So ,i am on a scaffold floor just under the roof welding a beam connection ,safety rails in place and harness connected to a secure hook point, exclusion zone around area ,fire watch below happily welding away ( xray after completion) safety person tells me to come down, then asks why i dont have a safety helmet on,explain that when welding cannot use it,then proceeds to lecture me (she is all of 22 yrs old) has no practical experience but shuts me down and proceeds to write me up, so the way we got around it was, we did the welding late afternoon when she was not on site ,total useless application of the rules ,thes so called"safety" experts need to do on the job training and realise the practicallities of the real world also this same person told me to wear a harness in a scissor lift when the manufacturer(at that time) stated in its log book on the machine i quote" we recommend you do not use a harness in this machine ( 2001) but insisted so i read out this to her and told her that if i got hurt when wearing harness i would sue her, she then gave me a notice to stop work, after an hr or so i got the ok to proceed (i was 3 mtres up) safety is a priority ,but it has gon