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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. Made it to land and walked away - 2nd best result
  2. Toowomba to Brisbane is only 1hr 36mins drive (127km) and $15 on the greyhound bus.... Maybe a meeting is in order... I'll ask a dumb question - why not 65hp engine? Like a 582 Rotax. I have Xplane - how can we try and fly yours? Can we download it?
  3. Very bad news - my condolences Speedy recovery wishes to the little girl RIP
  4. That is such a bummer - stupidity
  5. Not sure if that's it but got that info from here http://www.urana.nsw.gov.au/VisitingUranaShire/GettingHere.aspx
  6. Urana Airstrip The Urana airstrip was constructed in 1953 for use as an emergency air field for Urana and the district. Located at Victoria Park, the following information may be useful to any pilots intending to use the airstrip. Length: The strip is approximately 1,000 metres. Surface: The strip has grass cover and runs E/SE to W/NW marked by white painted tyres. Has a windsock. Location: World Aeronautical Chart 35° 20’ 40” south, 146° 17’ 00” east. The strip is located east of Urana and adjoins the Urana Golf Course. Warning: A Power line is located 300 metres from western end. Please Note: It is outside the technical expertise of Council and its officers to advise pilots as to whether they should or should not use the airstrip. Pilots should address enquiries about the suitability of the Urana Air Strip for their intended purpose to other pilots in the area or the relevant authority for an assessment of the ability or otherwise to operate from this facility. No landing charges apply at this unregistered airstrip. No fuel is available. For more information contact Urana Shire Council by phone on (02) 6930 9100 or fax on (02) 6930 9101 during business hours. Alternatively, email your enquiry to [email protected].
  7. Hi king 30 years- wow I wish I'd started earlier, but enjoying flying now for almost 2 years...
  8. Never in the air, but who hasn't done that in a car...
  9. Sounds ok I have a telephone plug on the end of mine - how can I convert from more conventional plugs ? Apart from cutting off and working out which wire goes where...
  10. Any David Clark suitable for trike flying---ie windy conditions
  11. Weightshift Microlight Pilot Certificate - obtained XC next
  12. Agree - very well presented and a wonderful insight into what goes into a bombing raid
  13. She ain't a dumb blonde
  14. Well Done JC
  15. Took a couple of pics of my mount
  16. To use NBN you need to be plugged in.
  17. Say hi to ERA Alaska, Jim tweto and especially John Ponz (if you get to barrow)
  18. Great job.... Given me some ideas
  19. Great pics JG3
  20. True for the corporate ladder too. The higher you go, the less you need to know. When you get to the top you only need to know how to sign your name...
  21. That's cheap - mine $181
  22. Nice video - good to see some different airstrips... I've got same compass - I've put plastic clips on - which allow the compass cradle tobsimply press onto the compression strut Might have a pic somewhere
  23. while you are re-building, you could hire a plane and get some bugs in ya teeth
  24. Avoid politics and chose interesting topics - like compass swing for example I learn plenty from here
  25. Welcome All good planes you listed What about a seamax? Mark
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