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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Pathfinder Aviation Archerfield great teaching school cheers Gareth
  2. HI Scotty being a boilermaker/welder for 47 years we were the low end of the pay scale,fitters,turners,toolmakers(a dying art) and all in the metal industries were paid poorly until about 10 years ago, my son who is 23 ,was my apprentice , since i retired(and now back fulltime as a works manager )my son works fifo and earns CLEAR each week $3500 .Aviation is in the doldrums, passion is great but does not put food on the table for our kids , early on in my 30s i worked a night shift as well as a day shift at times the pay was poor, as said earlier in the posts a LAME has a lot of responsibility and is not well paid, passion for flying is great ,you are building a plane , this may have be something that can fill the void until aviation picks up , some say follow your dreams , but this usually comes at a price ,build your plane and enjoy it then later on get into job that you want , i retired and at 65 started work again , plus building the Morgan has given me a new lease on life . Cheers gareth
  3. works for me ,old age = less eyesight stronger galsses gareth
  4. Hi Guys who is the best company to deal with re insuring a plane pitfalls , etc and how real is the insurance i.e do you get the real cost back any feedback appreciated its getting close need to get a cost cheers Gareth
  5. ours cost $2000 primer.paint,clear,all the tape,cleaning and sandpaper , we were quoted $6000 to do it by a spraypainter cheers gareth
  6. seems to me that there are a lot of "unreal men out there" they dont fly taildraggers cheers Gareth
  7. Yes David , its getting close not to much longer ,happy days cheers Gareth & Craig
  8. Hi ALl well ,sat we filled the UL with oil, tied the fusalage to a post and fired up the motor ,at idle 40 psi,at full throttle 55 psi all temps in the low range , the engine starts first pop ,being fuel injected easy start, it is a sweet sounding engine , prop balanced, no vibrations at all , the toe brakes need very little pressure to hold it ,even at full throttle all fuel lines no leaks , all electrics and gauges work final fit up and transport to get our test pilot to get it in the air ,so close ,but no rush (a little bit exited though) and we also have a hanger now . cheers Gareth & Craig NB .i have a video but can,t get it to load
  9. Goey stuff works , fixed my front drivers tyre and 12 months later still pumped up cheers Gareth
  10. Hi Mark ,bad luck about your Sav, glad pilot and pax were ok . cheers gareth
  11. Well, its been a long time coming (the prop that is ) the prop arrived wed ,and i installed today ,all electrics finished (thanks Mark,Kyle communications for your help) the fuel system is all finished panel was lit up today final bolt check up so close ,we are both away for 2 weeks , counting down ,here are 2 pics Cheers gareth & Craig the prop was ordered in May
  12. Will have to fly over this weekend and see rang the guy who owns the hanger but no answer maybe he is not using hanger for planes ah well back to the drawing board
  13. currently at our workshop ,(its not flying yet about 4 weeks ,but i fly at Pathfinder Aviation Jab 170 every sat)but possibly we will fly out of caboolture if no slot there we go to plan b at Kooralbyn ,very good hanger and the runway is not to bad and the cost is abot $25 per week cheers gareth
  14. Why do you call it a rich mans sport , i am not rich, but can afford to fly every week and have nearly finished my half of a plane(about $40k) and the running costs are much cheaper than my 4wd buy a boat and that cost would be more per week ,any sport that is motorized will cost more than riding a bike , its all about priorities i prefer to fly than go to the pub every night ,smoke ing and drinking ,a far less exiting thing to do but would eat in to most peoples pay packets cheers gareth
  15. SP I changed schools twice before finding the right one ,aeroplanes all low hrs and maintained and the quality of the training was very good if they wont let you see the maintenance records be very suspect and if you find any thing on your preflight do not fly , on one occasion the plane at the first school would not start and i refused o go up ,(46 year old Cessna 150) and have on 1 occasion cut short my lesson because of abuse by the instructor and never went up with him again its your life ,make good judgements and you will be safe cheers gareth
  16. Ian ,who has control and ownership over this site is entitled to know the members details this is the same as google ,facebook,utube etc and i am very comfortable with this ,the others send you crap and may even on sell your details, it also gives Ian the means to get rid of unwanted forumites ,and the odd weirdo ,any way if your that paranoid of giving out details ,go back to the cave and hibernate LOL cheers Gareth
  17. to David Mason facts ,thats the problem there never is any given on most engine failures or planes down ,its as quoted by one CFI ,its unfortunate ,{moderated} Gareth
  18. To Dazza I live in Logan, and very good friends of mine live in Inala, and you who live in GG have a lot to say ,crime is rampant ,drugs galore ,and dont leave your vehicle unattended ,might not be there when you get back, for all you say about Jabs , what about the Rotax powered Tecnam Of Airsports Boonah that GAVE up not to much from you on that one ,pull your head in good people live in all sorts of areas (as do the bad people) cheers gareth
  19. Thanks PaulH its a nice touch and the step works well for me (buggered knees ) and being alum its very light Craig gets more ideas as we have progressed with the build cheers Gareth
  20. Thanks Guys all the kudos goes to Craig ,he did all the painting ,i just helped with the prep of bodywork, the airbrush work was done by a young artist ,we are well pleased with outcome, a couple more epics ,we sat in today and made aeroplane noises LOL still waiting on prop those yanks are so slooowww cheers Guys
  21. HI all some more pics of progress 1. our no 2.step 3.graphics 4.wiring harness 5.more graphics 6.and more 7, and more cheers Gareth & Craig
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