This was posted in May 2015 so a bit out of date but gives you somewhere to start.
SF1 Archon Complete Airframe Kit Special price 14.650 € * The KIT includes all the necessary parts and components to build a complete SF1 Archon airframe. Aluminum alloy construction, strong, light-weight, durable, corrosion resistant, UV protected, light and temperature resembles composites fabrics of. Only basic skills and tools required to assemble-in a small workshop. Pre-assembled spars (also wing spars) are View included. you do not need to a buy anything extra in the build SF1 Archon airframe. Without motor and can ... wear Rotax 503, 532, 582 engines. This means other 2500-3000 grand about € 503 for a used eos 21000 € 582 the new ...