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Everything posted by Zibi

  1. Well, I'm not saying to not get to one, just that it's a choice of sacrificing some of your aircraft performance and quite a bit of money to get that extra safety. As I've said, we've all made the choice of going the inexpensive way of flying, which comes with some risks. If you've got enough money you may start looking at mitigating some of those risks. That may start at installing a better and more expensive engine than a 582 or a jabiru, adding a BRS, switching to GA twin engine planes all the way to getting a military jet with an airframe that can hold a tank on top of it, like this:
  2. You're talking as in any part of Australia was intended for human habitation...if the animals won't get you, the plants will. If you manage to avoid both the sun will most likely get you. And even if you manage to stay safe from the sun, there's still other attractions like bush fires, hurricanes, floods, etc. That's one of the reasons I've taken up flying while I'm in here - at least up there I'm far away from all the nasties, I'm fully clothed (in a trike flying jump suit) and well ventilated by the big fan on the back. The only problem that I need to worry about is coming back to ground...be it either in a normal fashion or the unexpected and unwanted one.
  3. I'd say it's more like putting a roll cage and racing bucket seats in your family car. Most recreational planes are already designed to be operated on the edge of their performance envelope. For example if I put 2 people with the max allowable weight in my trike (100kg per seat), I can't fill it up with fuel to full, or I'll be over MTOW. Even if the regulations allow a higher MTOW with a BRS it doesn't mean that the airframe is designed to those higher loads. Sure if I could I'd load up my trike (or in other people's cases planes) with parachutes for both the airframe and people on board, a life raft, camping and survivalist equipment, ejection seats and maybe even that rocket winch that they've used on Mars to land the latest rover, but that would mean I'd have to buy a Hercules or something like this. You have to remember we've all made a choice to go into recreational and inexpensive flying and that means some compromises and some risks.
  4. Windows 8 on phones and one of the surface models is different than your desktop Windows and applications will not be compatible. The other one with Windows 8 pro should run all your desktop applications, so you may have to wait for it (comes out on 9th of Feb according to MS website) You could also buy one of the laptop / tablet hybrids from other manufacturers with Windows 8 (Just make sure it's not Windows 8 RT) Edit: I've just checked it and there is no Oz runways or AvPlan on MS shop for mobile phones.
  5. I've talked to a lady at Bert Floods and she mentioned that as long as it's not some cheap K-mart one and meets the specs it should be ok. She mentioned that they use Castrol 85W-140 Rear axle one.
  6. There's been an article recently about a Cirrus in Australia that has deployed a BRS. It came with a picture of a plane with collapsed landing gear on a perfectly flat open field with no trees, power lines or anything that would prevent a normal dead stick landing. The pilot was very happy about how he handled the situation, and didn't even attempt to land the plane. I think the fact that it wasn't his own aircraft may have had a huge impact, cause he was very happy that the whole landing gear collapsed as it was designed to do.
  7. Talking about oil for 582 - what gearbox oil would you suggest for it? I know the spec calls for a 85W-140 EP or SAE 140EP, and here's where my problems start: - what does the EP stand for, because all the oils that I could find were 85W-140 without any EP, only one that could come close was Nulon 85W-140 extreme pressure. - what brand do you use, as again all I could find were Nulon, Penrite and I think Gulf western or something like that, and none of those names inspire confidence in me, I think there was one castrol 85W-140 but specified for rear axle. So any advice would be welcome, as I need to replace it soon.
  8. What do you need those fancy GPS for? Just use Iphone and their maps - might not get you where you want to get, but will get you on the news: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-12-10/apple-maps-strands-motorists-looking-for-mildura/4418400
  9. Last year I got it as a separate document, but delivered together with the magazine in one package. I didn't pay too much attention to it as I was just starting to learn to fly, so don't ask me about the detail of what was in it.
  10. Well, you need to put [ q u o t e ] at the beginning of the quoted text and [ / q u o t e ] at the end (without spaces). If you just use the reply function the forum will add some extra info to the beginning quote bracket like this [ q u o t e =Kyle Communications, post: 257477, member: 1910] Just make sure you write your post outside of the [ quote ] [ /quote ] brackets. You can also put multiple quotes in a post by using the quote brackets multiple times, just make sure you have the same number of opening and closing brackets. Also I've found that sometimes the forum will try to "fix" a structure of your post by adding additional opening and closing brackets if you have used manually put in quotes, just use the More Options button to preview your post and check all the brackets.
