?
  2. Zulu is the Go, flew from SA to Tyabb wearing a Bose, and then a few days later flew back wearing a Zulu. They al belonged to the aircraft I was flying at the time and I was not the owner! Now I own a Zulu and have just purchased another to put in my helmet. The sound quality is fantastic with the added advantage of blue tooth conectivity, also my phone just happens to plug in via the provided cord and works a treat. ps Me and me helmet will be flying in a noisy enviroment, a AT502, have also spoken to rescue services who are doing the same! Still have my original DC H1030 with dynamic mic, bought in the early eighties, still goes a treat! My finding's, hope this help's!
  3. Go Darky, You Can Do It! You Get My Vote Just one small question from an unqualified chap, what does an "Arts/Law" degree get you when you have completed it? Meaning do you then become a Lawyer or an Artist. I have no idea! All The Best! Guy
  4. Oi Darky Nice Sunny day today, remember the ol' saying "Better to be down here wishing we were up there, than up there wishing we were down here"! No great help, i know. Time To Spare! Go By Air!
  5. And of course you will need a pocket for your "Vynal Virgin" then you will have the complete kit along with your'e naked women!!!!!!!! Hope you have breath left after you crash!! Maybe best to blow her up early and sit on her, help to absorb the the landing!!!!!!
  6. Congradulations Well Done Flighty! Like Dazza's bit of wisdom (map to ground). A really good way to explain it. We have just been up to the "Cooper Creek" which feeds "Lake Eyre" what a sight, would make a great Nav Exercise!!!!!!!!! and well worth the effort! Darky, there will be one out there somewhere, don't grow old before you find them!
  7. Thanks Tomo someone once taught me that when you have full flap in z Cessna you can point the nose very uncomfortably towards the ground and it won't exceed 80kts. A good height lose device! And as someone has mentioned already if you can do your instruments in the white stuff or at least on a dark night it will give a much more realistic view. Meaning how much the bum can upset what the eye's are seeing, disorientation I think they call it! Most of all have fun!!!!!!!!!
  8. Maj was just reading your advice to Bacchus, wondering what causes the ignition sys to fry!? Most interesting awaiting with baited breath!
  9. Good Stuff, Know Ron (Hi !) haven't seen him for a while though, great to see all is coming together. Plane Party, Hangar Party, spose you will fit some flying in there somewhere!
  10. Good on Ya, do drop into Jamestown for a Cuppa! Did you buy a Hangar as well? or do the wings fold and you can put her in the trailer!?
  11. Glad you lived to tell the tale! Thanks Looks a bit chilly for a swim!
  12. Just a Question oe two about the various types of meter's and metering. A hobbs meter as reffered to at the begining of this thread- is it generally on when Master is on? Have seen it like this in a Teccynam! Tacho time, as in my Bede, I believe does only count clock hours when at certain RPM, therefore allowing for how many RPM's the engine has done in it's life, ie takes into account warm up @ lower RPM, T O @ high RPM, and normal cruise RPM and maybe even decent RPM. Am I right here? I think the Tacho in a Jab actually counts Clock time, when engine is running, don't think it counts when the master only is turned on. Correct or not? Airswitch as already stated, turns on and of @ a preset airspeed and counts clock time when ON! Correct or Not? Logable time as for the aircraft is wheels of to wheels on the ground. Correct or Not? Pilot logable time as I learnt was from point of Taxi to engine shut down, measured with a clock. Correct or Not? Awaiting enlightenment!
  13. Very Sad!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks for the Update Ian, Sounds great! working on the move!
  15. Hi Sue We have The Skyfox, seat no move, have you gotten into one? Do you need a Factory built? Unless it has changed and please correct me, Iam of the impression that if you own the aircraft and you can find an instructor who will, you can be trained in your own aircraft. ie not factory built! It is usually that the aircraft have no insurance, that instructors are not that excited about getting in them! Hope this helps!
  16. Hi David A most interesting question you have asked! What sort of low level endoresment are you looking for? (What would you be using your low level endorsement for?) The aircaft in your stable are an impressive bunch, do you own these? Not familiar with the Javlin!
  17. Agreed Nev, was just sharing my experience of two different types I had flown and what I felt I had found or more to the point FELT !
  18. That's cool, will it fit in the new hangar, so we can start it up on a Friday eve, so we have something to stand round and talk about. Albiet by our Zulu anr's and an intercom! Makes my Souvinier (spelling, don't look right) piston out of a 48 class loco look like a minature!
  19. Have you checked the manual, or called Jabiru!
  20. May be I used the wrong terminollagy (Not refering to "Adverse Aileron Yaw"). Just the tendancy for the aircraft to move uncomfortably in the yawing plane. I find that upsetting, more that just the average bump! Don't mind bing pushed in or out of my seat, dislick being pushed sideways Though!!! Sorry to have miss lead!
  21. Hi Bacchus Just something I noticed between a few different aircraft, Tecnam Sierra & J230, Jab seems to have less adverse yaw in bouncy conditons compaerd to the Tec. Which meant I was trying to chase the yaw and not as comfortable. The Gazelle seems to ride the bumps, probably because it is only doing 65kts, maybe 70kts. How far do you want to go? Round the country or round the state? or just your local area. Are you going to put it online for hire etc? Then I only have .5 of an hour in a Gazelle, however am working on a few more in the Skyfox since purchasing one late last year, got a trailer for it too, now I can go IFR ( I follow roads!) Good way togo if you are going to travel Oz!
  22. Welcome Just H, Beet's walk'in, are you learning in a 172? good ol machine, just discussing with my bro the other day and we figure when I had done my PPL the 172 was only 8 years old. Don't seem to get that as much anymore! Have fun, Sounds like you will enjoy yourself!
  23. Nev, Absolutely, Tah
  24. Amazing Scenery, Thanks Spin.
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