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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. I have made my own mounts and used Nolathene 80, 38 dia and machine and drilled 10mm 28 thickness (different engine , but the stiffness is great
  2. Talk to kg wilson this forum he has one at grafton
  3. But, liquidators are only doing it for themselves at ridiculous hourly rates. 4 weeks work Case , a very good friend had 2 contracts go belly up, lost almost $250,000 and was cash strapped , he could not pay his debts liquidator appointed, they clawed back $ 130,000 guess how much their fees were ,you guessed it $130,000 they are parasites , anyway ten years later he is now a millionaire with his factory work premises in the 1.8 value , and his own house is debt free, no debts and is a financially sound business, he also paid the small business debts off that he owed Liquidators = parasites ,bottom feeders
  4. Sorry , yes , i have all my rubber profile for my build from them
  5. Swift agencies in Beenliegh has all types of rubber and mouldings
  6. There was a nearly finished one for sale on Ras ads last year built by a genius sparky in Mareeba if i remember correctly i purchased some parts from him for my build ,if you look back on Ras ads you can find it ,
  7. Coldsign make thier own in house best prices and can get offcuts as wrll used it(green colour) for all of my fibreglass molds they have it in 25,30,40,50,100sheet thickness
  8. Try coldsign in coopers plains
  9. Used these in another build worked fine , Sensotec dual switchable gauge, not flown still building wings, and i only have 160mm depth in tanks and the mechanical ones are not that good in bigger tanks,only from my experience and also easier to get at in top of tank side mounted not very accessible in my build( d box ends areflush to tank Cheers Gareth
  10. here is the type i am using in my baffled D box f/glass 75 litre wing tanks sensor.htmsensor.htmsensor.htm
  11. OOPs sorry cured poly on the sonex ,the canopy and front screen are large curves ,should hae no problem bending that
  12. Low wing sort of RV ish ( my own scratchbuilt) Makron polycarbonate, 2mm forms quite easily bends twists rolls my estimated top speed is approx 160knots but will cruise in the 130 area for fuel economy you must leave plastic cover on when working it i see from sonex it has bent angles it will bend ok use a heat gun but very carefully I have smashed an offct of 2mm with a big hammer it only dented no cracking , cheers Gareth
  13. I purchased a full sheet 2mm thick they cut my windscreen size also, then i shaped cut to pattern curved around ok this also stiffened it , it is clear polycarbonate (makron) drill holes larger than fixing and no riveting make sure edge distance is sufficient.,i had my fibreglass molds already made drilled a few fixing holes and the sealed /glued with sika 21 held together with 3/16 clecos for 2 days till cured than fixed to fuse for trial all ok, take off and wrap in old sheets till final assembly , make sure to leave plastic cover on till you fix permantly or you will scratch it (ask me how i know lol)
  14. 1. yes receive icon appears 2. no squelch on both radios 3. not tried that 23,24,25 joined as factory mute not sure how to get connection for earplug for audio
  15. Yes all grounds are separate and to a bus bar
  16. Here are the schematics
  17. I will put radio schematic and my swich in tomorrow cheers gareth
  18. the switch cuts out receive to headphones only so i can have 4 frequencies, flightcom 403 intercom
  19. I have tested them separately and have a swtch to change from radio 1 to radio 2 same result transmit icon ok, sidetone ok and icon for receive shows but no sound have tried both radios on i at a time same result methinks it could only be in my mic sockets , will try that
  20. NO,i did it myself and it all bells out for continuity, sidetone is ok, send ok(radio checks from local frequency) but still no receive sound ,the receive icon comes up on radio , i will just have too go through wiring diagrams again , also have a flightcom intercom fitted so will isolate that and see the response Cheers gareth
  21. So i have 2 ATR 500 radios all wired up can transmit and get recieve BUT cannot hear them any guru in rdaios can help Cheers Gareth
  22. BFS plastics Salisbury Qld great prices and will cut your sizes and give you the leftovers , 1 sheet 2400x1200 approx80 bucks ,i gave the offcuts to a fellow builder in nsw
  23. It was at Heck field for a while Jamie owned it but sold it on a few years ago it wnt down south Grafton area i think
  24. My fuel lines are 6AN braided cotton, tank through to pumps on inside of firewall (2 pumps plus 100micron filter) all an6 fittings(EFI Burliegh) all accessible through hatches in front of windscreen and ss braided in engine area suitably covered in fire proof hose
  25. 1990 working at the submarine base in Sydney, ladder broke in half as i climbed up to do some welding on abeam, fell 6 metres broke my hip, had insurance which kicked in at 6 weeks ,i was then on crutches, they then "deemed " me fit for other work , what as i say ,oh desk work, they say fxxking parasites ,read the small print ,i then put that money away for the next 20 years ,and this is what now funds my flying build also my wife was pregnant with our twins but during the pregnancy wifey experienced indimitiosis and the health insurer didnt want to pay took them to the health ombudsman and won ,after the kids were born "that cost them a bomb in private ,2 weeks in St Margarets" then cancelled our insurance , now have none other than house and car Fxxking parasites are all insurers
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