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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. Changed by disconnecting the bottom hose from RHS radiator (when looking from prop) but now temp hit 180 degrees (which is max) Fahrenheit on climb and on ground runs - when previously 150~160 Fahrenheit was normal on climb and 140-150 during cruise. I tried opening every bolt, tube to bleed air but still same! (The two Allen key bolts and the edge centre bolt on top of the engine bolt 24 rotax diagram - the opposite location to where tube 14 that leads back to the radiator). I didn't open bottom bolt on the water pump - should I? Does anyone have a method for dummies that I could try!! My god this is a frustrating process. Mainly because there are no damn instructions on how to do it properly in Rotax manuals. Neither could I find via Google? What annoys me more is that I didn't actually need to do it for the 100 hourly service either. Why did I? Because I couldn't determine what coolant was in it as I bought second hand - it was green. I didn't want to mix. And I thought a renewal would be good! Not able to find castrol antifreeze all climate, I bought nulon red premix (after checking with airborne). I also tried draining some out and diluting with deionised water - no change. I suspect an airlock somewhere.., I've given up on nulon red and bought castrol radicool (green). I'm going to flush it all out and fill up with this. Really need help on how to do it properly! Current grounded until I solve this! Attached a few photos
  2. Subscribed and Loaded fine on my iPad. After that I tried to reload on my iphone and it worked too.. Don't know what happened before... Enjoyed the articles and the megafauna 2014 video.... Couple of guys I know obviously went along --- I did notice I didn't need to move his trike to get mine out that week... Maybe when I get around to doing my XCountry, I'll do a megafauna trip
  3. They are all on snapchat and intagram None of them use FB to message or share pics/videos
  4. Very sad news- my condolences to all friends and family
  5. Had two roos jump out on the highway at night in the way to kerang from Adelaide Just veered past the leading one (ran over its tail) and brushed the nose of the other one at 100km/hr Gives you a bit of a rush !
  6. Wonder if they can fly the plane out again?
  7. It's a max $5000 fine The only good that I get from mine is when standing in line a KFC - I feel special!
  8. In construction - the architect used to know the rules for building Now they can't keep up - so we need more consultants to tell us what we need to do to comply - fire, access, stat authority rules etc etc
  9. My cousins live at Kerang - didn't know there was an aerodrome - is better drop in
  10. It is crazy that it takes anything more than a week to renew? And that would just be based on staff versus requests. With 3500 renewals that's only 10 per day - one person could sort that out! What are they checking? What process is involved? I'm HGFA and will stay there until RAAus sorts it's act out I know HGFA takes a week or less
  11. Which ever way you twist it, picking and poking holes is poor form and hard to patch up later
  12. Snuck in a good 2 1/2 hours at YWOL on Sat. Raining on the way down from Sydney but dry about 5km from the airport Nobody else around - so I checked the weather forecast again... Nope all good so I rigged it and went flying Hands off smooth as silk! The day only got better
  13. Bruce The Eros - are you putting a 503 or 582? Regards Mark
  14. And still no avatar
  15. The plane was also in fine condition and Drucker was able to fly home the same evening. - I find this interesting considering he knocked the fence post out of the ground!
  16. Eye didn't see that one coming
  17. With BRS they cut the cable so it can't be fired Note - a BRS CAN be fired by pulling on the cable even though the safety pin is in place - trike owners beware
  18. Sure was a solid Westerly - no sign of it slowing - so I also went home too!! Pity as there was a good program planned.
  19. Ignorance - so it's allowed then by CASA I can go and do this at YWOL with my recreational license then?? Or us there an endorsement I need to launch from a trailer or other moving vehicle? Aerobatics at shows are by professional stunt trained pilots not your general aviator Write all sorts of abuse at me --- that's fine Yet plenty of people bag stupidity or unnecessary actions So you don't like my comment - so what!
  20. This should be illegal
  21. I'll be there practicing my photography...
  22. Bummer - but another 2nd best outcome
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