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Everything posted by Zibi

  1. Hello Thursday's Child, If you're looking for microlights (trikes) I'd recommend Caboolture Microlights http://www.caboolturemicrolights.info/ If you want more conventional aircraft have a look at http://www.goflyaviation.com.au/ also at Caboolture and sharing some of the instructors with the microlight school. As far as I know there are also some other schools at Caboolture but I've had no contact with them, so can't comment.
  2. Publication Date: May 6, 2013However there's a previous edition ready.
  3. I've found this: Weather in Flying when looking for a book someone has mentioned in another thread. No idea if it's any good, but apparently the previous edition is recommended by FAA.
  4. To me it looked as if it was just as muddy as the first half of the runway, he just got enough speed to get some lift and offloaded the wheels a bit.
  5. You mean this one:
  6. From wikipedia: As for nuclear power stations, they didn't start untill the 50's but the furst nuclear bombs were developed during WW2.
  7. Hi Dazza, As others have mentioned, your options are: - get a new connection for the Ipad (new sim card) - this one is obviously not what you want - use the sim card that you have in the USB dongle in your ipad - there are 2 problems with this: - Apple for some reason needs to be different than everyone else, so they built idevices with a slot for a smaller sim card than the rest, that means you'd have to cut some of the plastic from your sim card and probably render it unusable in your usb modem anymore (there may be adapters that would allow you to still use it, I haven't looked into this) - you'd have to use your ipad as your internet provider when out in the bush, that means that you'd only get 3G speeds (ipads don't support 4G) but that shouldn't be too much of a problem as there's little 4G coverage outside of major cities, and from what I could see on my phone it tends to drain the battery rather rapidly. - and now a bit of a positive - when flying you only have to worry about your ipad working - swap your current usb modem for one of the ones that I've listed before and use them to get internet on both your laptop while working or your ipad while flying. The main downside of this is that you have to make sure you have 2 devices charged when flying (ipad and the modem). I'm not sure what plan you have with telstra and if it would be possible to swap your current device for a different one or how much price difference there is between them, so this option can come with some extra costs.
  8. Dazza, I'm not sure about the Telstra doovey lacky as you call it. I know there were several of the 3G modems that worked as standalone access points, so as long as you had wifi on the ipad (I think all ipads have wifi) it should work. However quick google search for a sierra 4G modem shows one that needs to be plugged into the usb port. So to get it to work as an internet access point for your ipad, you'd have to change the usb device for one of those that act as access points. Either like this: or like this:
  9. Found this on another forum. Not sure which section it should go into, so might as well go into general discussion
  10. I know most of this, but I guess until you experience it, it's really hard to imagine. And for me it will be even harder as I fly trikes and I don't think there are any instrument rated trikes, and experiencing it in a 3-axis will have to come with a note, that it's different. I was just trying to make a point, that in that article it sounded quite easy: Attitude, altitude, speed and direction - and you're ok or so it would seem.
  11. The problem with stories like this (the one with happy ending, not the crash) is that right now, all I (and most likely many others) who have never flown in IMC know about it is that pretty much if you enter it you die. As with any strong statement like this I keep on wondering how does it really feel like, is it really that bad, or do you just need to focus a bit more, after all - how hard could it be? From your story it sounds like it's a piece of cake - just keep that AH line level and slightly above - almost like playing a simple computer game...and that would bring me one step closer to trying it... Luckily there are enough steps to keep me never getting there unless with a qualified instructor and in a properly equipped plane. P.S. If you still wonder where VH-BEV is today - apparently it has made a emergency landing on the bank of Victoria river and later submerged in high tide, causing it to get written of http://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=90446
  12. That must have been a very, very old man considering that (and that's just going of the top of my head, without fact checking): - television - started around 1920's - jet planes - 1940's - man walking on the moon - late 1960's and there hasn't been any since 1972 (checked this one) - nuclear energy - 1940's - ships - 500 BC? - cell phones - 1980's - computers - 1940's, but getting popular by 1980's One thing that just hit me looking at those dates - I think we need another great war, for some technological progress, as we've been riding on the inventions from the last 2 for a bit too long. Also another thing - at 31 I'm already starting to no longer understand today's kids and feeling like the thread title.
  13. All you need to know about engineering:
  14. My suggestion would be to GPS map a couple of your own circuits to get the idea of distances you keep towards the runway, cause the size of your circuit depends a lot on the type of plane you fly and on your personal preferences. Once you've got this, apply to the new runway. The software I've used is My Tracks for android devices, but there are plenty of other free or paid for programs like that. The only other advice I got in this regard (apart from always being in glide distance to the runway) is to keep the knuckle of the control frame on the runway, but this only works with trikes.
