Do you mind slowing down a bit on your whining, please.
According to your own words you haven't even flown in Australia, couple days ago you didn't even know what the difference between RAAus and GA is.
You've had no contact with RAAus, yet here you go whining and complaining about how bad RAA is how we're ran as a third world country, and whatever else you can come up with.
Maybe before you start going off like a mad man about how bad it is, you actually get some experience in the subject.
And before you start complaining about me - I'm also not Australian, but at least I've been with RAAus for over a year now.
I don't know how bad exactly it is mostly due to the issues mentioned in this thread (lack of communication), but so far RAA hasn't been too bad to me.
They've allowed me to learn and fly, they've processed most of my request very quickly (although the registration took a bit longer than I'd like it to, but that was just before all of this blew up).
Yes there are some issues, like with any big organization (or maybe a bit more), and we need a bit of change at the top, but stop complaining about things you have no idea about.