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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Landed , got fuel, parked up outside aero club, stayed 3 days , went for scenic flights every day, went to Bundy , never asked for asic ,spoke to security/bowser guy he was very friendly aero club guys were also friendly, at Bundy(I go frequently ) they changed code asked the rescue helo pilot no worries,its a farce
  2. Forgot to mention , I do have a valid asic and carry it with me at all times
  3. I have at several airports with security and asked for the code for gates, never been asked for asic card nor present one,talking about ballina, bundy ,hervey bay ,archerfield,gladstone what a farce its useless in stopping a terrorist its revenue gouging and making the faceless bureaucrats empire building ,useless twats
  4. Hi Raph, we own a Kis Tr1 I would like to see some pics cheers gareth
  5. We ordered an stc for our 0235 from USA , cheaper than the Oz one from Dr Hodges , also he was very hard to get on phone or email, cheers Gareth
  6. I have a set of EQ1, they are very good,just be sure to charge up between flights , headset lasts 24 hrs as does the bluetooth unit cheers gareth
  7. Both his school planes are in hanger next to mine his dad lives on the island
  8. Nick operates out of Heck field now
  9. Hi Biggles , give Mark Kyle a pm he is a whiz with radio stuff ,i am sure he would help out Cheers gareth
  10. I had a set of sunglasses with bi focals made just for flying ,$300, i also keep a pair of reading glasses with me ,(as per the rules) cheers gareth
  11. Nic, you sound quite young , having a go at us oldies saying we long for the "good old days " is wrong , what we mean is that us oldies came up in a different time , where we were responsible for our actions, we were all so post war and there was work in abundance , now most of you "younger ones " dont really know bad times , your parents fed you , housed you , educated you, looked after you financially for a long time , us oldies however worked hard and wanted better things for our kids far from whinging look at it from our side , we are now over regulated , nanny state mindless reg,s could go on , we didn,t sit in airconditioned offices with our bums on chairs staring at computors all day , technology is great , but we still need people to manufacture ,and as someone said no government is interested in it , so lets all get jobs in technology and let the peasents do the grunt work cheers gareth
  12. shared with 5 other aircraft $220 per month , at Boonah (1hr 10 mins away ) it was $250 per month, it now takes me 20 minutes to hanger , so much better
  13. Unions have thier place but politacal parties shoud not be involved with them and there are thugs in unions
  14. Yes Nev, i come from a Welsh background who mostlty were labour and union, my father always voted conservative in UK a war veteran he was dismayed how labour treated them after WW11, till his dying day was a staunch conservative ,me i am liberal in my thinking and as you say lean that way , but labour has only ever made monumental stuff ups for us, pollies of all colours say that they will be for the country and people BUT always toe the party line, all political parties are this way and the loony greens would always be lefties,i have little faith in ANY pollies ( i have worked for one years ago, ) they start out fresh and with vigour but soon become pigs at the trough
  15. You think there is decency in politics, gillard lied, rudd the backstabber,tony too conservative,,turnbull to much money to understand ,shorten the union thug,keating the smarmy bxxtard,hawke the union thug,the list is endless,at least little johnny kept us in the black, pollies are mostly in it for the gravy and large super , and the greens loony tunes
  16. rudd just wanted to get on the gravy train, he cannot get a job because he is a career pollie and that means he useless for anything in the real world
  17. For sale Avmap EK4 new never used in aircraft comes with mount for dash
  18. He is also on my ignore list.
  19. Don , there are always negative people in every club,association,your damned if you do and damned if you dont , the vote was a resounding YES if people dont like it put your money where your mouth is and have a go or move on, like you Don i gave 7 years as the President of a very large soccer club the amount of time and my own money put in was enormous ,the club became a financial success and with 24 teams from under 7s to seniors was very successful,but lots of negative people ,but they would not put their hand up for anything you can please people but not all the time , thanks Don for your efforts Cheers gareth
  20. Kooralbyn resort is now open for aviators ,1.4 klm airstrip, walk to shops and resort (about2,and 4 mins) soon to have 98 mogas at the servo , coffee is great at cafe and if you eat/stay no landing fees cheers Gareth
  21. Alan , trees are quite high at end of strip ,never been there before but it is 1.4 klms long ,next time (sun) will land a bit longer land short and its a long taxy to hanger (i fly a heavier plane 2 up now) cheers gareth
  22. BTW there is no windsock and the trees at the end of 12 are daunting ( i swear we touched) lol they block out the start of rwy cheers Gareth
  23. No landing fee if you have lunch Sean
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