I have the same issue.
I treat myself to a new camera, a draper CAM7 endoscope. this is 5.5mm dia with a right angle adaptor that goes on the end and maintains 5.5mm dia. the unit can take mpegs and jpegs. i had a look in each bore and at the valves, seats open and closed number 1 and number 3 looked realy good with mild carbon on the top of them and only a slight trace on the head, pistons had brown/black carbon on them to be expected. when i opened the valves i could see the stems ok and the seats, I could also see the gap between the valves had no burning or erroding going on. this confirmed my leak down on number 1 is going past the rings, 65/80
number 2 and 4, the valves were again good and seats etc but they have a layer of carbon build up on them valve tops and the pistons were heavily covered in white carbon? the head of number 4 had quite a bit of this white carbon build up near the valve. my plug tips are slightly white on number 2 and 4,
so how do I ritchen this side of the motor up as it looks to me these are running leaner than the other 2. I dont have EGT sensors on. CHT is on No4 and is always within limits. engine has done 480 hrs, first 340 on avgas and the rest on 95 ron mogas I have some pics of this I will try and post
Gary Omer