If its the one near wilpena pound - then it's a gravel strip with fuel.
I sent the family up for an ariel view mid arvo in summer - apparently very rough on the air
No idea of costs for fuel etc
My antenna mount - very similar to a number of others in the hangar
The metal bracket and pipe clamp from bunnings
Aerial from mobileone - tuned to 124
3.6m from radio to hang point - connector - then 2m to antenna
Works beautifully
Thanks herm
Ill be able to put my soldering iron to use again!
For anyone owning a Pajero (mine is NM), if you ever find a problem with a faulty temp gauge, I know how to fix it - you just need a soldering iron!
I've overheard that there are approximately 5000 recreational pilots in Australia and only about 500 Microlight trike pilots (RAAus and HGFA registered combined)
Is this ball park accurate?
Thanks Patrick
Good to know what intercom it is - it works perfectly
My passengers headset stopped working and pretty sure it's the mic - he could hear me, but I couldn't hear him
I'll pull it apart and look for the loose wire
One of my peltor headsets has a dodgy mic
I have no idea of the model as it came with the trike
I also have no idea what the intercom system is - can't find a brand on it
I also am not sure the connector - looks like a telephone plug RJ12
I have a few options
1) try to fix it
2) get a new or working second hand - my difficulty here is finding one with the right plug
The head set is comfortable and works fine, so not interested in spending a fortune
Open cockpit
I forgot to bring it home to pull to pieces!
Anyone ever fixed one?
Anyone have an old one they no longer need ?
It will be the passengers headset!
Another great weekend at YWOL
Got to fly my trike Solo on Sat and Sun. Dual 0.7h and Solo 1.7h
Was great to get some hang time and practice twenty circuit, landings
Next weekend weather doesn't look good!
I get there at 6:30am and ready to fly by 7:15 ... But when you have to put up the wing and take it down again, it's only worthwhile if the weather is right!
Basically the planets need to align - booked lesson, weekend and perfect weather