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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Thanks Guys ,good info and will use it on weekend cheers gareth
  2. Does anyone know that on this weekend if Amberley is active and we can fly through and at what levels , been caught out once and dont want to be chastised again. cheers gareth
  3. Also the google maps above shows Wirraway Station,dont try and land there they will wave you off cheers gareth
  4. Guys look for the canungra road,on right is the Albert River Winery , 2 clicks on right is the airfield cheers gareth
  5. its close to Albert river Winery heading south west to Canungra 2 strips one is slightly up hill cheers gareth
  6. I have 4 round dots ,works for me and i got them from a dollar shop no 3 is my aim point, bottom dot end of runway cheers gareth
  7. Geoff ,i agree ,some of us retirees as you say have the time to build,tinker or purchase a plane now lets get this right ,a plane ,wings ,fusalage,cockpit,elavators etc etc by golly its a plane , isnt it all about the aviation and flying ,to me it only matters that the CFI that teaches me is competant to teach me to the best of my ability , it takes years to become a good aviator and i am still learning as long as i do it legally in Ra it will do me for the time i have left in the sky cheers gareth
  8. Your right that email is one sick loonie dont people realise that this (your) forum is for all like minded aviators ,sure we can disagree ,but dont be assholes to each other for the sake of a cheap laugh, and dont worry Ian/Corrine , most of the users of this forum will be there for you both Cheers Gareth W Lacet(not a psuedonym) is that the correct spelling LOL (for you Dazza)
  9. Snore!!
  10. Why dont you "out" the she/male user , he /she must be paranoid if they use subterfuge , i say put your name up if you have nothing to worry about or go to some other forum Cheers Gareth W Lacey
  11. I have always got my items in a timely manner , but it is a small business with all the problems of suppliers not getting your orders delivered on time , also Ian is working away at this time ,and it is a genuine business cheers gareth
  12. I think Ada is trying to impress us all with what she thinks she knows, i for I do not get impressed that easily, there are many forum users here that i would listen to first , then get the facts for myself ,i have also flown 4 different Jabs and as with ALL planes there are things about each that you may not like and as Facthunter said there are other type engines that are iffy cheers gareth
  13. thanks Ian, some of these topics are getting boring and takes away from what this great site is about AVIATION CHEERS GARETH
  14. Hi Ada, do you have an axe to grind with raa pilots seems that us old guys get up your nose! Cheers Gareth
  15. Oh, they do have toilets as well to far to walk in to town for coffee and there is a restricted area close by as well just a pee stop but a bit of wind at the end of strip off the hills cheers Gareth
  16. Yes the strip is open , landed there last month but very quiet the guys mowing the side grass told me not many planes landing and the plane in the long grass at the entrance has been very neglected cheers Gareth
  17. Has anyone asked the pilot? He was flying the plane and if as everyone suggests it's a tricky plane to fly I don't think a low time or on type pilot would be.and really it's more supposition than real facts.also we need to ask how the pilot is feeling, that would have scared the s##t out of me cheers Gareth
  18. Hi Graham and Val nice to catch up with you at the fly in and your trip north sounds great ,you will have tell me all about it, I am away till the 11th sept but will go out to Warwick on the sat so hopefully can catch up then c
  19. Doug is a great CFI,have done most of my training with him,great pilot and instructor cheers Gareth
  20. Flying down the coast at Rainbow Beach ,heading home to Boonah after a few days in hervey Bay Cheers gareth
  21. Flying down the coast at Rainbow Beach ,heading home to Boonah after a few days in hervey Bay Cheers gareth
  22. thanks guys , it looks to tricky for a low time pilot to take on , after a bit more research it looks like we will go north (where its warmer for my wife) thanks again for the advice cheers gareth
  23. I am planning a trip to Nelson Bay ,does anyone know aan airstrip that i can fly in and leave plane for a few days closer to Nelson Bay would be good , Thanks Gareth
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