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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. I think it worthwhile to make mention of the responses (or lack of) that I have received from both email and phone... I'll name and shame to avoid others wasting their time in the next message once I've compiled the facts!
  2. Herm, Was your insurance QBE? I might also be Guernsey's Son too...
  3. Maybe we should contact Richard Branson and say, can you look at aircraft insurance and come up with a better deal!!!
  4. Thanks Alf, I'll look into it and keep poking around until I find something... Regards Mark
  5. I can see we have gotten of track here at page 318... I'll get it going once I read back a bit to see who the characters are...
  6. Ive been making a few calls to see if I can get some insurance for my trike... All I want insurance to cover theft. Has anyone found such? Regards Mark
  7. Nice plane the Cessna... I like the cold wind in my face... Welcome! Mark
  8. This guy (Neil) is nuts and he doesn't even know it... Not sure if he's had a lesson... Had to chuckle a couple of times though!!!
  9. I was there buzzing around this morning in Ned's trike.... Circuits, low passes down to 20' ... Will be there again tomorrow as well.... It it awesome!
  10. I did some further google searching and came across the following post. Im not sure if we can post it here... Assuming we can if we make reference to its source... If not can admin delete please. reference: whrl.pl/RcXpjt posted 2011-Oct-15, 9am AEST http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1771243 Andebrook wrote a reply to another poster Nuard... Its in colour on their blog... Mate you are off on a few things here... Nuard writes... All product is carried in the same piping system, and tanks arent cleaned between product changes. Refinery fed terminals use the same primary pipe into the terminal. Once in the terminal, there is a pipe for every different base grade (G10, M91, M96, M98, E100) Tanks are NEVER empty – safety, air, loss of suction – except for scheduled maintenance. Nuard writes... All fuel is exactly the same, comes from the same storage tanks and isn't separated into brands at all, same with Diesel (except Vortex diesel since it has an extra anti foam additive) The base grade is the same – it has to be, it is an Australian standard and requirement. The final product that gets pumped into your car is different for every grade for every company. Vortex G10 additive is added at the terminal level also. Nuard writes... There is a difference however on the QC between the big three. Both Caltex and BP only pull test samples at the refinery level, Shell however not only pull samples at the refinery, but they also pull samples at all the major storage sites and do significantly more random checks at servo's. It is an Australia requirement that all product must settle in tank at the terminal level and be sampled and tested prior to release to the gantry. Refinery testing occurs to ensure that off-spec product is not sent down the pipe, as there is no way to pump back to a refinery (truck back only option). Product MUST and DOES get tested at the terminal level as the spec changes once moved in a pipeline (mulitgrade pipeline provides low risk of contamination) – ie: conductivity in JET-A1 decreases with movement. Nuard writes... All the different fuel types use the same additive pack, feel free to look at the MSDS's of each product which lists whats in the packs. Absolute rubbish. As a driver you only have access to the gantry area and driveways of a terminal. Mini-Pac additive pumps at the gantry provide no insight as to what additive is being put into each product. If you had access to the tank farm, you would notice that there are multiple additive tanks throughout the terminal, each for a different grade for a different company. All majors use COMPLETELY different additives in their products, this is what provides the point of differentiation and why majors spend money on R&D! As for Vortex, you cannot pump an anti-foam additive (key word here) down a refinery pipeline for quality and contamination reasons – it is added at the gantry level when loading your barrells...
  11. My CFI agrees. BP 98 only... Apparently all come from same refinery Shell Vmax etc
  12. Sounds exciting, but I'm NSW and can't help! Regards Mark
  13. Before I started flying, $200 was a lot of money and I thought long and hard about spending it.... Now I've just surrendered and think nothing of it (otherwise ill get grumpy).... We went out for dinner last night only $102!!!
  14. Thanks Damo, I might go ahead and buy a second hand 96 then... I already have the iPad, but not yet subscribed full time to ozrunways ... Played with the trial version plenty... I'll get that in a year or so when my training catches up .... Regards Mark
  15. Hi terry... I have never bothered with any forum site before - except this one!!
  16. How do these compare with GPSmap 96 ?
  17. GPSmap 96 any good? Or oz runways better?
  18. I did my first lot of circuits today !! It was great... Low passes - no landings...
  19. Great video and sound track... Looks like you had a ball!
  20. Great adventure! Have you used your iPad to track your position?
  21. Hi, has anyone flown south if Hobart? That is where I will be... When I bring my kite down... It won't be this year - maybe next year! As I am always getting away from Sydney by going to my shed in tas, I'd be happy to meet up next time I'm there!
  22. Hi guys, I didn't think anyone was flying trikes in tas... But obviously I'm wrong... I will be joining you in 4 years... I'm still in Sydney, but will be here soon!! Regards Mark
  23. Funny you say that, because my CFI says the exact same thing.... Me being a curious bloke will need to get to the bottom of this... As I'm going to put my x-series on floats....
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