It was a bit more than just rounded rectangles and I blame the press for jumping on that small issue. It would be the same as saying that Audi or the Olympic Committee is banning the use of overlapping circles.
But try arranging either 4 of them in the line or 3 in one line and 2 below them and now you get the respective logos, which will be rightfully protected.
And as I've said Samsung did go to big lengths to make itself look like iPhone. From removing the standard android buttons (back, menu, search) and just leaving one big central button, just like the iPhone, to making it's icons look a bit too similar to apple's ones.
I'm the last to defend Apple on its baseless court cases, and I even don't like their company and policies (sort of like the old Ford - you can have any colour as long as it's black, same with Apple devices) as I like to change some things about my computer and related devices. I can also understand their reasoning for it, as it makes it easier for everyone, hell I did go the same way with picking my trike - went with a factory built all standard accessories rather than trying to pick my own radios, headsets, etc.
$1B doesn't seem like all that much...
But I still think this verdict will be successfully appealed.