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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Hi Ozzie The course was held at Maitland and organised through the HGFA - see my post on: http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/engines-props/12177-rotax-maintenance-training.html after I had gone to the USA to do the LSA Repairman course with Carol & Brian Carpenter, with a view to bringing their maintenance course to Australia for Trike flyers. They came over from the states to help us set up the first course, and there will be further courses being run in the future, using their courseware. Safe flying Kev
  2. Davidh, As an afterthought, did the mould clean off alright afterwards, or was it sort of permanent? Safe flying Kev.
  3. Davidh, Thanks for the info - will keep looking for an alternative. Safe Flying Kev
  4. Does anyone use a UV protectant on their wing? I used to use Ultra AeroShield which did a great job, but am unable to get it any more. I have checked the web and came across "Aerospace303 UV Protectant" which looks like a similar product. Has anyone used this? Would appreciate any feedback, before sending off for some ... Safe Flying Kev
  5. Dave, The HGFA are currently running a series of courses (starting Monday 21 Oct) to certify inspectors, for the purpose of conducting Annual Inspections on trikes - both primary category and LSA. There will follow at some time in the not too distant future, a series of maintenance courses, run in conjunction with BertFlood, to certify maintenance personnel around the country. The idea is to enable owners to be able to either carry out their own maintenance, or have access to somebody who is both competent and qualified. This will also apply to both primary category and LSA. Hope this helps. Fly Safely Kev.
  6. Just wanted to wish Brook and his family all the best for a speedy recovery after his microlight crash yesterday. He clipped a fence on take off and was very lucky that he and his passenger weren't more seriously hurt. He has suffered a broken shoulder and is in hospital at the moment. His passenger has suffered lacerations to her face and is stable. Best wishes to you both. Shame about the trike but as we all know you can always replace it. The main thing is that you are both alive and well, so get better soon.:thumb_up: Kev & Carole
  7. Dennis, I had Kuntzleman twin flash strobes fitted to my previous trike (Edge 582), one on top of king post, and another just in front of the nosewheel. According to other flyers, they did make a difference in anything other than bright sunlight conditions.:thumb_up: That is enough for me. If they prevent just one mid-air, or incident then I consider it money well spent. I shall be fitting the same setup to my current trike as soon as I have resolved my radio issues (one step at a time). I heartily endorse Crezzi's recommendation to read through the BMAA's minor mod on the subject. It will cover issues that you might not otherwise consider. By the way, on my 582, I mounted the driver box all the way forward in the nose, and then subsequently had to move the radio antenna from the nose out to the mainwheel, to minimise interference. Hope this helps. Safe flying Kev
  8. Well we made it to the fly-in in the hire car, and had a great time. Thank you to everyone who made us so welcome - it was great to meet you all. Yes the weather let everyone down but the organisation that went into this fly-in was absolutely fantastic. Had the weather been kinder, it would have been a great turn out and a fun place to be. The BBQ was second to none!! :thumb_up: We will definitely make it to the next one they hold, and hopefully be able to fly there. Well worth a visit .............. Thanks again for the invitation and hope the weather is kinder for you guys with the next one. Safe Flying Kev (..er, Carole actually).
  9. Mick The hire car company says I shouldn't drive it off road or through streams etc., so wondering if I'd be better hiring a boat to come to the flyin once I get to Maryborough? i_dunno See you there Kev
  10. We're visiting Maryborough next week for a holiday, so would love to come to the flyin and meet up with everyone. Unfortunately we'll have to drive there, as Virgin Blue won't allow me to bring the Trike thumb_down See you there Kev
  11. Looks great Bill. I did some of my early training on a Quantum 912 - a great aircraft, whatever engine it has.:thumb_up: Safe flying Kev
  12. Sorry mate - not guilty. Someone is impersonating me. Couldn't get to fly this weekend which was a shame, as it looked pretty good for a change. thumb_down I wonder who it was? Safe flying Kev
  13. John (Crezzi) You beat me to it, but I was also going to mention the BMAA method of reporting incidents/accidents. I always read them and think 'could that happen to me?' and if so, would the result have been the same? It helps to keep you focused on flying safely at all times. It is a shame there is nothing similar over here (as yet?) Safe flying Kev.