  11. Mine has arrived last week (even though Amazon has estimated the delivery to be on the 24th of Dec). So far I'm about 4 chapters in, seems good. I've already picked up a couple things, that probably to most aviators would be obvious, but since I'm barely begging my flying adventure (it's been 15 months since my first flight, and 3 months since my license) it's all fairly new to me. The book focuses a lot on US and weather patterns in there, but some things are universal.
  12. I guess that I got through in the last minute. I registered my new trike in the begging of October and there were already some delays, although I don't know what was wrong back then as it was Airborne (manufacturer) doing the rego process for me. I guess if I had bought my trike any later I'd probably be looking at what it takes to get into HGFA and register it there.
  13. I've listed their website (http://users.iafrica.com/a/am/amptro/) in my previous post (just don't get scared when you see that webpage, that is their official). Their email ([email protected]) is listed at the bottom of that page. Airborne also has some troubleshooting manual on their website: http://www.airborne.com.au/images/pdf/GX2%20Trouble%20shooting.pdf
  14. Here's what I got out of the manufacturer: I'll try this next weekend, and report back any results.
  15. It's one of these: With a slightly different layout (set for a 2 stroke motor rather that 4 stroke) (so it's digital and all in one box device) Unfortunately their manual is just as bad as their website (http://users.iafrica.com/a/am/amptro/) and all it contains is just how to plug it in. Airborne has some basic troubleshooting list for this as well, but no VSI problems.
  16. I've got a bit of an unusual problem - my VSI on an Airborne XT 582 is showing value about 200 fpm higher than it should. So in on the ground or in level flight it will show a 200 fpm climb, if I climb or descend the value changes (so the instrument works) but always stays too high. I've checked with Airborne and they say they've never heard about a problem like this. I've sent an email to Amptronics (the Skydat GX2 manufacturer), but wanted to check if anyone in here has seen anything like this before.
  17. Mate, Do you mind slowing down a bit on your whining, please. According to your own words you haven't even flown in Australia, couple days ago you didn't even know what the difference between RAAus and GA is. You've had no contact with RAAus, yet here you go whining and complaining about how bad RAA is how we're ran as a third world country, and whatever else you can come up with. Maybe before you start going off like a mad man about how bad it is, you actually get some experience in the subject. And before you start complaining about me - I'm also not Australian, but at least I've been with RAAus for over a year now. I don't know how bad exactly it is mostly due to the issues mentioned in this thread (lack of communication), but so far RAA hasn't been too bad to me. They've allowed me to learn and fly, they've processed most of my request very quickly (although the registration took a bit longer than I'd like it to, but that was just before all of this blew up). Yes there are some issues, like with any big organization (or maybe a bit more), and we need a bit of change at the top, but stop complaining about things you have no idea about.
  18. I guess it involves something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2jxLuHFjV0
  19. You can find more at https://twitter.com/50ShedsofGrey
  20. New update on RAA website
  21. Talking about communication and open information - is it me or is the RAA website down?
  22. The update's there
  23. Looking at the thread title and your avatar I almost thought, that someone has made a bi-plane trike
  24. Yes, because your a pilot yourself. Now whenever I drive I check the sky as well, either checking the conditions, or just being envious of people (or even birds) that get to fly, while I have to drive, but before I started flying my focus was completely on the road, or at least at ground level.
  25. It all depends on the signs that are around that airfield. Even if it was a stop sign just on a road, without any warnings about low flying planes, a normal car driver would not expect planes to go flying across the road, and even if that driver would stop, looking to the side, over some fence isn't the usual action and even looking left and right he or she may have not noticed an incoming plane, as you hardly ever look up in a car. At Caboolture you have the Bruce highway just next to the end of the runway (ok, maybe not just next, but no more than 300m) and there are no stop signs or anything, and until I started learning to fly, I had no idea there was an airfield there.
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