  15. Or you could argue that people who don't mind following the rules and regulations will stay with RAA and those who want to have it their way and rules be damned will go to the new one. So that this annoying RAA / CASA inspector will stop bugging them... It's never as easy as people make it to be. World isn't black and white.
  16. It was a bit more than just rounded rectangles and I blame the press for jumping on that small issue. It would be the same as saying that Audi or the Olympic Committee is banning the use of overlapping circles. But try arranging either 4 of them in the line or 3 in one line and 2 below them and now you get the respective logos, which will be rightfully protected. And as I've said Samsung did go to big lengths to make itself look like iPhone. From removing the standard android buttons (back, menu, search) and just leaving one big central button, just like the iPhone, to making it's icons look a bit too similar to apple's ones. I'm the last to defend Apple on its baseless court cases, and I even don't like their company and policies (sort of like the old Ford - you can have any colour as long as it's black, same with Apple devices) as I like to change some things about my computer and related devices. I can also understand their reasoning for it, as it makes it easier for everyone, hell I did go the same way with picking my trike - went with a factory built all standard accessories rather than trying to pick my own radios, headsets, etc. Considering: http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/sales-numbers-revealed-in-apple-vs-samsung-trial-1091749 $1B doesn't seem like all that much... But I still think this verdict will be successfully appealed.
  17. To be honest Samsung did go out its way to make andriod on it's phone look a lot like apple's iOS. But on the other hand there's the issue of some normal people judging on a very technical issue where patents are written in such way that most people would have no idea what they've just read. Then there's an issue where one of the jurors has a patent for a DVR lodged in way after a lot of TiVO devices where on the market. And to finish it off we should consider if things that Apple was accusing Samsung of should even be patentable.
  18. There's been some explanation to the issues at hand here: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/very-important-have-you-recieved-your-monthly-magazine-yet.44441/#post-232909 They generally come to making it easier for members to control the board and stop the board from making changes without members approval. The other issue seems to be Ian's membership or rather it being denied by the president of RA-Aus - http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/raaus-stopping-membership.46127/ All I know is that there's been some issues within the board which apparently we should be concerned about but I couldn't find any details. There's a group of people on this forum, who would like us to pick the pitchforks and torches and march against the board, but each time when it comes to some details why, it ends with a declaration, that such issues should not be discussed on a public forum so I'm getting confused myself
  19. I agree, but that's just human nature. Almost as much can go wrong in any competition involving vehicles - yacht races, car races, motorbike races, etc and people still do it. If you can manage the risks and find people willing to risk their lives and equipment - I guess, let them do it, maybe we can learn something from them. Like from the video I've posted - how easy it is to ruin your prop and engine in a STOL. Would I join a competition like this in my plane - probably not, but on the other hand I've been in yacht races where boats end up capsized or with broken masts, etc.
  20. I think I'll just put it here: Something I've stumbled upon yesterday.
  21. I've got the GoPro Hero HD, which is an older model or at least not the latest one. I've only used it twice so far once on a trike and once on a yacht. Video quality is very good and it's got a very nice wide angle lens. Audio - well you can forget about it, but it's not like listening to engine noise would be that interesting. The newer model apparently has some interface where you can plug your external comms, but so far I've been more worried about keeping it water proof than recording audio. As I've mentioned it keeps on getting the lens fogged up after about an hour of recording, but to be honest I haven't used anything to prevent it. Other minor deficiency is that it's hard to tether it to the plane, as there's nowhere to attach the tether to (I've managed to use a thin line through the mounting bracket, but it's pretty tight in there and anything thicker would not fit). They seem to be used everywhere, so you can find loads of videos from it on youtube, or even on TV (I think I've seen one attached to a wok on Masterchef).
  22. One comment on the video editing - instead of a lot of short cuts you can run the video at much higher rate. It's something I've picked up from one of the videos posted here. Especially if it's a cross country flight, where there isn't a lot of things happening - run it at 8x or even 16x normal speed and you'll be able to show the whole flight in reasonable time and keep the people watching it interested as there will be a lot of scenery changes. Obviously if you're doing some complicated maneuvers or aerobatics that won't work, but a normal joy flight should be good enough and you can always slow the more interesting parts down. One problem I'm yet to solve is my GoPro fogging up after some time flying. Edit: This is the video I was referring to: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/video-sydney-victor-1-flight.29759/ or just: [medio=full]112[/medio]
  23. Apparently a pilot has died in a ultralight crash in Far North Queensland: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-08-24/man-dies-in-ultralight-plane-crash/4221240?section=qld
  24. One small improvement I'd like to suggest is to change the small button on the mobile version, that lets you select subsections (Media, Photos, Video, etc) into something that stands out a bit more or maybe even put it on the main bar with Forums, Register, etc as it's a bit easy to miss, unless you know what it does.
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