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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. a few years ago in melbourne finishing a job and needed a welder in a hurry (had six in workshop back in brissie) i got one from bunnings ,absolute rubbish would overheat after a small run ie 50mm and would not run anything bigger than a 2mm. rod. long leads too short for doing high work and if you lengthened them would have dropped the amps down . inverter is the only way to go
  2. on the question of bringing huge amounts of food in baggage ,why are these people so dumb,saying no i don,t have any food and produce cases full of it ,and it seems to be only middle eastern and asian people doing it, they need to be slapped with thousands of dollar fines and if only visiting cancel their visas , we are an island and cannot allow infestation of diseases from other countries that would decimate our already fragile rural industries
  3. I will pay not to have embedded ads , they are annoying and intrusive
  4. I think that a service fee of 50$a year is the better option for most of us of course there will be some who cannot afford it
  5. ^0 million to get rid of bill shxxten seems cheap , thats the only thing palmer has got right
  6. Brake failure or stuck on one side?
  7. HIs marraige is of no interest to most people on this forum.
  8. Exactly, who cares and what is it doing on this forum?
  9. Get well mark and i know you don't worry at all about the cxxxheads that sound off your health comes first and when your aircraft is finished give them all the finger most of these armchair critics woudnt know where to start best wishes
  10. Manwell , someone needs to tell you Kaz is a lady
  11. I often seek advice from people who know more about certain parts/aero that i have no knowledge of fabricating parts is not a problem but sizing and application in certain areas can be head scratching for me as you say maybe a dedicated forum on building would be beneficial
  12. I'm building again scratch built and making all the parts myself the journey is part of the enjoyment
  13. Try allplastics in Sydney they have uv rated 1mm tinted
  14. It was up for sale last year on RAA maybe find owner that way, it was his own design
  15. Sparksfly from nz sell a control unit i have purchased 1 approx 75 aus dollars to use for my build and a housing from jaycar about 7 bucks works a treat for covering the module
  16. Get some reasonable priced led s off ebay and use the wig wag system electronics from a guy in NZ i will see if i can find his site and pass it on to you
  17. I dont think there are too many instructor cowboys out there but personalities can make it difficult for the student, just need to find the right one for you
  18. driving a heavy vehicle has no bearing on flying light aircraft, most flights are 1 to 2 hrs at most, trucks drivers 4 hr stints at night get white line fever, very boring , for me flying keeps me on my toes, always something to do or see especially on the east coast, a blanket approach is not what is needed, other countries do the self medical with out any increase in death or injury, and as most of us older guys/girls fly we tend to be more cautious,
  19. sleep apnea incidents/accidents zero myself diagnosed with mild sleep apnea but show me the stats where this has caused death injury, zero,nada zilch someone in avmed thought it was a good idea what a crock
  20. A.S.A,P. at Caboolture have them in stock
  21. this thread should go to the other site
  22. Very sad to hear that Deb has passed ,she never gave up on her passion to fly ,just re-read some of her posts , condolences to her family and friends Gareth
  23. the most i have ever paid in landing fees is 10$ it is a user pay system in the real world, and most airports dont charge ie Bunderberg, Hervey bay,Caloundra , caboolture, Ballina cheap for overnite and for the security in some airfields
  24. However one size dies not fit all i used a cpap for three months and it made me tired average sleep per night was 4.5 hrs and then made me tired through day,diagnosed with mild sleep apnea casa then wants 12 months recording for my class 2abd it is worse for me so no longer can hold class 2 and i won't be oaying for a machine as thier is no data to say that it will impede my flying so back to raa
  25. also looks like a lot of heat affected areas, tig is best for this type of node and dont bend it
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