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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Hi Guys , any one know which is the best way to vent my fuel in wing tanks foreward or rearward .Tanks are pumped to injectors Thanks Gareth
  2. same engineer whobworked for bristell
  3. Ok from memory, i owned 8366 for 2.5 years so here goes Cruise 115 at 130 it was right on the edge ,vibration took on Range 140 litres burned at cruise 18 litres per hr , good range take off 180 to 250 mtres Landing about the same ROC 2 up full fuel and some baggage 800 i only ever went to 8,500
  4. LOL thats my wife and i landing at Clifton fly in Qld ,
  5. Gaz aille french F/glass kit uses a small diesil engine (Renault i think) i was in Coffs Harbour last week and had a look at a completed Gaz aille engine was very smooth running and uses about 10 lites per hr
  6. Try aeroparts Beaconsfield they have most bolts and nuts and costs only Aus post costs IE 400 solid rivets cost 8.65 for post 2 day delivery
  7. gareth lacey


    if anyone needs 2mm polycarbonate clear i have a piece 670x1830 left over
  8. gareth lacey


    I have just made a windscreen for my build 2mm thick polycarbonate clear almost bulletproof, not perspex
  9. My CFI prefers that you use a soft soled shoe to" feel the aircraft" and never fly in thongs(flip flops) disgusting footwear
  10. I am going to use a SDS from a Canadian company tried and proven on Subaru thats what i will use on my EJ25
  11. these posts should be its own ,this should only be about the increase in weight for experimental and lsa aircraft
  12. Correction " Confor" is 30mm shock absorbing foam cut to my dimensions approx 480x600 for seat layered with memory foam to 75 thickness overall height of seat bottom cushion as for the back i am getting contoured similair to the subaru seat but not as high 1 quote here was about 1000$ to recover with my foam shapes in cloth have since been told of a retired chap who for cash does at a much better price and in faux leather and as for getting size for visibility its the same as the RV6a that i owned except for the back, i will let you know how i go with the upholsterer cost ( we might get a better deal for 2 sets ) cheers gareth
  13. Thats right its for seating for impact ,they use it in truck seats and some guys in US have used it in aerobatic planes , company in Northgate qld have it cost of 2 pieces is about 110 $ 1 layer at 30mm and balance in memory foam to suit my butt cheeks lol (approx 75mm with covers) i have ordered pieces so will put some pics up and will weigh it . as for the car seat by the time i remodeled foam and cut opening for stick lost a lot of the seat also the back was to tall, i only paid 50$ from wreckers to try it had to strip a lot of stuff of to get weight down approx weight of seat was 10 kg before stripping and was to high in seat section.
  14. The memory foam will be contoured to the back so in reality is about half that thickness starts at 100 but takes away 50% of foam, i also purchased a car seat(subaru) and played around with it and so much work involved i binned it, my cushions will be velcro to seats for easy removal. The Contour is a foam specifically for impact on bum
  15. I agree, here are my seat support, i am going with Contour 75mm foam for seat and 100mm memory foam for back
  16. when i joined this forum there were quite a few builders contributing,sadly some have passed and there now seems to be a core that are regular contibuters, however home/experimental(other than RV) seems to have lost interest, i am building again and look for as much info as i can gleen , whatever happened to Daffyd Llewellyn? he had a lot of cred here, is homebuil;ding dying in Aus?
  17. Jack,did you buy this off Mike hille going to catch up with Mike on Friday
  18. 2 radios and transponder all up cost 1200 from uk
  19. Hi Marty Snap, your dash looking good
  20. In turbulance if you had a firm grip it would be a bit bouncy was told by instructor to let the plane fly 2 finger grip cruised about 115 knots indicated had no trouble with flare and you could place it where you wanted ,in saying that one time i came n at 70 knots and it did float , my best aproach speed was 70 over the threshold and 50 to 55 at landing , we also found the rubber doughnuts for nose wheel where to soft and put in slightly harder ones ,my wife would fly in the Roko because she "felt safe" unquote but didnt like the RV6a go figure ,they are built light but if i could afford a new one i would buy ,however got to get back to building Cheers gareth
  21. Yes i had the Roko via flew it for 2 years before my flying buddy needed to sell his share to buy a bigger industrial premises,we had a cg problem (when 2 people stood on wing walk it would tip back) as well but only moved the seat rear (back support) forward by 50mm and about 4 kg on the psru front all done by the factory engineers from Czechslovakia no problems to fly great aircraft did 135 hrs myself There is a vid on u tube with my son and i flying and he weighed at the time 120kg and i was at 105kg with 100litres of fuel the plane handled great .
  22. They are sales people , lowest rung on the ladder (same as pollies) so dont expect the truth, they want to sell as quick as they can to get thier commission ,just like parasite real estate agents(dont ask me how i know) best bet is to find out the owners details and get straight from him, cheers gareth
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