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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. Close call Mark... But very good job on checking it out... take care and get fixed!
  2. Yeah, that's crazy! there is no way you could fly like that everyday and expect to make it to next year!
  3. Sorry about that Sue.... Maybe in 5 years it will be good.... I know what researching the Internet is like .... Spent last 3 days finding the right pro DSLR camera and lenses!
  4. I'd just paint the prop red Otherwise looks good!
  5. Yes, this is a beauty! I like the two place - still cruise at 145knots! Need a good pair if goggles and hat at that speed! Could be a little pricey I reckon...
  6. Ha ha... Some great flying there!
  7. I'm glad HGFA are looking after Microlights also...
  8. It sounds like the commercial airlines are not as safe as I might have thought.... Very little margins between low speed stall and the higher speed issue.... With such a small margin, I'm surprised more accidents like the Airfrance Airbus aren't occurring - seems the computers are all that stop this?
  9. Alf, you've gone soft...
  10. Thanks Jim, I am going down to Hobart first week of Jan. Might not get up to Launceston this trip... Otherwise, would have loved to have checked on your progress. Regards Mark
  11. Hi tabers, Better stay outta them clouds... A good forum you have just found. Mark
  12. I'm waiting for the new GoPro hero 3
  13. Or maybe even start HGFA, then RAA .... Microlights are brilliant - especially the view...
  14. Dave, Thanks for the explanation... I thought that DJ437 did very well and I thought it was just a case of airlines electing to burn more fuel to reclaim schedule which might be cheaper than any fines for being late... Learnt alot! Thanks
  15. Waiting for my mum... Flight dj437 was 37 mins late leaving Adelaide... And only 18 mins late landing in Sydney .... I wonder how fast they could do it if they went 100%?
  16. It's a potential risk that they would pursue payment from the estate!
  17. Yes, I know, but a comforting thought that the plane ought to be tough enough to handle the forces... I'm not planing on doing an inverted low pass !!!!
  18. These look pretty good too! Choices choices choices!
  19. The renegade spirit looks bigger and heavier than the easy eagle, but specs below are surprising and it looks like it is able to qualify for aerobatics.... Murphy Renegade Performance SOLO DUAL SOLO DUAL SOLO DUAL Engine Model 503 503 582 582 912 912 Horse Power 53 53 65 65 80 80 Gross Weight (lb.) 850 850 950 950 950 950 Empty Weight * (lb.) 375-425 375-425 420-500 420-500 460-520 460-520 Useful Load (lb.) 425-475 425-475 450-530 450-530 430-490 430-490 Wing Area (sq. ft) 153.8 153.8 153.8 153.8 153.8 153.8 Power Loading (lb./hp) 14.1 16 11.5 14.6 9.4 11.8 Rate of Climb (ft/min) 700 500 900 500 900 600 Take Off Run (ft) 150 300 100 350 100 300 Landing Roll (ft) 200 300 200 350 250 350 Stall Speed (mph) 36 38 36 40 36 40 Vne (mph) 120 120 120 120 120 120 Top Speed (mph) 85 80 95 90 105 100 Cruise @ 75% (mph) 70 65 75 72 85 80 Fuel Capacity (USG) 14 14 14 14 14 14 Fuel Burn @ 75% USG/hr 4 4 4.5 4.5 4 4 Range @ 75% (miles) 245 227 247 237 298 280 PLEASE NOTE: The stated performance figures are estimates only, based on textbook analysis and design criteria. In a continuing effort to improve standards of development, Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd. reserves the right to make changes to design and performance specifications at any time without notice.
  20. Yes, this looks like it fits the brief well... Very light weight, low power, good looking and reasonably priced! It's gotta be great fun to fly!
  21. The Renegade Spirit can be purchased in a quick build kit form. Weights for the Renegade Spirit run 420 to 520 pounds. Forward of the Spirit firewall there can be a Rotax 582 (65 hp.), or if you prefer four cycle, a Rotax 912 (80-100 hp.). The Spirit also features the nostalgic look of the rounded bump cowling that made antique aircraft like the Monocoupe famous. Depending on where you live, the Renegade might qualify for ultralight aircraft status. Extract from a website for a kit.... Sounds very promising.... I need to fly one now!
  22. Hi Jim, Which part of Tassie are you? Regards Mark
  23. Man that thing is crazy... Never seen one of them before!
  24. Stumbled across a website with loads of funny chatter:- Here are a few examples (Submitted by Viki Lishe - Braniff International Flight Attendant) Cessna 152: "Flight Level Three Thousand, Seven Hundred" Controller: " Roger, contact Houston Space Center" 727 pilot: "Do you know it costs us two thousand dollars to make a 360 in this airplane?" Controller: "Roger, give me four thousand dollars worth." Controller: "USA353 (sic) contact Cleveland Center 135.60. (pause) Controller: "USA353 contact Cleveland Center 135.60!" (pause) Controller: "USA353 you're just like my wife you never listen!" Pilot: "Center, this is USA553, maybe if you called her by the right name you'd get a better response!" ATC: "N123YZ, say altitude." N123YZ: "ALTITUDE!" ATC: "N123YZ, say airspeed." N123YZ: "AIRSPEED!" ATC: "N123YZ, say cancel IFR." N123YZ (Pause) "Eight thousand feet, one hundred fifty knots indicated." ATC: "Pan Am 1, descend to 3,000 ft on QNH 1019." Pan AM 1: "Could you give that to me in inches?" ATC: "Pan Am 1, descend to 36,000 inches on QNH 1019." Tower: "Aircraft on final, go around, there's an aircraft on the runway!" Pilot Trainee: "Roger" (pilot continues approach) Tower: "Aircraft, I said GO AROUND!!!" Pilot Trainee: "Roger" The trainee doesn't react, lands the aircraft on the numbers, rolls to a twin standing in the middle of the runway, goes around the twin and continues to the taxiway. Unknown aircraft: "I'm f...ing bored!" Air Traffic Control: "Last aircraft transmitting, identify yourself immediately!" Unknown aircraft: "I said I was f...ing bored, not f...ing stupid!"
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