Nic, you sound quite young , having a go at us oldies saying we long for the "good old days " is wrong , what we mean is that us oldies came up in a different time , where we were responsible for our actions, we were all so post war and there was work in abundance , now most of you "younger ones " dont really know bad times , your parents fed you , housed you , educated you, looked after you financially for a long time , us oldies however worked hard and wanted better things for our kids far from whinging look at it from our side , we are now over regulated , nanny state mindless reg,s could go on , we didn,t sit in airconditioned offices with our bums on chairs staring at computors all day , technology is great , but we still need people to manufacture ,and as someone said no government is interested in it , so lets all get jobs in technology and let the peasents do the grunt work
cheers gareth