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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. Interesting roof
  2. Bad news - Condolenses to all
  3. Bumped into my neighbour and said I'd been flying - only to receive the reply that he's a glider pilot I feel trumped
  4. Better inform your bank too
  5. Thanks HITC Ill be doing this from now on and having my fire extinguisher on hand!
  6. Frank Thanks for the link After reading that article and the newsletter, ill be reading all the others too Regards Mark
  7. I always use a metal jerry can and mr funnel Trike always filled away from hangar Never intentionally earthed the can - it's so heavy (25L), have to put it on the ground before lifting to fill What other earthing is suggested? A tag line to the ground?
  8. Well done Dave
  9. Hi Bucky Not sure why others haven't been as quick as usual to welcome you to the forum - maybe the bit about Canberra... Seriously, I started at 41 and was equally tight on funds I started with a TIF from bankstown, then a TIF from albion park on a trike The trike won the battle and am just about to get my Licence I have every intention of adding 3 axis AC in due course and seaplanes etc All I can say is get started with even one lesson a month if that's all you can manage - but if course the more the better Regards Mark
  10. It just shows, if you don't panic you've got a much better chance
  11. Hi, which trike is yours ? Mines in the hangar there too (de-rigged) Mark
  12. In a trike there is one tank only - and the only way to check is by trying to see the fuel level through the cloudy white plastic fuel tank - very hard to actually see This is how the plane is designed and certified I would have thought one day the designers might consider a fuel gauge
  13. Doing the downwind checks for fuel... It's very hard to see the fuel in the tank I don't have a mirror on the wheel spat, but even with this it's not easy (there was one on the instructors trike) Is there a fuel gauge that anyone knows about? It wouldn't need to be calibrated - just let you know when your tank is getting low My two stroke only has a 40litre tank - so about 2 hours before a top up... I don't want to just rely on time and consumption
  14. Interesting that the designer of the jabiru is left blank?
  15. HGFA (NSW) just jumped to $352/yr
  16. Scott was certainly exceptional - huge loss to Australian aviation and aviation in general The man made things that others never could!
  17. Outstanding performance and design!
  18. Sounds like a great trip - cant wait until I'm let loose...
  19. I love this video - birds are much smarter than we give them credit...
  20. 280km/hr 40 Hp
  21. Maybe red balloon then - they organise adventures
  22. He's tried before... Same result... Maybe next time get some sponsorship from red bull
  23. Check this out
  24. What range can you get?
  25. All I wanted was to be a pilot --- almost got into the defence force academy - but I was 15... Ended up doing civil engineering instead Just started flying 18 months ago --- but I was very apprehensive and a little scared I'm enjoying it - but take it very seriously that I don't have time to smile - yet You got your PPL pretty quick !!! Enjoy
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