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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. I'm doing ground calibration in the middle of the field away from metal
  2. You do know that GPS provides both I've done the theory - thanks
  3. My gps provides both !! Hence why I was checking
  4. My compass is out too and I bet nearly every silva compass is aswell Spent a lot of time observing its reading against the GPS whilst flying on the weekend as I'm about to start Cross country endorsement training. Found it varied from 15 degrees W to 15 degrees E depending on direction of travel. That means there is two directions where it is completely accurate. It's a sine curve error - which im told is normal I thought mine was just bad because I dropped it a couple of times - but because it's an equal error both ways I don't think so anymore Now I need to make a chart for the errors so I can correct for it...
  5. The mount bracket came with the compass. The clip ons I bought from The yacht shop lake Illawarra- Wollongong
  6. I find my radio indispensable. I feel safe with it. Listening to the radio calls helps me locate other aircraft on the ground and in the air. I always make radio calls to let others know where I am- and I'm sure that the parachute dropping turbo prop plane appreciates it!
  7. It's $200 bucks - so what - just get one!
  8. I don't know about radio electronics, but would agree. The raptor system works perfectly when you get the mic solved. This is without having a great helmet - ie the visor Perspex only just barely covers the mic. Performance wise, with my A22 icon I can listen to Sydney airport from Wollongong and hear every radio call crystal clear whilst doing 48knots in open trike.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion I'll tinker on the weekend and let you know what works best
  10. Good to hear that these flycom helmets are great... I plan to upgrade one day!
  11. I'd be interested in the adapter option so I can use a standard headset / plug. That would provide many more options.
  12. Robbo, Does that mean the mic gain can be somehow adjusted?
  13. I'll try duct tape to start with... And then contact then to see what they have.
  14. Thanks mark for your feedback. I'm going to continue to mess around with the 4 raptor headsets I now have to see if I can solve it.... At least for one. Im not keen on spending $2k on a new system just yet. I had earmarked flycom helmets/system as a future option.
  15. My passenger headset failed. I replaced the mic (obtained from John) but now it picks up a lot of noise. So much it's unusable as I can't hear any radio calls... I haven't put on the correct foam sock on it - because the ones I bought off eBay were too small... So potentially the correct sock would fix it - I will do this. I tried three other Raptor headsets (Ben kindly let me try) with very different, but not satisfactory results. All are noisey and two of them have too much gain. Not good enough to do a cross country!! They all work fine on the ground, but when in flight full throttle - they are very noisey One other headset (Tony's) works perfect - but that's no good for me! I then re-tried my usual pilots headset and it's perfectly clear and no wind noise at all... So I did a 2 hour flight to enjoy it.... I need one more like it! Anyone have any old raptor headsets with telephone plug they don't need? Or anyone know how to fix the gain. It's surprising that what appears to be the same product varies greatly in performance. Any help will be appreciated Regards Mark
  16. Hi there. Open cockpit suggest you are flying a drifter? Where is that photo taken?
  17. When in Tasmania, we did the Hartz Mountain Peak walk in perfect clear blue sky conditions- after 20mins at the top, the clouds rolled in... That night winds were 180km/hr westerly...
  18. Screenshot
  19. Checking winds forecast trying to pick a good day near the weekend, got 659km/hr wind recorded at Albion park airport (YWOL) on 5/11/15.. That seems unbelievable!
  20. Hi Phil, Sorry for the late reply - but too good a decal could encourage thieves... I'd put up a picture of a pile of old cupboards ... Keep the Audi safe! Regards Mark
  21. A great part of the freedom of flying - landing on outback dirt strips! Good idea to put your flying fun into serious pursuit! Sad that it's come to this to save the animals!
  22. 3D garage stickers
  23. I'll ride bareback - you ride the saddle
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