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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. Hi Adam, I knew my solo was coming up... Last two weeks were no good weather wise... I can't say I slept that well last night, so was a little tense during the first half an hour of circuits with my Instructor. But, when he said we should land a sort out the intercom, he ended up hoping out completely... As I'd just had a few of good landings in a row, I felt fairly confident ... And the conditions were ideal. Strangely enough, I was very calm during the Solo and felt in full control. It was nice to do it in my own trike too... Didn't get the GoPro hooked up - thought I'd better concentrate on the task at hand! GoPro soon... Confidence builder. I haven't added up my hours, but something like 12... I'll check A good day! Mark
  2. Thanks Camo. It's a nice moment, but a little sad too... Gonna miss my instructor... Well, the training not finished yet, and I could still hear him going through the downwind checklist...
  3. I don't dare even watch it... Seen another shocking one before - a guy gets out of his new helicopter and is so happy he raises his arms!!!
  4. What a great plane ! It's very light Must be a blast to fly. Wonder how much cheaper without the sound system and smoke?
  5. Perfect weather this morning at YWOL. The day finally arrived. Very happy with the circuits, touch and go and full stop landings. Still in shock - can't believe it actually happened!
  6. I found it ----click the title of each stage ...
  7. Where's the link to the pics and video?
  8. IPhones and iPads can zoom in to bigger and better detail than the printed maps. iPhone is certainly more limited Has anyone tested the GPS capability of iPad versus Garmin etc? It sure beats my car GPS (3 years old) finding location super fast (seconds) - car GPS can take a few minutes !
  9. So no need to buy a GPS then.... Just get two iPad minis... One on each leg
  10. RIP Wayne. Condolences to family and friends.
  11. From simple beginnings we now have superb flying kites...
  12. Very sad news and condolences to their family and friends Personally, I don't like helicopters at all...
  13. I'm thinking of going, but I'll have to drive .... I haven't looked for accommodation yet either... Might go Thursday evening after work... But idea only just posted with the missus yesterday... So it's about 10% chance of happening
  14. Very sad news... Condolences to family and friends...
  15. Revo's are very impressive
  16. Hi Phil, I don't have an artificial horizon fitted ... I was just suggesting that "weekend" hobbists at any sport / hobby tend to overdo everything and gave the best of everything... Although my trike is 10 yrs old, has 84 hours on wing and base, is like new, I don't yet have the Pumpkin Patch covers, the GoPros or the DSLR mount! As soon as I get my WSPL I will be flying at every opportunity... The trike had 82 hrs when I bought it from Airborne! Regards Mark
  17. When your trike looks brand new (and is 10 years old), new looking flying suits, full set if pumpkin patch covers, has a compass, artificial horizon (just invase), has two GoPros and a DSLR camera mount and only 82 hours on the engine & wing!
  18. Didn't see the pilot put on a seat belt!
  19. http://fraseraerotechnologycompany.com/Design_Concepts.html This is an interesting link
  20. I'd say he's done that before --- don't know what the cops would say, but when you take off in 50ft I doubt they would get a chance
  21. Hi, Im always looking for magazines I'm at Sutherland Mark
  22. Very sad news. Condolences to the family and friends.
  23. Duncan Your blog/website is outstanding Very informative - especially on engines I'll be watching with much interest It would be great to participate in a build - just for the experience... Your not within an hour of Sutherland (Sydney)by any chance? With the weight of the pilot and COG, could a moveable weight be incorporated to allow different weight pilots? Regards Mark
  24. Tom, You think very similar to me! I also looked at the cygnet - but being American design, I'm not sure it's Australian compliant A5 - yep it looks great - I too will be waiting for a second hand one I like the seamax and also the good old searey. Searey is still the best because you can fly with the canopy open! I also wanted to put floats on my trike.... But my instructor says they all sink! Mark
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