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Everything posted by blueshed

  1. I reckon that one would assume that in the original question the aircraft would have been within c of g limits and the loads were secured in position. And all very interesting analagies! As the horizontal stabilizer does have an angle of incidence to the main wing, the main plane will usually stall before the tail plane, so if the machine is loaded correctly you should not get the tail plane to stall! If you were in straight and level flight and pushed the stick full forward and you changed the angle of attack to a negative 16 degrees will it stall and as it stalls will the nose become raised as in the oposite if you were to stall the aircraft with a positive angle of attack????????????? Oh No What a Proposal Guy
  2. Who is coming to our flyin Dinner if you have not RSVP d, it would be really good if you could so we can cater for you! [email protected] http://www.jamestownairshow.com/ Looks like the weather is going to be absolutely fantastic, if everyone that was going to attend the Echuca event could plan on coming it would be fantastic, we need the RAIN!!!!!!! Cheers Guy:thumb_up:
  3. An Early turn in either direction is usually a request from or to ATC, and neads to be approved, and would usually mean you can turn below 500' AGL in controlled airspace. So unless, assuming you are RAA not GA, you would have to be flying over private property with the owners permision to turn below 500'. Soon you will need to be low level endorsed as well! Clear as mud I know! Unicom is an advisery frequency only! if I have it correct! Hope it helps, Guy PS Jamestown Flyin and Hangar Dinner 19th April, this coming Saturday!
  4. Hi Spacey if you would like to chat with someone who is removed from the situation and is an instructor feel free to give us a call 0408 859 697, or 08 86641323. Cheers Guy
  5. Welcome Ryan are you guy's coming to the Jamestown Flyin and Hangar Dinner on the 19th April http://www.jamestownairshow.com/ Cheers Guy
  6. As J430 said J230 is the best bang for buck, our club purchased on earlier this year. heaps of luggage space, plenty fuel, less than 95k for the poverty pack (thats what we got) and that is all you need. Indicates 115 kts in smooth air at 5000' uses 18.2 litres/ hour in the cruise. Less doing circuit training. The maintenance is so much simpler than you can imagine, Won't rust! What a fantastic machine, Very nice to fly! Lovin It! Cheers Guy
  7. Welcome Jamie Plenty of advise hear, what do you want your plane to do? Fast, Slow, land in paddocks, tarmac only, amount of fuel etc Cheers Guy
  8. Awesome IceBob Well sirvived (that doesn't look right)! Good on you in terifiing circumstances. Jolly good job ol' chap. Hope the xrays were all clear! Cheers Guy
  9. Hi Graham Great Video Thanks, welcome from South Australia, I have a student who has recently moved out from South Africa, he says when we are flying, the country is much the same! Looks nice where you are! CHeers Guy
  10. Remember Jamestown Flyin And Hangar Dinner 19th April 08 http://www.jamestownairshow.com/ will be a great weekend! Cheers Guy ps did a couple fo TIF's for some friends of a friend the other day, they had a great time and you never know might learn, AND they come from over your way somewhere. Graham & Michelle are there names if you come accross them! cheers
  11. Hi Peter Welcome, thtas a pretty cool list of aircraft you have had the pleasure of flying, good on Ya have fun, and send us some of that H2o we need a couple of inches to put some water in the house tank, down to the last few thousand litre's! cheers Guy
  12. Hi Rick Welcome, that is a big question you have asked, and to a certian extent it comes to the budget, are you spending 50k or 150k, this should help narrow down the field. Then how far and how fast do you need to go? Where will you be landing? etc What a Great Question! Cheers Guy
  13. Hi yharry Welcome good to have some more with technical expertise on the mechanical side of the machine to be able to extract info from. Are you going to fly or keep fixin em! Cheers Guy
  14. Hi Kaz You can purchse WAC's called sellosheen (that might be spelt with a C) either folded or flat, the others as airsick says, are renewed frequantly. Just do most of your scribling on the covered ones. Permanent marker sounds like a good idea, whilst in flight you could then use the chinagraph pencil so you can still write and rub! Yes can see your aircraft! 110kts is just a tad slower than 120kts, which is equal to 2 miles per minute, if you have a 90kts machine you would be going at 1.5 miles per minute. or @ 120kts it will take 10mins for 20miles, or 14mins/20miles for a 90kt cruise. If you interpolate you can figure out 110kts roughly. Lets say 11mins. So if you are thinking in 20mile sections you can calculate stuff in your head and leave the wizz wheel tucked away, or give it to your instructor to check up for you. This is just a rule of thumb! Hope I have not confused the situation! Cheers Guy
  15. Hi Kaz What type of aircraft are you flying? or what is the planned cruise speed? The two most important things whilst navigating are "heading and time, time and heading" oop's thats four ting's! Pastic covered maps are good and a chinagraph pencil or a couple of different colours, with these you can draw on plastic and rub them out,d o all sort of calcs etc. Do you have an analogue watch? It makes a great abacus! as you can add and subtract using the face. Cheers Guy
  16. Sunday 2nd March Hi [ATTACH]5204.vB[/ATTACH] Rego's VH-SHW (Sir Hubert Wilkins), 24-5491 (5491 is Jamestowns Post code), This was taken at The "Sir Hubert Wilkins Aerodrome" Jamestown SA Sunday March 2nd 2008. Cheers Guy
  17. blueshed

