But the Serbs did not Export there terrorism to other countries around the world ,Iraq,Russia,Belgium,France ,England,Australia,Indonesia,Spain,Somalia,Sudan,USA,Israel,Tunisia,Yemen,plus other countries have all had MUSLIM terrorists murder and butcher innocents,they butcher more of their own Muslim brothers and sisters than westerners, a few of the countries mentioned had their own nut job massacres ,but these people were lone nut jobs ,not affiliated to MUSLIM religion, the debate about countries right or wrong to wage war in the Arab states will rage on, Western countries do not send people with suicide vests to kill civilians ,and i know the debate will go on about us(westerners) invading Iraq , we will never learn why the reasons ,we are only now learning about WW11 and Korea,Vietnam, and yes what the Serbs did was terrible to local Muslim population,not condoning that. The Serbs have a lot answer for as did the Germans in WW11 ,but would we have been any different if we were under the despots rule,we would have turned a blind eye methinks,the majority of Muslims in this country are just trying to get by as best they can, ,but they do have a lot more brooding nut jobs than the rest of the populace,i for one have no problem with multiculturism, but AUSTRALIA first we must remain a secular country no religion must dominate ,CofE,Catholic,Islam,Buddism or any of the others .
cheers gareth