  14. Alan This website was great - exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again for the information, very much appreciated. Regards Kev.
  15. Thanks Alan. I checked out their website but couldn't find any vertical doors at all, just horizontal bi-folds. Have you motorised any vertical ones at all? Safe flying Kev.
  16. Great - thanks Ian. Safe flying Kev. ...er, just looked at the members list and could not find a Camair at all. Any clues? :confused:
  17. Just a general enquiry to see if there is anybody out there that has, or uses, a hanger with bi-fold doors (ones that open up vertically). If so, would appreciate any information, such as pros & cons, cost, source etc. I am thinking of building my own hanger sometime in the future and bi-fold doors seem like a pretty good idea. I am thinking in terms of manuallly operated as opposed to electric or hydraulic. Safe flying Kev.
  18. John, Thanks for the info - wasn't aware of that. Safe flying Kev.
  19. GawlerMicro Hi, Just thought I'd give you some extra imformation on the Brian Milton 912 engine failure. There were four factors leading to the cause of that particular failure, of which the side panniers affecting the airflow to the radiators was one. The others were: Hot & high - Middle East and Summertime; Overweight - The trike was well over the MAUW at the time; Incorrect coolant mix. So, although the panniers were a factor, all other things being equal they should still be safe to use. I know that the Quik has special slimline ones endorsed and supplied by P&M. Safe flying Kev.
  20. Time for a smile [ATTACH]5288.vB[/ATTACH] Put your passenger at ease...;)
  21. Thanks for the advice Paul. My transmissions appear to be clear, and I'm not sure without some help, how I would turn down the power output on the Xcom. What is a VXA220? I have seen photographs of the Rabbit Vee antenna, and think that it would introduce problems when de-rigging the wing, so would prefer to avoid going that way at this stage. After saying that, I don't rig & de-rig very often, so it wouldn't be that much of an issue. My current antenna is a Lynx one, and appears to be installed and grounded adequately. Regards Kev.
  22. Thanks Perry, I'm kind of partial to the Xcom, if only for the dual watch facility. The interference is not too bad at the moment, but could certainly stand improvement. I might try putting the in-line noise filter on the power supply to the radio instead of the comms and see if that makes any difference (space is becoming limited around the area of the radio, though). Safe flying Kev.
  23. Great photos Matt ...............the last photo (CT4 banking right) gets my vote! Safe Flying Kev
  24. LJS I imported my new Quik 912s from the UK last year, and can give you any or all details. If it is a UK Trike it will be certified to Section S, which is acceptable here in Australia. There was no duty payable, but we had to pay GST and this was added after all other costs i.e. freight, insurance etc. Obviously a lot depends on the exchange rate at the time of deposit and final payment but it still worked out comparable to the locally manufactured equivalents for us. Not sure what would be involved if you are after a 2nd hand Trike but I don't think I would buy one unseen and untried. Safe flying Kev
  25. It was strange reading your post as I contacted OAMPS re insurance for my Quik 912s a while back. The letter that arrived from them (June 2007) had all the details of my Edge X 582 and stated that they currently provide members (HGFA) with a limited transit, Fire & Theft coverage. They gave the cost as $22 per $1000 sum insured plus a flat $55.00. On the other page was a HGFA Members Microlight Questionnaire to complete and return asking if you would be interested in obtaining insurance for either of the following: Limited Transit, Fire & Perils Full Ground & Trailering Full Flight, Taxying, Ground, Trailering So although the Flight & Taxying cover weren't available, it looked as though it was something they were considering for the future. Seems strange they said no to you, unless it is only for HGFA members? Safe flying Kev
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