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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. I think many start out with that ambition, but few achieve it
  2. Airborne will have them... Which reminds me, they were supposed to stick one on...
  3. It's interesting to note your checklist TWMPFISCHR ... Completely different to mine Before start we use STAIP and then before taxi we use CHIFWAP and when in the circuit at start of downwind we use FAAWNT Our circuits are at 1000ft also Regards Mark
  4. Good to read your posts. I'm on a very similar journey, but I got a 582. I'm hanging to get up again... But have to wait to first week of Nov to get a spot with CFI
  5. All I can say is that it's hard to add up and I can't be bothered, so it just costs something... For me, it's pretty cheap - Microlight. But if I keep going with my future plans, it could be a lot .... Of fun, so who cares!
  6. I can't wait to watch it... I reckon it must be an amazing view from the start point... Why don't we use huge balloons to lift space craft up to that height before firing the rockets? Surely, that would be cheaper and repeatable
  7. Hi Odd, You won't get much from me... Only because I don't know anything!!! Welcome anyway Mark
  8. Reading all the hyphens makes you realize how many times we press the space bar!!!
  9. Very good. I won't spoil it....
  10. I had my fingers crossed... Very sorry for all on board, their family and friends. RIP The dangers the weather creates cannot be understated.
  11. I'm at 4 hours and haven't gone solo yet.... At about 12 hours of theory.... Yep, you guessed it.... The weather has been too windy every time I've booked in! Just started touch and go landings...
  12. Yeah, only took me three lessons and I had my own flying kite....
  13. Not yet! Hope not too much longer...
  14. Flying lessons cost me $180/hr plus GST
  15. Thanks for your comments... I believe it has worked this time... But I have just installed iOS 06
  16. Hi all, I can't seem to upload photos using iPhone / iPad This includes changing avatar Is there a way? Mark
  17. Great video... What do they do when no fires... I'd be wanting to fly all the time!
  18. Unfortunately nobody's making the low cost fully aerobatic ultralight amphibian bush plane I want..... The quote above was part of a post on another forum.... But sums up what I was thinking also!!! LOL http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/light-stuff-area/4859-new-design-project-aerobatic-ultralight-biplane.html
  19. We used to have a shack at aldinga on the cliffs that the government removed.... Great beach, dry inland. Hope they won't close the airfield because I'd be wanting to land there once I get my x country... Like all coast regions, eventually the land becomes prime target for developers as Adelaide grows...
  20. Unless you are going way outback... A pocket knife and a flint are all you need... Oh, just watch bear grills series first... LOL
  21. Yeah, let's see what you got.... Photo please
  22. Im using an ipad 2... Just Used the link to the website & google translate bar was at the top...
  23. Solitaire... Which is a fixed wing 3-axis... Not a buzzy thing
  24. Tomo got one for around $10k... Try the classifieds section (and stay away from eBay)
  25. Riley has a good point.... I didn't think of this before buying mine... I since found this website, which looks like a start... http://www.sisleyclothing.com.au/nomex-flight-suits/nomex-one-piece-suit/nomex-one-piece-flight-suit.html
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