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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Thanks Linda will check it out
  2. Hi Ian keep up the good work dreams do happen and this site is very informative, as a newbie to aviation (and loving it) this site does provide a forum for the "average joe blow to sound off" unquote i for one would gladly pay a "membership fee " i have asked questions and recieived answers .Keep up the good work and how do i subscribbe? thanks Gareth
  3. thanks andy &J170 owner lots of info in jab forum and am planning a visit to bundy to scope the j430 at Jabiru, also got to fly in one last fri must say am pretty impressed plenty of room for 2 portly gents at around 200 kilo all up it just took off like a rocket the 3300 engine really gets wound up we were at 3500 in minutes i was awestruck, the cessna 150 trainer justs chug a lugs up but the jab wow, and landing was a gentle affair will be looking at purchace at the end of year the jab is going to be ideal for what i and my lovely lady need :touring: thanks guys see yuo in freindly skies Gareth
  4. im still learning about radio calls and find that tower is very helpful(archerfield) say again almost every time on first 2 0r 3 circuits but am coming to grips with it now (7th circuit today) but in the event of a pan pan i hope i have time to comunicate gareth cheers
  5. hi JWW can you tell me a little about jabs am thinking of buying a J430 but have no exp flying jabs only c150 trainers (still on circuits solo coming up) any imput would be great thanks Gareth
  6. Hi Planedriver thanks for that as you say similair vintage but 64 is the new 54 so age is not a factor for me no flying this week low cloud and rain but have a slot for sat mon and tuesday the circuits are getting easier and am looking forward to that first solo cheers for now all safe flying Gareth
  7. guys, safety ,safety , safety
  8. thanks Dazza been in sydney for a friends birthday thats why i didnt reply earlier I had my fifth circuits in a different plane C172 and a different CPI, he has a more leave alone on controls but more vocal input. did 2 hard landings 1 overshoot 1 left side of runway but last 2 yippee oh what a feeling this just gets better, hopefully the weather will be good for wednesday lesson going to look at a jab 430 in toowoomba fri has all the good stuff on efi etc garmin 2006 model for $50,000 this cheaper than buying 4 wheel drive do you fly for a living mate or for recreation ? My son has just moved with his job to Adelaide for 3 years and i am planning a trip after i get PPl with a mate who has flown for a few years , i thought that being a low hrs it would be good to have his experience and input to do the planning etc and some of the flying .any advice on learning on other a/c after PPL? and who has these planes to hire say brissie or GG i did hear that there was Jab 170 for hire at Heck Field maybe enquire when getting closer to PPL any all Cheers for now Safe fLying Gareth
  9. thanks Dazza are you in qld ? im also a newbie to flying started late something wanted to do for 20 years usual excuses to little money not enough time family commitments but now i am semi retired i can indulge what a blast my CPI is very laid back and is very easy to get on with just started circuits on my 4th today at 11 am(as long as weather hold s out last week i landed for first time mouth dry body sweats but CPI says not bad not bad stay calm think i am putting to much pressure on myself when i get i get !! what plane do you fly ? and any comments on Jab 4230 as a first plane to by cheers Gareth Fly safe all
  10. im a newbie too
  11. well done loydster just started my circuits at archerfield my cpi is very patient(i am a late starter to flying ) just got to stop ballooning at landings got the take off so much to remember any way keep flying g cheers Gareth
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