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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Marty, who did your welding?, for me as a retired welder/boilermaker that is not a very good weld, looks like they have had a blow through on the wels to the left on screen other welds look well ameterish, dont cut and shut weld it would be an obvious place for cracking, remove and reweld is the best option cheers gareth
  2. Go for it RoseMarie , i was 63 when i went for mine, you wont look back Cheers gareth
  3. So ,i am on a scaffold floor just under the roof welding a beam connection ,safety rails in place and harness connected to a secure hook point, exclusion zone around area ,fire watch below happily welding away ( xray after completion) safety person tells me to come down, then asks why i dont have a safety helmet on,explain that when welding cannot use it,then proceeds to lecture me (she is all of 22 yrs old) has no practical experience but shuts me down and proceeds to write me up, so the way we got around it was, we did the welding late afternoon when she was not on site ,total useless application of the rules ,thes so called"safety" experts need to do on the job training and realise the practicallities of the real world also this same person told me to wear a harness in a scissor lift when the manufacturer(at that time) stated in its log book on the machine i quote" we recommend you do not use a harness in this machine ( 2001) but insisted so i read out this to her and told her that if i got hurt when wearing harness i would sue her, she then gave me a notice to stop work, after an hr or so i got the ok to proceed (i was 3 mtres up) safety is a priority ,but it has gon
  4. I will be using it for my front screen and gull wing doors on my build
  5. You can hit polycarbonate with a hammer it will not shatter ,the fixings would give up first
  6. So can a dame deem you fit to fly if casa has you down for audit ie for sleep apnea which i have mild form the ecg and blood tests can he say you are fine here is your class 2 medical for an rpl?anyone know
  7. Try Proseal ams-s classB 1/2 worked very well on aluminium tank lid acts as glue and sealant cheers gareth
  8. Elms ie Nightmare on elm st ? good handle anyway
  9. Yes it was calibrated it was a hire machine from the sleep clinic, and i have been told by a number of people that they have the same problem, i have a beard and they adjusted for that, i have since lost a few lilos and it seems to have cured my snoring but once diagnosed casa will not relent, i look after my 3 year old grandaughter and its full on, and i dont get that tired. For driving a b double or any heavy vehicle i understand that they may need these problems to be monitered but when i fly i am completely awake never the chance of falling asleep, i dont have narcolepsy which means you can drop off to sleep and approaching seventy i dont have any problems staying awake all day into the night for some bad cases of sleep apnea it is probably a good idea but 1 rule or size does not fit all, i have several types of licences to operate machinery, taxi licence, rigid licence, RPL and Ra aus but the <mod censored> from casa is endless. The sleep clinic confirmed that it was a low moderate sleep apnea and gave me basicilly and exemption letter stating that but casa still insists that i have 12 months info off machine . and i have no sleep troubles maybe i just lucky
  10. I had to get a sleep study done for my class 2 medical , moderate sleep apnea was the outcome, however after using the cpap machine for 3 months i was a zombie ,i got less sleep per night fell asleep if sitting to long ie reading or tv, so told the sleep study people and the conclusion was cpap was not for me and sent letter to confirm for casa ,they still want 12 months info off machine so will not be getting medical back, i get 8 hrs great sleep and can function all day no problems ,i go to bed at 10 ish and have no sleep apnea problems its a crock anyway,there are no recorded incidents for flying of sleep apnea, its casa just making it harder for us
  11. And so they should,seems they are not called racists for this policy but if we whiteys do the same thing we are racists
  12. and i need the bigger screens ,my eyes are not getting any better
  13. but cheaper than Garmin ,Dynon,grand rapids ,Glance. they sell the modules for all their EFIS/EMS/Auto pilot
  14. Yes , thats for sure ,my aim is to have 2x 10inch TL Elektronic screens ,transponder,radio and a few switches and fuses and a flap controller /trim contol and maybe auto pilot 2 axis controller not as much stuff as the Morgan build ,and using tefzel wire this time LOL ,i will probably pick your expertise in some of this and as before get you to check and close out wiring (paid of course) Cheers gareth
  15. airframe will be a low wing ,design will be a mixture of some existing airframes but personalised mods, nothing to drastic , just a safe flying craft , i have given myself 18 mths to build and am steadily aquiring parts , will start the airframe this time next year, i will then have all the parts req ,will be looking for some advise for electrics , will need to contract you for some final finishing work on electrics cheers Gareth
  16. Aeromomentum 131hp looks good, this is the engine in my next build starting soon
  17. the last caretaker didn't last long,chinese whisper is the owner can be a little demanding
  18. I had a Jag for a few years , it was called :Gareth,s Folly: 2 engines by other so called experts,1 engine rebuilt by me aaand then I put a small block chevy in, kept it for 1 more year then sold it to a bikie who rebuilt it as a concourse car, he spent 35k and only drove to shows, jags are not good cars
  19. His strip is closed , houses built up all around very dense suburbia now
  20. Hi Nobody, you have quoted the costs for air shows in other countries that are far superior to what we get here in Aus, Avalon being the exception,the shows there are better run, have more static displays and showcase,more industry ,I could go on , we are minnows in the big scheme , Australia used to host better airshows but as with aviation in general its downward, I just want to fly and the odd airshow would be great but the costs associated take the cash away from flying to places I want see, my 2 bobs worth cheers gareth
  21. anyone who flys in should pay minimal entry, it costs us to fly there and the non flying people who want to see all types of aircraft should pay those fees, it does cost to put airshows on but aviators especially those who fly great distance to get there should be subsidised cheers Gareth (another RV owner )
  22. Oops you are in wa not qld
  23. From your description you are at boonah 22 and 04 talk to nigel arnot
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