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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. From initial diagnosis till op took 2 years , and from the tests biopsi, scan ,blood and further psa and the finger in the Bxm it was a no brainer for me ,it was very high ratio and could have spread ,then your on a no win scenario, i want to live longer and not be dying of cancer that may have spread , my uncle died with cancer that spread from his prostate ,he was a shadow of aman when he died it had spread everywhere seek a second opinion as i did but for me it was the right descision
  2. with my prostate cancer i had no symptons, pee normally,etc etc none at all it was only my age that prompted the blood test that gave the high psa reading ,and well the rest is history, get the test done early(not 70 like me) start in your 50s and get a psa blood test done every year, i have 2 brother in laws who have turned 70 ,both take so long to pee but are in denial,i keep saying to go get tested
  3. My prostate cancer was diagnosed and i had 12 months of testing ,final testing was biopsy and i was in the high to dangerous zone so i had the robot surgery with one of the best surgeons in Brisbane , i have come out the other end quite well,no lingering problems, i do pee slightly more than before and (about every 3 hrs) and i do have to use the little blue pills when i get the twinkle in the eye LOL
  4. I had a share in VH-AIG slippery aircraft on a o-235 lyc sadly hit a [ATTACH type="full"]52062[/ATTACH]roo on landing at Kooralbyn(i was pax) snapped rear spar
  5. HI Jerry , not seen anything here ,i did send one set back for a charging problem in 2017, no problems since, hope that someone picks it up i do like the fact i have no wires hanging in aircraft
  6. Beenleigh honey rum, and work on my build,(but not working on build after drinking said rum LOL
  7. Hi Jerry ,i have 2 pair the company i got them from are in York WA, from memory the guy also runs a flight school dont know if that is much help to you in UK cheers gareth
  8. Wanaka is cancelled
  9. I am 71,72 this year and i get job offers albeit short term,there is work out there,but the workplace has changed probably hardet for someone who had no experience
  10. HI Phill, he goes under the moniker "Cheapracer" he still posts but with the virus things are a bit quiet ,and how are you going Phil,sorry to have missed you last year ,i was in Cambridge,Brummie and Wolverhampton,
  11. HI Bill, i owned Roko 8366 for 2 years ,no surprises but will drop a wing in stall (leftwing) easy to fly and can go most places , used to fly out of Boonah, make sure canopy latch is in both sides(had canopy open at 200 ft in Maryborough landed on remaining runway and closed it) check nosewheel donuts on suspension ,i changed 2 sets out and put in slightly harder ones , did have a problem with nosewheel spats it would not recentre after rudder input,took spat off all good other than that i found it a pleasure to fly any info call me 0412722621 cheers gareth
  12. My spar box is exactly that 200mm 6061 t6 ,goes through fuse and 350mm stubs outside with the wing dihedral starting there at 3 degrees , 6bolts holding wings to spar box and spar box is held in place with 8 more bolts AN5s
  13. Carry through for spar box?
  14. Metal man Tools ,i have purchased off him cheaper and very prompt www.metalmantools.com.au
  15. VH-TWQ Wittman tailwind pilot from Newtown Qld Left casino en-route to Boonah
  16. 13b mazda thanks
  17. Thanks OME i have seen and read these , specifically looking for anyone who has a rotary fitted to their aircraft Cheers gareth
  18. Any one here know a homebuilder who has a rotary engine installed i ha ve been looking at the specs and seems an ok conversion can someone point me in the right direction or has any local info so far seems to be mostly USA cheers Gareth
  19. Any one here know a homebuilder who has a rotary engine installed i ha ve been looking at the specs and seems an ok conversion can someone point me in the right direction or has any local info so far seems to be mostly USA cheers Gareth
  20. when i started my trade in 1963 first welding taught was gas welding , mig was,nt around yet,stick , sub arc fuse, so oxy/acet was used widely, i not seen it used in 30 years ,some brazing and silver soldering, to use oxy on airframes now is very old school, tig is widely used and some mig, i weld my chrome ally parts with ss arc rods, easy and very strong, some post heat used , look at most lsa aircraft from o/s and they tig most components very fine welding (my eyes not good enough for fine work) and very thin walled, rivets are a quick and easy way to assemble airframes thats the way i am useing on my airframe ,only welding is in noseweheel components,undercarraige and safety cage, for the homebuilt guys who dont weld rivets are the way to go
  21. prostate cancer that is removed and all clear ,is that an issue for pilots
  22. started with labor in the seventies, liberals are just as bad , we have lost our manufacturing capabilities, greens would take us back even further, why can,t we find a pollie with a future view , answer they only look after themselves ,they retire with much more than us plebites and make the taxation harder for us oldies , i for one will try to stay ahead if i can until i can no longer afford or cannot stand up to it ,i will sell the house use the money till i go off this earth in a (cardboard box) dont spend any money on my death i wont care
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