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Everything posted by G-OMER

  1. will check mine at the w/end for sure as they are yellow ones
  2. While flying over norfolk UK on Friday 13th 2K ish height, 100ish knots I developed a power failure, I immediatly pulled the nose up to 60 knots, leveled off, then looked at the instruments, all ok and 1K rpm still on the motor, I advised the passanger we have had a power failure when he said oh I think I knocked this lever (the throttle)jez hit my lever and power back on. guts picked up off the floor and placed into sick bag and carry on with flight, lesson learned, go for the throttle first, I am wondering how far I would of got before touching the throttle? I suppose once realising 1K still on the tacho and prop turning I would of gone for the lever, seconds passed but it seemed a long time. I did advise the passanger before T/O not to touch the lever, think I will take it off now. Cheers Gary
  3. Hi, I fly from Felthorpe next to Norwich airport, Guernsey, the airfield is still there Shipdam "8 ball", I'm also a member
  4. Not sure what BCAR is or means, relitively new to the game, got the Jab in June to do my solos and complete my licence that I did in Oct/Nov. not had any major issues with the Jab only mags going down, but reading all the forums they dont seem to be as good as the rotax hence the post Cheers Gary O
  5. How much agro is this to get through the LAA in the UK? Cheers Gary Omer
  6. Hi, Just joined Cheers Gary
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