    J230 @ YSWG

    Hi Geoff am a bit behind the times, Congradulations, absolutely fantastic! Better late than never. Haven't seen Fred for years and please say hello to Peter M, he will remember me from my Tumut Aeroclub days, not to many bad stories I hope! Have you been dropping in and saying hello at Tumut? Have a few old mates there if they still frquant the place! Once again Well done, have not managed to find any more info about Mallala yet! Cheers Guy
  18. Hi Karl Welcome from SA, have flown into Mittagong a few times you may have seen my BD4 there over the last few years. Havn't been for a while, last time we came was in a car, very boring! When will yu be flying your machine? we have a Flyin and Hangar Dinner in April, here in Jamestown SA, not far at all in an RV7A! http://www.jamestownairshow.com/flyin.html Cool call sign, just rolls of the tongue! Have Fun Cheers Guy
  19. Hi Brad find somewhere you like the feel of have a couple of TIF (Trial Introductory Flight's), to make sure it is the way you wish to go. Get the theory books (we are using the Jim Davis book). He has managed to put alot of the often difficult information in to easy to understand terms, plain english not mumble jumble. Well that is how we feel anyway. Do some reading prior to your next lesson and ask plenty of questions, your instructor will appreciate this, as he/she will see you are interested in learning and they will put in the appropriate effort to make your learning enjoyable. When the instructor goes in a little to deep, just ask for clarification and slow down or re hash the point a little later. Hoping this will help! Cheers Guy
  20. Hi Karen how is the conversion going, is there alot of stuff to go through or is it relatively simple? We have a flyin and hangar dinner in April if you need a bit of a nav http://www.jamestownairshow.com/ the link at the top of the page is for the current flyin! Will be a good night and weekend! Cheers Guy
  21. Welcome Derby We have a flyin and hangar dinner over here at Jamestown SA in April if you feel the need to go for a fly interstate, not that far really! http://www.jamestownairshow.com/ see the link at the top for our current flyin! We went into essendon the other week and sometimes get over to the mornington peninsular, excuse my ignorance, where is lakes entrance? Can't help it am a new south welsh man! Happy Flying Cheers Guy
  22. Good Job Ol' Chap, the first of many! Are you going to run us through it? Which was the exciting bit? Glad it stopped raining long enough for you! Lovin'it Cheers Guy
  23. blueshed

    J230 @ YSWG

    Hi Geoff Flew over Mallala yesterday, nothing obvious, will keep looking. You must be close to flying! Cheers Guy Not Sure what is happening with these posts, lost the first and now it is back, must be the milking cow!
  24. blueshed

    J230 @ YSWG

    Hi Geoff Flew to Mallala yesterday and looked at the spot where it show's an ALA, however we were unable to see where it might have been, maybe the circle on the map is in the wrong spot! Will do a bit more fossicking, if that is how you spell it, you could just about land in any paddock there at the moment. However by April we will have had some openning rains down that way and it will be all ploughed up! How close to flying are you? Excitment building! Cheers Guy
  25. Niiiiicccce
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