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About WayneL

  • Birthday 27/07/1958


  • Aircraft
    Boorabee Mk2
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  1. Apart from the U/C being up there also appears to be no flaps and slats deployed in the landing configuration. Halfway down the runway with so much speed.....will be interesting to see the outcome from the investigation.
  2. I have used the "Princeton" capacitance type sender with good accuracy on Westach type gauges after doing the calibration setup. They say that different fuel types will alter the reading but I never used a different fuel type so I can't comment on what the gauge reading difference would be.
  3. https://www-thechronicle-com-au.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.thechronicle.com.au/news/toowoomba/emergency-services-on-scene-of-small-plane-crash-near-bowenville-injuries-unknown/news-story/4da6f95f009b2d2f9d1327205093cf64?amp=&amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16564892215786&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thechronicle.com.au%2Fnews%2Ftoowoomba%2Femergency-services-on-scene-of-small-plane-crash-near-bowenville-injuries-unknown%2Fnews-story%2F4da6f95f009b2d2f9d1327205093cf64
  4. Whoops, You are correct Ryan, it is a CubCrafters Cub. Thanks for the correction, must have had the Savage Cub on my mind at the time!
  5. It's a Savage Sport Cub, a lighter cub variant.
  6. Adelaide Biplanes, Aldinga.
  7. Didn't get the wheels up in time to ditch by the looks, let's hope for a good outcome for the occupants.
  8. Interesting information Kiwi about it possibly being a convert from a 503. Will pass on that info to the owner. Wayne.
  9. The owner/pilot main injury was a gash to the right leg from a bracket on the tube. His son escaped injury. Told me he had no response on controls except ailerons straight after a heavy and slightly faster touchdown (touch n go). The Drifter continued to roll to the right straight after liftoff and the starboard wing hit the beach first. Looking at possible failure of fuselage tube before the impact.
  10. I just fly the aeroplane........it works for me!!!!😁
  11. Have seen a letter that Dick wrote to the Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister. He is on the GA (& Raaus) side. He is asking for them to look at the USA E class airspace more closely, says the proposed change here is unworkable. Waynel
  12. Airservices is proposing to lower Class E space to 1500 feet from the current 8500 foot segments from Cairns to Melbourne. This has many implementations for all off us recreational pilots and aircraft owners. Please follow this link to read about the proposal and get your comments into airservices as soon as possible. https://engage.airservicesaustralia.com/lower-base-class-e-east-coast
  13. https://vansairforce.net/community/showthread.php?t=97594 http://armaerospace.com/products/aero-lift-aircraft-storage-lift-weight-specifications/ https://hangartools.eu/products/hangar-lifts/
  14. When driving in the car, flat paddocks and open spaces always have me imagineing having an airstrip or flying low there. When on the Newell Hwy around Narribri, Moree plains where the horizon seems so far away...I imagine I am in A P51 Mustang flat out ten feet of the deck! Wayne
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