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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Whats his age have to do with it,ageism working again, condolences to his family
  2. I have just spent 6 days in and around Mildura and i am with Telstra,their service is abysmal 10mins out of town zero signal our freinds pay apremium but they have virtualy no reception without goint to the roof of thier house stand on 1 leg and whistle dixie ,and as you are aware it is flat country out there Telstra is still amonopoly for country folk
  3. Hi Marty we are now touring victoria for 2 weeks and will be staying in mildura for 5 days catching up with an old work colleague and another experimental builder(not on the forum) so lockdown in brissie may be ovet when we get back cheers gareth
  4. I had a bottle of penfolds grange present at 50 opened at 70 it was crap cost was i believe 100 then we by 7 dollar reds and whites they taste good
  5. As they say ill be back
  6. Met up with Marty D in tassie and had a few hrs talking building,like Marty i am scratch building his 701 is coming along and great workmanship in a very small area keep the good work up Marty and thanks for the welcome and coffee. Its good to meet people of the forum puts a human touch to the words we all type thanks again and wrlcome in brissie anytime cheers Gareth
  7. I would fly with him anytime NOT!!!
  8. Trolls maybe,dont worry OME we know you and mostly understand your views and comments, i say if you can.t comment factually DONT COMMENT and never have a go at acommentor cheers Gareth
  9. I have been to tassie a few times over the years but short stays seen most of the tourists stuff but this time going to places off the beaten track oh and catch up with aviators abd talk about all thing's flying lol
  10. Hi felow forumites in Tasmania, myself and wife will be touring beautiful Tasmania in March and April, arriving Hobart on 15th March, then touring around for 18 days, would like to catch up with pilots/builders if possible for coffee and chat any takers please pm me Cheers gareth
  11. Hi fellow Tasmanian forumites, Myself and wife will be touring beautiful Tasmania in march april arrive Hobart 15th march for 18 days travelling around ,would like to catch up with any fellow pilots/builders for coffee and chat, please let me know if anyone is interested Cheers Gareth
  12. I asked a simple question and got a bunch of useless replies .Sheesh ( apologies to the ones that did answer my question and thank you
  13. My main earth block is direct to battery, also will do ground to frame ,but all switches will now go to ground block as will all lights, gauges, actuators plus will ground to frame
  14. Bus for power to accessories just looped to each contact only using 5
  15. Here is my bus for ground and power thoughts? Thanks for your replies
  16. using Tefzel wire sizing for each component mostly 20 22 g 1 overload switch is for battery isolator ,this feeds the on off switch to the bus ,using 1x40 amp 3x10 amp,4x5 amp overload switches i can change these if required,my dash hinges back so i can access all electrical components, also access hatch 300x200 behind the fire wall
  17. Where would i get a bus comb from ,looking at ebay mostly from US and COSTLY cheers gareth
  18. Each switch is per single use other than 2 usb and strobes, radios tx, ems ,flaps, trim,etc all single use cheers Gareth
  19. Here is my bus for ground and power thoughts? Thanks for your replies
  20. Thanks rfguy thats what i thought but asking someone who knows is better than taking a stab in the dark cheers Gareth
  21. I have 8 carling rocker switches with power coming through 8 thermal overload contacts, all switches require led grounding plus grounding for load, can i loop all switches with grounding for led and load or should i go for individual grounding to terminal ground block Cheers Gareth
  22. Aeroparts Beconsfield
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