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Everything posted by G-OMER

  1. my strip of duct tape works perfectly flew last week, OAT ground was 4c. my whole flight was 90c reading with just a little gap in the cowl vent
  2. I read on jabiru430.com that you tilt the carb away from the hot side? so which 1 is correct? I have bought the long cobra head, so thinking of putting a plate in it before I fit it
  3. fuel is 8 to 10 ltrs per hr. #2 #4 are lean as plugs white, the other two are black rich, its not jetting its the distribution through the plenum box I think, more is going to 1 side than the other. i have searched the net and I think a cobra head with the cross in it or a plate baffle should improve the distribution to these pots going by others and various things I have read, this is my next move. any one had experience using these?
  4. now in the UK, temp around 5c ground level my cowl cooler intake is completely taped over with some duct tape, and i am around 80c normal flight
  5. I have the same issue. I treat myself to a new camera, a draper CAM7 endoscope. this is 5.5mm dia with a right angle adaptor that goes on the end and maintains 5.5mm dia. the unit can take mpegs and jpegs. i had a look in each bore and at the valves, seats open and closed number 1 and number 3 looked realy good with mild carbon on the top of them and only a slight trace on the head, pistons had brown/black carbon on them to be expected. when i opened the valves i could see the stems ok and the seats, I could also see the gap between the valves had no burning or erroding going on. this confirmed my leak down on number 1 is going past the rings, 65/80 number 2 and 4, the valves were again good and seats etc but they have a layer of carbon build up on them valve tops and the pistons were heavily covered in white carbon? the head of number 4 had quite a bit of this white carbon build up near the valve. my plug tips are slightly white on number 2 and 4, so how do I ritchen this side of the motor up as it looks to me these are running leaner than the other 2. I dont have EGT sensors on. CHT is on No4 and is always within limits. engine has done 480 hrs, first 340 on avgas and the rest on 95 ron mogas I have some pics of this I will try and post Cheers Gary Omer
  6. forgot to say the jab stalls at 35 knots
  7. OK I got 3 for a £1. then it was a decision to use the bone, mouse or ball. the mouse got it, popped it out of its bottom and installed it to the horn, so now I have the reed working 1 way only in the right direction. next thing is to re bend the plate back and do some trial in a couple of weeks to get it to sound at 45 knots? or 40 knots?
  8. I think the horn is buggered, as it sqeeks when I suck and blow. thanks for the education on how it works, appreciated. Will go to the £1 store and look for a candidate Gary
  9. I re fitted the warner, adjusted the plate under the wing intake down a bit and went flying today. the horn started sounding at 85 knots again. i unplugged the horn and air was blowing out the pipe not sucking in? so what is the next move? Cheers Gary
  10. it was a little chilly yesterday, took off in -6, its due to warm up a bit this week, today its warmer but covered in mist so will sit it out n wait. I will look at the plate on the leading edge to see if it needs a tweak down a bit then. as it was sounding on climb out 70+ knots. if I suck the horn it sounds so the horn is working, must be adjustement req'd by the plate. could do with a better heater in the jab as the 1 fitted is usless, no heat at all
  11. Hi, when I bought my Jab 450ul, the stall warning horn was under the seat in the storage area un connected. I fitted it up behind the flap plate and plugged it in. the following week when I flew I had this odd noise all the time then realised it wass the horn, so I unplugged it. My question is what IAS should it sound at, what pressure would this bee if connecting a compressor to it and how do you tweak them to only sound at this pressure Cheers Gary
  12. mine is front of the seat one. I have took it off now and put a collar on. I think I will make a new collar and handle so if needs be the handle can be screwed into the collar. loved your build web site Cheers Gary Omer
  13. now this is a simulator I would like in my front room if I had some spare cash http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130632058893?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  14. Hi John, nice work
  15. its a shame this happened and could have proberbly happened even if he had been licenced to fly that type, he made an error or a number of errors on approach. he will have to live with this now for the rest of....
  16. yes agree on intentional go arounds or touch n goes, but when not intentional your on full flap..
  17. i had to do a go around when training, powered up etc and dropped the flaps to half, was at about 30ft up, slammed the jab into the run way and bounced back to 30 ft, wont do that again, to low and slow to go to half flap.
  18. impressive, well done
  19. cool, init a great feeling, and prob the best landing you have ever done
  20. I have had this on my 450UL. when learning to fly on my solos I did plenty of go arounds, the jab would always lift the nose right up and i was pulling back on the power to lower it. I found I had full fwd stick in and it still did it then on 1 go around i hit the trim lever and then i had plenty of fwd stick, so if i have to do a goaround now i instinctivly after power push the trim fully fwd then no probs, if i think i may have to do a go around when on finals i will put the trim to neutral then no problem, all this means is holding some back stick on. on a normal landing i have the trim back, not fully, say a 1/4 of the way from neutral then the jab lands itself. Cheers Gary
  21. butt nip, pull back to 60 kts. spot a field, then check dash board switches etc, fuel valve, hit the start button. if nothing call mayday x3 etc then concentrate on landing. what I was tought for GST.
  22. G-OMER

    jabiru parts

    parts list advise a 60042.RS bearing
  23. G-OMER

    jabiru parts

    if the drawings dont indicate it, pop the bearing and measure it up. they are listed here at£8. so won't be anything special http://www.sky-craft.co.uk/acatalog/Skycraft_Jabiru_Aircraft_Airframe_Wheels_Brake_Parts.html
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