Hi To All
Thanks Geoff for bringing this to light!
It is not only to your frustration, however also to the frustration of Both of our RAA operations managers M & L. I was the Unicom operator at the time of this event!
As it was unfolding I was also in comm's with our opp's manager's who informed me they were onto the performance. As CASA was at this event and were duly informed of what had happened, they (CASA) I believe did not wish to act on it at all as they thought they were RAA aircraft and therefore would be delt with by the RAA. So basically CASA has so far had no response to the happenings, or so I believe.
From our spot up the "sissor lift" it was an extremely poor performance from the aircraft involved!
When I started to read this thread, without looking at your diagram, I new imediately the event with which you were refering.
From the Unicom point of view the majority of everyone who flew in while I was present, were to say the least "Very Good". The challenges come for us when for no reason someone decides to stop in the middle of a runnway or even at the intersection of TWO runways, Taking them out of action. Very frustrating for all in the circuit trying to land with a full complement in the circuit and more inbound. If you do manage to get on the ground PLEASE Expidite the active runway, "Get Outside the gable markers". Inside them and you are still on the active runway!
One poor sole was sent round twice concecutively (twice in a Row), Her performance was Exemperlary (Extremely Good). She maintained her cool at all stages and carried on AVIATING, NAVIGATING, and COMMUNICATING. Well done to the pilot of VH-BNP.
Enough from me cheers